Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 3, 2015 Hello everyone, and of course welcome new people from GOG . This is going to be a lengthy post.TL:DR version:TLSRCM 1.8.4:http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod-184/http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/downloads/tslrcm-183M4-78EP 1.2:http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/579-m4-78-enchancement-project/http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/downloads/m4-78ep-patched Or, if you're using Steam version of the game, get mods from Steam workshop! TSLRCM Installation Instructions1. If you're using an older version of TSLRCM (1.8 or lower), a game re-install is required before applying 1.8.3B.(Steam users, skip to point 4)2. After re-installing it's advised to apply the official patch (1.0b). Non-US versions require you to install 1.0a first, then 1.0b, US versions can install 1.0b right away. Make sure to apply the patch that fits your version. Also, after installing 1.8.3, the official patch can no longer be installed!3. If desired, apply the high quality music and/or movie patches4. Install 1.8.3BCHECK YOUR INSTALLATION DIRECTORY.DO NOT INSTALL INTO THE OVERRIDE FOLDER OR YOUR GAME WILL CRASH!We've had several users on Vista mention that instead of Program files (x86) it would point to Program Files/Program Files, causing the installation to fail. Make sure the installer points to the proper location of your KOTOR2 installation.Default (32-bit windows); C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Default (64-bit windows); C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Steam default (32-bit windows); C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\Steam default (64-bit windows); C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\GOG default: C:\GOG Games\Star Wars - KotOR25. To check if the installation has succeeded, try launching KOTOR2:TSL. If at the main menu it says "Restored Content Modification 1.8.3" on the screen the installation has been successful.PLEASE CHECK OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE OR MODDB FOR ANY POTENTIAL UPDATES6. While we try our best to make this mod as bug-free as possible, with the many options of KOTOR2 and our small testing team bugs, critical ones, sometimes make it through. We will fix them, so check our site for any potential updates and patches. We would rather not have people play unpatched and then experience issues like the black screen (1.7) or red eclipse (1.6)!7. Install any TSLRCM-compatible mods you desire now. If you're unsure if a mod you want is compatible, check our list at our forums, or section 6 - Mod compatibility in this readme.ULTIMATE SABER MOD (USM) IS NOT TSLRCM-COMPATIBLE. MOST REPORTED ISSUES ABOUT TSLRCM ARE FROM USERS STILL USING IT. DON'T!NEWSIt's nearly the 10th anniversary of TSL! Well, not entirely true, the game came out in December 2004 for American X-Box playersBut for the rest of the world, and PC gamers worldwide February 2005 (dates slightly varying on geographic location) was the release date of The Sith Lords. Still, the date December 2004 probably still says much for KOTOR2 fans, as even if it was just a partial release, the rush for Christmas was what made TSL rushed in the first place.The story probably doesn't need repeating. Obsidian got additional months from LucasArts, forgot to get it in writing and when they were suddenly forced to release on the original date thus had no leg to stand on. The rush left it's mark on the game, giving it it's dark edge that wasn't even part of the darker storyline. It's why some people think the game is worse than KOTOR1, and even now are of that opinion. What would have happened if they got the time they requested is now for everyone to wonder, would public opinion be it was better than KOTOR1 rather than worse as it is now? Did we get a KOTOR3 rather than The Old Republic? Not much use for thinking back on that, but we're doing it anyway as KOTOR2:TSL enters it's anniversary.Fortunately for the game, many of unfinished content was shipped within the game for modders to find. Several attempts were made for even in it's released state many couldn't help but be impressed by The Sith Lords. Digging deep in the files, and making a list of "planned, but not included" (which is still featured, albeit modified over the years), for which we are still very thankful, an effort was made to restore the game in it's full glory by the project TSLRP.Gathering a lot of interest of course from gamers wanting to see TSL in it's full glory the steps of the team were closely followed by a lot of people. It took a long time waiting in anticipation. A bit too long some found, as the progress reports of the team got longer and longer between statements. Years passed, and while there was an active modding community most people really looked for the "big mod" to release and work on that.Things went badly though, and while the idea was to fix everything at once, a leaked beta showed there was still some work to do, even if it was nice to finally experience the unfinished content in-game. Shortly afterwards, the mod died a quiet death however.A common response heard when asked about the release date was "If you don't like it, make the mod yourself"... after many re-iterations some people actually started out doing exactly that, unsure if TSLRP would ever be released. Valuable lessons were learned, most of what was restorable was added to a convenient list and they set out to make an own mod in case the other may fail, instead of releasing when 'perfect' releasing beta versions and updates to slowly shine the gem in the rough The Sith Lords was. That didn't mean to say TSLRCM wasn't rough around the edges as well, especially as the first "open" version 1.4 was released. Comparing it to 1.8.3B from today it probably would have sunk through the ground. Yet the base was laid, and from there we worked upwards, making the restored content more polished and removing TSL's vanilla issues as version upon version was released. That's about 5 years or so ago by now... it's been a long time. But though it started out rough with 1.4, hopefully with 1.8.3B these days TSL is close as it would have been. It took 5 years to work out those 2 months Obsidian missed, somewhat a testament too to the immense work Obsidian had done with the game, overambitious as it was for the allowed time. And I doubt we would have done it without the support of the community, keeping us all up and going from the start. Without we never would have kept working on it so long, and TSL might have not gotten the love it deserved. The original release, 1.8 and the Steam/GOG versions definitely showed us that people haven't forgotten The Sith Lords even when it was rushed as it was. That should be a testament to the quality of it's story.Now all we need is a KOTOR3 by Obsidian to finish the cliffhanger we were left with And of course let's not forget M4-78. Dropped shortly in development when it was apparent it was a bit too much of a workload, and all of it's content moved elsewhere (notably Nar Shaddaa) the unfinished module files still shipped with the X-box version. Of course snatched by some talented people, and then ported to the PC we could have a look around the modules, albeit them being highly unfinished (and some like hit detection can't be solved by modders, so you still see them in the EP :/). The first attempt to at least get them in somewhat a workable state was made by Stoney. You know, that guy also behind TSLRCM? The mod was very combat heavy, dialogue light, and re-used content seen also in other parts of the game it was moved towards. There was always the feeling more could be done with the maps rather than restoring what measly content was made for it by Obsidian before it got abandoned. And born was the M4-78 Enhancement Project, intended to make the planet a FULL planet, one that could stand amongst Nar Shaddaa, Onderon and all the great TSL planets we already know and love. An interesting plot, decisions to make, enough sidequests to make the place feel alive and can match the other KOTOR2 planets. Long was thought about ideas, the background plot and other things before work even started. And then work started, a looooong time of it. Working on implementing someone's else's work is slightly different from adding your own. Fixing other's bugs than making your own and fixing those!As mentioned, the idea was to make it a full-fledged planet. Not just a rompsplomp of combat, we all hate Malachor V after all. So the risky decision was made to make a large portion of the planet plot, not combat-focussed. It ended up being somewhat like the Onderon investigation, but instead of just following points with no interaction some thought had to be added here, and you could go around various ways to solve each problem. And when the combat did start, like Onderon-revisited, it got inter-cut with cut-scenes and dialogues closer and closer you came to the resolution.And after all that work, the tension really started, what the response would be. TSLRCM wasn't really like that, since we already knew a lot from the TSLRP attempt, and we bringing in Obsidian's content is obviously not the same as opening people to your own content.So we listened to what was said, some painful but true (can't hire professional VO-actors after all), some that were just harsh without any explenation why (not helpful btw), and of course we also loved that many people also loved it, and use it pretty much in conjecture with TSLRCM as "must have". And of course after listening we also tweaked a bit and fix the stuff that was legit and change-able. Still love to hear all your opinions of M4-78EP guys, don't keep them to yourselves!Well, that was a longer text than I planned writing. On towards the next piece of news;M4-78EP and TSLRCM updates!FIXLIST FOR UPDATE TSLRCM:* Additional restored lines for Kreia-Atris cutscene.* Modified Mebla slightly; you can play again after 'asking questions' but you can no longer ask questions after getting her tie breaker.* Telos Swoopracing;Traininglap persuasioncheck no longer automatically succeeds.Fixed trainingrun-dialogue not being properly triggered.Fixed several issues with 'improved' or 'deproved' time recognition.* Fixed Lupo not giving credits properly after teammates comment on your Force Persuasion use (my bad).* HK-50's will no longer appear and then fade away if HK-47 is in your party when going to Goto's Yacht (Thanks Markus Ramikin)* Losing to Bralor, then winning he would still incorrectly comment you can fight again (Thanks Markus Ramikin)* Persuading Qimtiq once does no longer guarantee 500 bonus credits per win permanently, you need to re-convince him before each race.* Missing VO addded to installer.* Fixed the "forfeit" Swooprace-bug.* Added proper camerapoints to modified tutorial dialogues.* Improved Azkul-Merc conversation after invading Khoonda (Merc side) (by danil-ch)* You will now start with Force Breath active upon learning it in the JJT/fixed flourish animation (by danil-ch)* Savegames made during the Atton vs. Sion confrontation on Malachor will no longer crash on loading.* Added missing lightsaber equipped fix (by danil-ch) that made the game also check the off-hand for a lightsaber and detect it.* Modified Mira technique teaching slightly.FIXLIST FOR UPDATE M4-78EP:* Fixed issue where "Data Transfer" could not be completed if acquired after meeting Kaah, but before visiting M4-78EP, or if you triggered the 'hidden' ending.* After starting the 'Thrash' goal with IS-43 you can ask him again what you're supposed to do now, in case one might forget.* Corrected wrong class-check in Black Market Droid conversation that could break the convo.* Improved Telos Droid Assistance cutscene.* Added VO that was missing from the installer.MOTY 2014 10th place!Well, it's been a short while now since that happened, but we never properly thanked everyone for voting. I can say one thing, none of us expected it. I did use the Moddb banner for my signature on DeadlyStream, but not really promoted it elsewhere, so to make it to the Top 100 was already a pleasant surprise... and then to learn we actually made the Top 10, well... Thanks everyone!If it's due to the resurgeence of RPG's (Pillars of Eternity, Wastelands 2, Divinity: Original Sin) I don't know, but I personally can see it's a relief to see so many promising RPG's coming in a time where RPG's where almost pronounced as dead as adventures once were. Let's just hope the re-inventors of the genre don't go overboard and change the game to movies (I'm looking at you, Telltale/Adventure Games.)A whole bunch of other Mod ProjectsSo, I've talked a whole bunch about "our" TSLRCM and M4-78EP already. Let's use some space to highlight a few other highly promising mods for KOTOR games set to be released in the near future. It may be 10 years later, the modding is still going strong for these games!And these are probably the tip of the iceberg, with some I may not know or refer here. You probably want to check out all mentioned here;http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=217961K1RPIt's probably not as familiar a story as KOTOR2's content, but, like every other game, KOTOR1 also had cut content. BioWare just did a better job not leaving any threads. However, as years passed modders found stuff, and of course there are little bug fixes here and there over the internet. Some projects started to make this a wholesome package, but so far, none have succeeded. Until now, around 11 years after KOTOR1's release.The K1RP gives you a grand package for the first game; adding stuff and fixing bugs. A fresh wind for the who-knows-how-many'th replay of the game.The K1RP currently has a beta release (0.9). You probably want to give a check around the forums for the known issues if you want a stab at it, or wait for the 1.0 release. Definitely one to keep on the radar! http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/31-kotor1-restoration-k1r/DupliSaberWe know USM is loved. And we know, despite the instructions, people still use it with TSRLCM (That not HK but exile on Telos issue, eh?). People want their hilts.Well, for you this mod is. It's not just USM with TSLRCM compatibility, it's pretty much designed to blow USM and any other hilt mods away, containing many of those mods hilts does help .A giant collection of various types, with an easy installer, all set to be TSLRCM compatible... what more would a Star Wars-fan want. A little patience anyway, but the wait will be worth it!http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2263-wip-duplisaber/README'SPatchlogs are taken out. Check for them above or the readme.rft/m4-78epreadme.rtf after installation.TSLRCMAuthors: Zbyl2, DarthStoney, Hassat Hunter & VarsityPuppetContact: PM us at Lucas Forums/DeadlystreamName: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) 1.8.3B1. Description:----------Welcome.Thank you for downloading and installing TSLRCM 1.8.3B.This mod's intention is to restore much of the content cut from The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really "cut"; for example the quest 'Corrun Falt'), so this mod should seriously decrease the buginess that plagued TSL.Overall, our goal is to make the KotOR 2: TSL experience as close as possible for us (as modders can do) as what Obsidian originally intended it to be...Be sure to check our website (or ModDB page) for potential upgrades, patches and compatible mods for TSLRCM. Our site will always have the most recent version of TSLRCM, something we cannot, sadly enough, promise from other sources.http://deadlystream.com/forum/http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcmAlso, if you have issues, questions, or feedback, please post it on the official forums, as otherwise it will be read much later, or not at all. After all, we can't monitor the entire internet.http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/4-tslrcm/2. Installation:----------1. If you're using an older version of TSLRCM (1.8 or lower), a game re-install is required before applying 1.8.3B.(Steam users, skip to point 4)2. After re-installing it's advised to apply the official patch (1.0b). Non-US versions require you to install 1.0a first, then 1.0b, US versions can install 1.0b right away. Make sure to apply the patch that fits your version. Also, after installing 1.8.3, the official patch can no longer be installed!3. If desired, apply the high quality music and/or movie patches4. Install 1.8.3BCHECK YOUR INSTALLATION DIRECTORY.DO NOT INSTALL INTO THE OVERRIDE FOLDER OR YOUR GAME WILL CRASH!We've had several users on Vista mention that instead of Program files (x86) it would point to Program Files/Program Files, causing the installation to fail. Make sure the installer points to the proper location of your KOTOR2 installation.Default (32-bit windows); C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Default (64-bit windows); C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Steam default (32-bit windows); C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\Steam default (64-bit windows); C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\GOG default: C:\GOG Games\Star Wars - KotOR25. To check if the installation has succeeded, try launching KOTOR2:TSL. If at the main menu it says "Restored Content Modification 1.8.3" on the screen the installation has been successful.PLEASE CHECK OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE OR MODDB FOR ANY POTENTIAL UPDATES6. While we try our best to make this mod as bug-free as possible, with the many options of KOTOR2 and our small testing team bugs, critical ones, sometimes make it through. We will fix them, so check our site for any potential updates and patches. We would rather not have people play unpatched and then experience issues like the black screen (1.7) or red eclipse (1.6)!7. Install any TSLRCM-compatible mods you desire now. If you're unsure if a mod you want is compatible, check our list at our forums, or section 6 - Mod compatibility in this readme.ULTIMATE SABER MOD (USM) IS NOT TSLRCM-COMPATIBLE. MOST REPORTED ISSUES ABOUT TSLRCM ARE FROM USERS STILL USING IT. DON'T!* You cannot use save games made with vanilla Sith Lords or TSLRCM 1.7 or lower. Saves from 1.8 and above can safely be used, although some fixes may not take effect.A fresh new game is always the best option for the least amount of issues.6. Mod Compatibility:----------The following mods are known to have specific install instructions to work properly with TSLRCM 1.8.3B:* Game Balance Mod by Achilles - ONLY use Autobalance.2da, don't use any of the other files with the mod!!!* Improved AI by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) - While this mod mostly works, it cause some problems with one scene on Nar Shaddaa (you might be unable to select a third team member during a cut-scene and then have to weather some hard battles with just Bao-Dur and Atton).* Enchanced Merchants by Shem - We've modified many of the merchants, for the modified loot drops and other fixes, which will most likely be undone by using this mod. So be aware of that!Mods requiring compatibility patches (check deadlystream for comp patches):* Handmaiden Choice for Females by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt)* Admirality Mod by Jinger (AKA Kreia)* M4-78 by Stoney - Use M4-78EP instead!* Slender Female BodiesThe following mods are INCOMPATIBLE! Do NOT use these when using TSLRCM 1.8.3B!This is by no means a full list. Mods not listed here can still be incompatible. If you're in doubt, check or ask in our forums! The currently most known list is located at http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/393-mod-compatibility-list-for-tslrcm-183. You can post questions at http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2795-inquiries-on-mod-compatibility-list-for-tslrcm-183/.* Ultimate Saber Mod by ChAiNz, D333, Sep, Svosh, T7* TSL Un-Restored Content (TSL:URC) by Zbyl2* Ravager Rewrite 2.0 by Zbyl2* Peragus-Harbringer-Prologue Correction Mod by Ulic* Trayus Academy Clothing Fix by SithRevan* Dark Apprentice Holowan Consortium* Lonna Vash Mod by Sikon* Force Fashion II by jonathan7, Marius Fett and Ender Wiggin* Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex by FrantFire* Get your lightsaber back from Atris by Lit Ridl* Darth Sion vs Master Vash by zbyl2* Khoonda Lost rooms by Darth_Tartarus* 90SK's SUPER Content Mod* Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix by Zbyl2 & DarthParametric* Telos Polar Sidequest* GenoHaradan 0.9 beta by Exile007* Knights of the Old Republic III : The Jedi Masters 2.0 (beta) by Trex* HOTOR 1.6 by Qui Don Jorn* Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection* Trailer Force Crush Sound by Don Kain* Kolto Tank on Ebon Hawk by Lit Ridl (overrides critical TSL files!!!)7. FAQ / KNOWN ISSUES---------Q. I am having technical issues with The Sith Lords!A. Try the Steam forums. Even if you do not possess the game it does contain many threads about issues and their solutions, a quick search might just find you the answer you need.Q. How do I know TSLRCM is installed? The main screen is unchanged.A. If the main screen is unchanged, TSLRCM isn't installed. Mostly this is related to people installing to the wrong location. Double-check yours (see install instruction #4).Q. Crash when loading a save game. The loading screen is corrupted by strange lights all over it.A. Issue with modern Nvidia graphic drivers. NOT caused by TSLRCM. To fix;In the Nvidia control panel put Threaded Optimization to "OFF" and uncheck the "read-only" property of your KotOR II directory.Q. There are no Handmaidens at the academy/Stuck in front of the Hawk after the Academy.A. You have overwritten our appearance.2da with an incompatible version of another mod, missing certain key entries needed for TSLRCM to work properly. If you still have the original TSLRCM appearance.2da replace it, otherwise a full re-install of TSLRCM is required.In both cases, a save is needed from before entering the academy.Q. I lost my team at the academy/black screen when entering Ebon Hawk after academy/Atton, Kreia or Bao-Dur don't talk to me when I click them.A. Sadly, this is a vanilla bug we cannot fix, since the files cannot be de-compiled. It's related to fighting the Handmaiden sisters on the battle mat and "cheating" before they become hostile, giving an error in the script to return your team members. You will have to load a save from before this fight.Q. The screen becomes black when loading the Jedi Masters scene in the Rebuild EnclaveA. This is due to the module using a custom Kreia with special animations for the cutscenes. If any Kreia-altering skins or mods override this, the result is this black screen. Uninstall your Kreia-skin altering mods for the duration of this module...Q. After changing the Ebon Hawk's transponder codes, the Duros scene repeats itself and Goto's Yacht doesn't load.A. In some rare instances the new globals TSLRCM added aren't added to savegames. This is why we suggest playing a new game. In this case the global for the Duros hasn't been increased by 1, leaving the same cut-scene. Enabling the cheat mode in the .ini, then using (without quotes) "warp 351nar" will let you continue on without further issuesQ. I cannot spar with the Handmaiden!A. Due to a bug, sparring with Handmaiden while in outer space (directly after leaving the Telos Academy) made the fight unable to be won. So for TSLRCM, you will have to travel to another planet, exit and re-enter for the option to appear, giving a glitch-free sparring. It's not gone, no worries!Q. When the HK Factory loads, I am spawned on Telos as the Exile, instead of as HK-47. I use USM.A. TSLRCM 1.8.3 is not USM compatbile.Q. I get a black screen when arriving on Malachor. I use USM.A. TSLRCM 1.8.3 is not USM compatible.Q. The game crashes when the Nihilus/Visas or Nihilus/Tobin cutscene loads.A. Delete n_darthnihilu001.ntc from your override.Q. While in Visquis' lair, when Kreia revives Hanharr, it suddenly turns back to Atton.A. Delete p_kreia001.utc from your override.Q. Double Atrises during final confrontation/No dialogue after sisters are defeated.A. Delete the following files from your override, and load a save from before starting the confrontation:a_atrend2.ncsa_atrend3.ncsa_kreatris.ncsa_sisend.ncsn_darthtraya001.utcQ. No HK-Torture scene/Missing restored EH-scenes/Get stuck in Ebon Hawk on my way to Malachor.A. Delete k_003ebo_enter.ncs from your override.Q. Dialogue fast-forwards/cut-scenes without sound.A. Engine issue. Not caused by TSLRCM. Unfortunately, we cannot fix this. May this happen, do a full reboot of the game, and it should work properly again.Q. I have issues with the grass on Dxun/Rebuild Enclave.A. This appears to be an issue with ATI-videocards. Try using the textures found here;http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2824280&postcount=14Q. Why haven't you fished the issue on Peragus where you need to lower the difficulty to proceed as T3?A. This is no issue. Playing on hard you need another way through the door rather than the mine, deleting some goodies in the process. It's not required to lower your difficulty.Q. Does the mod include [x]?A. Please check our semi-complete inclusion list at:http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/139-whats-restored-in-tslrcm/Q. Why did you fix [x], that wasn't a bug, that was a feature.A. We have a pretty good indication from developer nodes and scripts what is intended and what not. It's very likely that the bug was in fact a bug, and never intended. Developers rarely intend to add bugs and exploits to their game...Q. My question is not answered here!A. Feel free to ask us at our official forum;http://deadlystream.com/forum/You can also ask at moddb, but I visit that site less frequent...8. UNINSTALLATION----------Run uninstall program created in your game's main directory.9. CREDITS:----------Major Contributors:* Jinger/Kreia - the Rebuilt enclave and Handmaidens* MonoGiganto - T3’s fixed dialog and ZezKiel’s fixed dialog on Nar Shaddaa* Savvy30039 - the new animations* SWfan28 - scripting genius of a lot of areas* Pra_Viilon - launcher* Danil-ch - Various fixes and cut-scenes* HK-47 & Sith Holocron - VO splicingIncludes mods by:Jinger/Kreia - Battle for TelosMrmarb - Weapon finesse icon fixDrGhent - Lightsaber parts icon fixDarth_shan - Bao-Dur shader fixDarth Insidious and Jcarter426 - Telos Shuttle Modder ResourceDarth Insidious - Goto's Yacht Window FixDanil-ch - Female Revan overlook fixJcarter426 - TXI-fixKainzorus Prime - PMHA03 RestorationVoice Acting:* Usagi - Kaevee* Zhaboka - Taris TravelerBeta Testing:* Lord of Hunger* TriggerGod* Pra_Viilon* Garfield* JoewJ* DarthDacTranslations:* Melkor, MrPhil, TTLan, RevanStar11, Leoneros - French* Alec, Salk, Cair - Italian* Rodro Lliv, Januszka, Serpol, Dashrendar - Spanish* Pestilenz, Lex, Ero, Hib – GermanSpecial thanks to:* Sith Holocron - for his all-time support and VO splicing* Ulic - his inspirational Peragus modification* Markus Ramikin – for some other minor fixes* Tyvokka and The Doctor – for hosting this mod and forums on Deadly Stream* Darth_Sapiens - Main menu logo10. DISTRIBUTION NOTES----------Thanks to DeadlyStream for giving us space on his forums and all the people of the TSL community that helped with bug finding in the beta.Thanks to tk102 for the dlg editor.Thank you to the members of Team Gizka for finding out about the missing HK factory modules and all the content that was cut from KotorTSL and making sense of it all, because without all their previous efforts and hard work none of this would be possible.Thanks to Jdnoa and Dashus for the tools they created for which none of this would be possible without them.A special thanks to Ulic for his original Peragus mod; while none of his work or files were used in our fixing of Peragus, a lot of his ideas and “how” things were changed were the inspiration for how we tackled them. His list of fixed stuff in the readme helped too! M4-78EPTHE SITH LORDS RESTORED CONTENT MOD ADD-ON:M4-78 Enhancement Project 1.1B1. Description:----------This mod adds the planet of M4-78 to the game, where you can find Master Vash alive. The planet is only available after finishing Korriban. You will find a clue on how to get to M4-78 in Korriban's Sith Academy.Features:* Brand new planet consisting of seven new, unique locations!* Over two hours of additional gameplay!* Explore the mysterious Droid's Planet in a dialog-heavy adventure, with over 1000 lines of voiced dialogs!* Your actions on M4-78 have impact on other planets, making it feel like a legitimate part of the game!* Restored previously unavailable unique droid items for your party members!Please note that for now, M4-78 Enhancement Project is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE SITH LORDS!2. Installation:----------1. First, you will need to get the most up-to-date version of TSL Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM 1.8.3B). It's available for download here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/398-tslrcm-183/Please note that M4-78EP will NOT work AT ALL without TSLRCM.2. Follow TSLRCM's installation instructions.3. Once TSLRCM is successfully installed, run M4-78EP.exe. Installer will ask you where you want to install the mod - it should figure out where TSLRCM is installed by itself, so you probably won't need to change that. If, for some reason, the installer shows an incorrect folder, make sure you change it to directory where KotOR 2 is installed (where swkotor2.exe is located, NOT any of subfolders), same as TSLRCM.4. While we try our best to make this mod as bug-free as possible, with the many options of KOTOR2 and our small testing team it can happen that bugs, including critical ones, pass through. We will fix them, so check our site for any potential updates and patches.5. Install any compatible mods you desire now.4. Uninstallation----------Run uninstall program created in your game's main directory.5. FAQ / KNOWN ISSUES---------Q. Conversation breaks with error in the Korriban Academy.A. M4-78EP is only for the english version of The Sith Lords. Other versions will not be able to start and complete the planet properly, sorry.Q. M4-78 does not appear on the galaxy map.A. Finish Korriban, and follow your quest instructions. Alternatively, another mod may conflict, please check our forums if this is the case.Q. Slow performance in the Industrial Zone.A. If you experience this, try turning down graphics for the duration of this map. Also make sure the Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 fix is in your swkotor2.ini under [Graphics Options]!Q. I can't finish "Recent history: M4-78"!A. This quest requires you to very specifically interrogate droids and events around the world. It's intended to be only completable for the very thorough. Try to finish it if you can!With the patch it will automatically fail if you don't, so it won't remain in your quest log for the entire game may you fail to do so.Q. I am missing droids.A. Make sure you have no incompatible mods running along M4-78EP.Q. I can't find all 4 power cores for the puzzleA. There are more than 4 cores to be found, so there are several options where you missed one or several. Check with every droid, and make sure to loot everything to find the ones you missed!Q. My question is not answered here!A. Feel free to ask us at our official forum;http://deadlystream.com/forum/6. CREDITS:--------------------------------------------------» PROJECT LEADERS--------------------------------------------------- Zbyl2 - Project Leader, scripting, storyline/dialog writing & editing, voice over auditions, texture editing and more- Stoney - Former project leader, scripting, storyline/dialog writing & editing, texture editing, modelling and more- Hassat Hunter - dialog correction, scripting, bug fixing, patch lead--------------------------------------------------» STORYLINE--------------------------------------------------- Sharen Thrawn - former lead writer- Lord of Hunger - storyline ideas- JCarter426 - storyline writing/ideas for the Industrial Zone- Sith Holocron - input on storyline and planet's past--------------------------------------------------» MODELLING/TEXTURING--------------------------------------------------- Stoney Many new or edited placeable objects- Quanon Archon models- Khrizby New animations and fixed models- Redrob41 Droid re-skins- 90SK A LOT OF droid re-skins- Sith Holocron Animated screen textures--------------------------------------------------» BETA TESTING--------------------------------------------------- Stoney- Hassat Hunter- Qui-Gon Glenn- Atton Rand- Nsinger998- LDR- Zhaboka- drunklol- arekushu- twdarkeh- dashrendar- Sith Holocron--------------------------------------------------» VOICE ACTING--------------------------------------------------M4-78's Main AI Sith HolocronResearcher/KL-92 Edwyn TiongGreeter Droid RipulesyouRandom Design Droids Drew MochakAdditional Industrial Zone Droids ThisIsSnaikKaah Ohtok ZhabokaForce Field Operator TrayusstudentMain Information Unit JCarter426War Droids/Central Zone's Maintenance Unit/Force Field Operator Caleb WoodardSith Soldier MrcharltonInformation Unit James BeagonEnvironmental Droid Revan411Central Zone Unit 90SKCS-28 DylanEnvironmental Archon Louise du CraySecurity System GhostlyhamburgerMedical Units ABagOfVicodinAdditional Construction Droid/Landing Arm Supervisor Sonbiru "Dr. Son"Cleaners' Boss Daniel ConnerIS-02 Nolan TashijanAdditional Environmental Units Tuomas "Iterator" KuosmanenFight Witness Adam BrenneckeMain Manufacturing Unit Kevin SmetsRe-programmed Maintenance Unit JaedarDroid with missing legs Dr. John FallerBlack Market Droid L0ki194IS-84 RunawayJam--------------------------------------------------» VOICE SPLICING--------------------------------------------------- Sith Holocron- HK-47--------------------------------------------------Special Thanks:Want Kaah Gone (A Parody of Jonathan Coulton's 'Want You Gone')Music by Jonathan CoultonRewritten Lyrics by Sith HolocronAwful "Singing" by Sith Holocron Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted February 3, 2015 Wow right when I was playing through TSLRCM 1.8.3/M4-78 EP 1.1 this hit! Well time to install the latest versions over their slightly older counterparts as from what I gather it should be safe. Thanks for the shout out to K1R by the way Hassat Hunter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HK-47 84 Posted February 20, 2015 Exclamation: Hooray! And just in time for my clean install of KotOR2. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites