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TSL Graphics Patch.

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Hi Guys, I'm a huge Old Republic fan, not just the games but the whole period. I believe I have more of less read EVERYTHING, novels, graphic novels (with the small exception of the Knight Errant graphic novel, I'm part way through the second TPB) and The Lost Tribe of the Sith.  I've completed KotOR many times and I play SWToR.


I stumbled upon the the RCM after reading an article about TSL. I must admit, I think I have only completed TSL once, possibly twice. I didn't gel with it as well as the original mainly because of how buggy it was and how clearly lumps of it were missing. The RCM is making me very excited to play TSL as it should have been, so excited in fact, I'm currently installing it from work via Remote desktop and my week old PS4 will be off tonight!


My question is this, is there an all encompassing graphics mod? I see lots of mods for the odd tweak here and there but personally I dislike those, I feel it jars the game if some objects/textures/backgrounds look really nice and others look vanilla. I would like to play the game with updated graphics however I think I would prefer one consistent style rather than a mix of randomly updated resources.


I look forward to playing this game in all it's glory and thanks for all your efforts!

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The most you'll get are texture and model updates. The graphics and engine can't be changed without the source code and a lot of time.


Lots of texture updates though, go look in the downloads section, under the Skins category.

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The only "all encompassing" texture pack I know of is Xediis 2012 set found here:


He's also working on a closer to vanilla set called OTE (Original Textures Enhanced) and there are some other packs in the making but nothing completed now.

And there are also many smaller packs that work well together and with vanilla textures so I'd just recommend checking the skin sections of the various websites to find textures you like. You can still remove them later if they feel out of place.

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I've downloaded them all thanks, Has there been any though to A JKE type full enhancement?


Someone combining lots of various skins to reskin the whole game in one package?

Ah, JKE, that was the good time!


However, the kind of mega pack you are speaking about would require a lot of time just to be sure every mod is compatible together (I should know, that's the work I put-up with with every new TSL playthrough...), take a lot of bandwidth (compared to JKE) and require a whole bunch of permission, many of which may not be available anymore, with mod authors that do not respond anymore...

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