Kate The Bionic Uterus

Dia-noga's trash compactor holiday getaway

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Please; I have a question and I am hoping someone here can help me out. I am a little bit confused about the compatibility of mods for the tslrcm and the new m4-78ep. If a mod is good for the tslrcm is it also good for the m4-78ep? 


I am all ready to start playing but I want certain mods that I used in my last go around like;


Ultimate Appearance Mod

Slenderbodied Females Comp patch 

Shem's Ultimate Sound Mod for TSL and KotOR


More Vibrant Skies 1.0

K2 Exterior Textures, Part 1 Version 0.1

K2 Exterior Textures, Part 2 Version 0.1

Please; I also would like to know if VIBRANT skies conflicts with Vurt's K2 Exterior Textures


New Bounty Hunters on Onderon

New Onderon Merchant


1)High Level Force Powers 2.0 & 2.1 update
2)Improved Combat AI


I just need confirmation before I start playing. Thanks everybody :D

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All right! I am finally ready to start. I want to thank everybody here at Deadly Stream for their expert advice. I have decide to document my install of the tslrcm 1.8.2 and the m4-78 ep and the mods that I have chosen. I hope to turn it into a PDF document along with my save game files with the goal of providing new players an easy to follow set up and smooth game play.


The manual is being written on another thread at another website but I will post the important parts here too. I will be including pictures to show every choice I make.


I have enabled; Shadows, Grass, Frame Rate Buffer, Soft Shadow

My Advanced Graphics are set at; Sample AA = 8

Anisotrophy = 16 (if your game gets all screwy lower this or even turn it off and make a clean save - I ussually keep this on "0" until I am off of Paragus Station)

I do not use the V-Sync


I will be playing at the hardest combat difficulty levels.

I have chosen to be a Female Jedi Consular and will be turning her into a Master Dark Jedi. 

I have named her, "Darth Vilja" after my favourite Oblivion companion mod, "Companion Vilja" by Emma http://lovkullen.net/Emma/index.htm


For any new users; In order to play you need the game with the disks. The STEAM version does not work that great. You can buy it from Amazon for $13.00 shipping included here; http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Knights-Old-Republic-Pc/dp/B00027CXEM

Here's a link that seems to help out with Vista and Windows 7 installations.
Go to the following thread and go directly to post 2: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=194324

Then after you install the game you need to download and install the 1.0b update.

For the US & Canada click this; http://www.lucasarts.com/support/update/kotor2.html

For the rest of the world and language support click this; http://www.lucasarts.com/support/update/kotor2int.html


Install the mods in the order as they appear in this thread directly into the Override Folder C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override In the folder called "Override". For other operating systems the pathway will be different.

***If you get a prompt to overwrite then allow it to do so.***

EXCEPT FOR: The Slender Bodies mod. That comes with an Automated Installer. Follow the instructions that come with the mod and then use the installer.


You can find the TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.2 here; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/197-tsl-restored-content-mod/
***If you notice that it says on the splash Installer window that the version is 1.8.1 don't worry about it. It is really 1.8.2

***OPTIONAL If you want to use The Ultimate Appearance Mod, which I HIGHLY recommend then you need to install it next before the M4-78ep.  For all mod installation see Install instructions above or bellow. 

Ultimate Appearance Mod

Next install;
M4-78 Enhancement Project is found here; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/277-m4-78-enhancement-project/


Install instructions for the MODS listed here.


Install the mods in the order as they appear in this thread directly into the Override Folder C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override In the folder called "Override". For other operating systems the pathway will be different.

***If you get a prompt to overwrite then allow it to do so.***

EXCEPT FOR: The Slender Bodies mod. That comes with an Automated Installer. Follow the instructions that come with the mod and then use the installer.



Protocol Droids by Vurt: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/189-protocol-droids-by-vurt/

Hi-Res Beam Effects: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/221-hi-res-beam-effects/

90SK's G0-T0 Reskin: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/90SKs_G0T0_Reskin;88285

Ebon Hawk Texture Enhancement 1.0: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/282-ebon-hawk-texture-enhancement/

Animated Galaxy Map 2.0: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/219-animated-galaxy-map/

Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Realistic_Nar_Shaddaa_Skybox;88468



Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V 1.0 by Sith Holocron 

Shem's Ultimate Sound Mod for TSL and KotOR

K2 Exterior Textures, Part 1 Version 0.1 by Vurt

K2 Exterior Textures, Part 2 Version 0.1 by Vurt


Vibrosword replacement pack 1.0 by DeadMan 


If you play as a Male then skip this.
Slenderbodied Females Comp. Patch 2.0
A must have if you play as a female otherwise the body looks like a female Russian Lumberjack. For this mod you need to follow the instructions and use the automated installer. You must first download this mod but *don't install it. Follow the instructions that are given in the Patch.* Slender Body for Females (1.1) http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Slender_Body_for_Females;41158












If you are wondering why I didn't put a point in Stealth, it is because you get another chance to level up before you need to use it.

As far as Awareness is concerned I never really worry about that. I once played with it at "zero" and it had "zero" effect on the game. I Usually put one point in it and then later on in the game after I reach level 20 or so I will put in a few more.

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Okies... I am re-igniting this thread. YAY :ice:


I am going through the motions of re-installing kotor2 and the new ep although this installation will be kept as simple as possible so I can avoid any problems and complete aall the quests and new content. I will be playing on the hardest difficulty as an evil character using swords only and only dark side powers. I will be recording my play with fraps and posting them on youtube.


I have never posted a FRAPS video on youtube before so if anyone has some advice I could sure use it; like what screen size should the video be and how long should the recoding intervals be and such things like that. I will be testing everything out this week and I am shooting for the start date if all goes well by the end of september. That should give me some time to do some play testing and stuff.


I'll be using this thread to link updates and stuff :handy: (better late than never eh?)


Cheers :wine:

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Glad to see the thread back! I don't know much about Fraps though. I would like to reinstall too, but alas my KOTOR 2 disks are broken! Once I get my new laptop I'll get the steam version.

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Glad to see the thread back! I don't know much about Fraps though. I would like to reinstall too, but alas my KOTOR 2 disks are broken! Once I get my new laptop I'll get the steam version.

Hey thanks btw you can buy the disk version off of amazon for $16.00 shipping included http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Knights-Old-Republic-Pc/dp/B00027CXEM

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If you're using Fraps, get VirtualDub and the Xvid codec - by default, videos are saved to about 4 GB, so you'll need them to compress the files without losing qualit.

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I just use Windows own Movie Maker to compress FRAPS movies to sizable parts.

Of course I just use the free FRAPS and thus maximum 30s parts.


As for $16, it´s cheaper on Steam ($10 when not on sale, which makes it even cheaper)

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I just use Windows own Movie Maker to compress FRAPS movies to sizable parts.

Of course I just use the free FRAPS and thus maximum 30s parts.


As for $16, it´s cheaper on Steam ($10 when not on sale, which makes it even cheaper)

Well I think I can help you out there. Think of it as a thank you present for all you guys have done. Sendinding it through PM

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Following the install post I have a question about step #7; "...by If you have them, you can also install the enhanced movie (only recommended for monitors with a vertical resolution of 1200 or higher; don't bother otherwise) and music files for KotOR 2 (available on the same site as the official patches) at this time."


I have never done this step before and I these files are not located on the page. Can somebody please provide links and maybe update the install guide post? I tried to search for them but to no avail. My install is now in limbo :(


Thanks in advance


Hmm... I guess I will just post here if I have more questions. Cheers.



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Weee... thank you HH and SH for that. I just pulled an all nighter so I'm off to bed for 6 hours. I check back in over the next couple of days. tyvm for the links. I can't wait XDDD Looks like I'll have to make all new signature banners!


EDIT: I am just goingto call you two SHHH from now on XDDD

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Oh I forgot I have an open thread here. SHHH can you please merge this with my open thread;

Dia-noga's trash compactor holiday getaway


This way I have all my install notes in the same place.

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WoW This thread is a thread of memories. Nov 2012 was the day I tripped over this place. I remember reading a new thread in a private Oblivion modding forum and the member was playing KOTOR2 and an ealier version of the tslrcm. I eagerly waited for new posts and pics until one day he mentioned that he was stuck some where in the game. Well that was the day I posted on his thread, unstucked him ;D and then made the fateful decision to ask him about this carazy mod he was using that completed the game. I remembered the days of project Gizka and the waiting... the disappointment. When I learned that there was a mod that actually did what I thought could never be done... well you can only imagine my excitement!


The link he provided brought me here and the next day I went to my brothers house and asked him where his kotor games were. Before you knew it I was opening old boxes in his basement and BINGO I found them. I took them home, came online and created an account as well as this thread on the same day! Three years ago I got to play my favourite game again to completion and loved it.


My participation is streaky at best. I come and go because I am not a hard core gamer. I work full time which includes a lot of travelling and I have a lot of family obligations, not to mentions friends and my dogs... I can only play one game at a time so I hop from game to game and forum to forum. Just reading through this small thread I can see my installs, some set up mistakes and utter failures such as my last attempt to play the new EP. That never got done. My gaming rig at the time was on it's last gears and I bought a used gaming rig to replace my fantastic old one that allowed me to play my games at very high settings which I paid practically nothing for. 200 bucks and it did the job but I wanted more. So I slowly saved some money and bought the parts online and asked my brother in law to put it together for me. I can now play any game on ultra setting enjoy taking vids and pics of my adventures sometimes.


What I really enjoy is mingling with other people who also have a passion for the game I enjoy. I have been a member of many forums. Some good, few great and mostly poor. This place is the perfect forum. It has and follows it's rules, follows the strict copyright protection laws as they should regarding porting of assets from other games but they also are very flexible and fair with their membership. When it comes to gaming forums this place is one of the best run places I have come across in my surfing travels.  It is always a pleasure coming here.


I can only speak to the games and mods I have played, but since that fateful day in November 2012 and my completion of the tslrcm 1.8.1, I have never stopped my proclamation that it is by far the greatest modding achievement in gaming history. To this day I continue spreading the word.


So I guess what I'm trying to say is that Dia-noga and I thank you for all the fun this place provides. You guys are the real Jedi Knights and this forum stands as the real Coruscant.


“You do have your moments. Not many, but you have them.” :Juggle:

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Quick question as I am installing this game while trying to size some dds files in photoshop;


Umm... ya so I have updated and installed the tslrcm correctly but in the install instructions on the main page the next step says to install tslrcm compatible mods now and said there was a list in the forums. No link? Ok no biggie, *humph*  :coffee:  So my question now is; when do I install the  m4-78ep? If I install some compatible mods do I then install the EP and if I install the EP can I still add other mods later? This last part of the install instructions are unclear. :ball:


I did play through the beginning to test it out and watch the updated videos and listen to the new sound. I did find that my PC got stuck a few times after killing a droid. I just saved and restarted but it was a lil annoying. I don't remember having this bug but then again my last play through was on my old winXP rig. Has anyone else come across this? :vava:


I am so close... Hey gang! Please recommend some mods. That would be fun eh? :w00t:

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List the mods you plan to install. Be specific on the title of the mod, the mod author, and provide a link to the mod. (Yes, even if the mod is from this site.)

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List the mods you plan to install. Be specific on the title of the mod, the mod author, and provide a link to the mod. (Yes, even if the mod is from this site.)



Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn


Coruscant Hiqh Resolution Textures by Exile007


Coruscant Jedi Temple by DeathDisco (However, this mod is NOT compatible with M4-78 EP unless you also use the compatibility patch too.)


Better Male Bodies by Trex


Imperial Officers by Prime


Full Force Mod by Team Hssiss


Fixed Kreia's Fall Movie by Jinger


Movement Animation Fix for KOTOR & TSL by ZimmMaster


Darth Nihilus Animation Fix by Khrizby


Droid Enhancement by ElecManEXE


Expanded Workbench Revised Revision 2.02 by Vanaheim (AKA Vanir)


Remote Tells Influence by tk102


Insane Dustil by Princess Artemis


TSL Visual Enhancement 2011 by Xarwarz but the download link I couldn't find but found all of them here--> http://www.moddb.com/members/xarwarrz/addons oops just found this page too http://tekniikalz.wix.com/xedii#!releases/c1x9v


High Level Force Powers by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) part 1 http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/High_Level_Force_Powers;43066 part 2 http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/High_Level_Force_Powers;67156#Download


Bao-Dur's Charged Armor by ChAiNz 2da oh so happy this is here XDD


Movie Mandalorians by Darth_Deadman


T.W.O - Heavy Repeater Pack by BryanWee20

Blaster Rifle Pack by BryanWee20

Heavy Blaster Pack by BryanWee20


Sith Assassins - with Lightsabers by Shem


Edit: adding these two mods and their patches.

Admirality Mod by Jinger (AKA Kreia) - Use this compatibility mod: TSLRCM Compatibility Patch for jinger's Admiralty Mod

Slender Body for Females by Taina - Use this compatibility mod: Slenderbodied Females Comp. Patch


I am investigating this mod for now...

Game Balance Mod by Achilles - ONLY use Autobalance.2da, don't use any of the other files with the mod!!!


I am disappointed that I am unable to use this must have mod but where there is smoke there is fire. If this is causing problems in one area it can also be causing problems in others; Improved AI by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) - While this mod mostly works, it cause some problems with one scene on Nar Shaddaa (you might be unable to select a third teammember during a cutscene so have to do some hard battles with just Bao-Dur and Atton).


I am all ready to install these. Awaiting your orders admiral.

Edited by Kate The Bionic Uterus

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So why did I post these mods here like you asked SH? SH? Helloooo SH? :cat:



I am going ahead and following the install instructions found on the "HOME" page where it clearly states that after installing the TSLRCM the next step is installing the M4-78EP and then the mods of your choice. I really just want to get through the game at least once so I am just going to stay with these mods for now. I guess I could try others later.


My plan is to play on Hard level, Jedi Consular with the Sith Lord Prestige Class, Dark Side using only dark side powers, No Lightsaber until the Return to Dxun and the Sith Camp where at the end you search the tomb to find Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber and then I will use it in my off hand.


I plan on releasing my save games folder so people could use it for game/mod testing. I haven't decided on the sex yet but most of the time I play evil characters as female because you know, not only are evil female dark jedis a lot sexier to play I have also found that it makes more sense with the way the story plays out/written. I also love playing with Vibroswords as a darkside Sith Lord. Ya baby, old school ^^

Edited by Kate The Bionic Uterus

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This set of instructions - via LiliArch - includes Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion so feel free to ignore that portion if you so desire.
TSLRCM + M4-78 EP + Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion + Coruscant Jedi Temple + Coruscant Jedi Temple Expansion installation

1. Follow the M4-78 EP + Korriban Expansion compatibility instructions.
2. Install the Coruscant Jedi Temple mod.
3. During the installation, you will get a warning "placeables.2da already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file..." That is normal and nothing to worry about. If you get any other warnings, however, you have a problem.
4. Drop the files "a_galaxymap.ncs", "galaxymap_p.gui" and "tr_leave_ehawk.ncs" from Jedi Temple Compatibility fix's M4-78EP folder to your game's Override folder, overwriting the ones in there.
5. Drop the file "changes.ini" from Jedi Temple Compability fix's "Jedi Temple expansion changes.ini" folder to Jedi Temple expansion's tslpatchdata folder, overwriting the one in there.
6. Run the Jedi Temple Expansion's installer (make sure it is the one whose tslpatchdata folder you dropped the changes.ini into).
7. Pick a save game from before ever entering Korriban (if you plan to go to M4-78 or use Newbiemodder's material)), and enjoy your game.


For Coruscant Hiqh Resolution Textures by Exile007. . .


If you want to see this background during your trial as well, listen to the mod's author.


Ok, so I was going through the Jedi Temple Mod, and it looks like that this is simply a process of renaming. Duplicate and rename "Mal_skyfrnt" to "Cor_sky1". Rename "Mal_skyUp" to "Cor_sky4". You're done, I think. Lemme know if you guys have problems.



As for the rest, I've only personally used the above mods and Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn so hopefully someone else can chime in.

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