Darth_benson 10 Posted November 2, 2010 Hey folks I think this is a useful topic for both new and old players to further enhance your game play story line.... For example when you first crash land on Telos and you meet Bao Dur you have the option of carrying on with Atton or Kreia. After playing through with both Characters id say take Atton, sense he and Bao Dur will cut in together thought the first part of the planet and make comments about the dangers and sites. Another would be on Onderon when the 2 aliens ask your opinion on who you think would be a stronger ruler for Onderon. ONLY if you have visas with you as well will the convo be carried on to you and Mandalore. (I myself didnt know this till I randomly had her in my party the one particular time). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markus Ramikin 107 Posted November 2, 2010 Hm, I tend to leave Atton out initially because I level-save on him and without levelling he's a bit less than useful. Are you sure about Visas? I seem to get the same conversations with and without her, just that there are some extra lines from her if she's around (her reference to you as "human sentient" was funny). Haven't got there in 1.7 yet though... Anyway, here's my list of whom to have when: Bao-Dur: when initially exploring the Kinrath cave on Dantooine Visas+Atton: approaching the Korriban cave for the first time. Make sure they aren't far behind so the dialogue catches them both. Most NPCs have their own dialogue here, but Atton+Visas is I think the only one where one responds to the other. Atton+Handmaiden: when meeting Ratrin on Nar Shaddaa Handmaiden: when talking to Disciple in the ruins Mira: Dxun, especially with the three Zhugs that try to capture you before you get to the Mandalorian camp T3: when in the Iziz cantina you talk to that swoop racer whose name I forgot T3: when freeing Tienn's droid from Kodin There are some for Goto too but I hate that jerk so fk him, not listing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricky 10 Posted November 2, 2010 Thanks for those points Markus. I'm just about to start my first game in a few days, so I'll pay attention to it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 2, 2010 HK + Hanharr when blowing up Kumus (Dxun) 2x HK INF + 1x Hanharr. Very nice, even though if you are DS you probably have no problem maxing HK . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rycyyn 11 Posted November 3, 2010 Blowing up Kumus is one of the greatest conversations with HK. I can't think of any great places to take specific characters. I know HK will comment on the droid merchant on Dantooine is you decide to go hard on him. I know, have Kreia with you when you save Kavar, she's great for an INF boot when you meet the mercs afterwards. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markus Ramikin 107 Posted November 3, 2010 What? When do you save Kavar? Another one I thought of: - Bao Dur: bring him to Tienn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 3, 2010 That would be Vrook. Bao and Atton with 1.7 in the Polar Academy (T3 convo). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted November 3, 2010 Kreia when Handmaiden asks what the Force is in the Polar Academy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markus Ramikin 107 Posted November 3, 2010 (edited) Oh yeah, good point. Basically in Polar Academy, the best order to do things is IMHO this: 1. Ask one of the Sisters about your companions, so you can learn about Atton's abilities 2. Free your companions (may want to question Atton) 3. Have Kreia with you, talk to the Handmaiden (do not talk to her before then). 4. When freeing T3, have Atton+Bao or Atton+Kreia. Given 3. above, you'll probably have Atton+Kreia though... Hassat: thanks, I missed that Bao Dur bit with T3's convo. Edited November 3, 2010 by Markus Ramikin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricky 10 Posted November 3, 2010 Oh thanks! I'm nearly at the Polar Academy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Migck 10 Posted November 3, 2010 Is there some "influence guide" updated for the mod? I know such powergaming in a game like this sounds cheap, but after beating the unmodded game five times and still missing things like Bao-dur's "jedification" I'm a little impatient to see what I'm missing (and having 100 influence with all the party sounds like a powerful thing) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markus Ramikin 107 Posted November 4, 2010 Hm, not that I know of. The guides for vanilla work, and if you plan it well then just the vanilla hits are good enough to get everyone Jedified. But there are also a few hits added. For instance you can get a negative hit with HK-47 if you refuse his help with fixing the airspeeder, that didn't used to be possible. I had it all figured out for vanilla, and now do more or less the same thing, and manage to Jedify everyone no problem. Also with the added negative HK hit, I can unlock HK's dialogue as a light Jedi fairly easily, by going for low rather than high influence. In fact most of the "random" influence hits from being kind to people I use on HK-47, since Atton and Bao-Dur have some early stuff that's specific to them so they don't need it. (well 'early' for me since I like to go to Dantooine first). My only problem is Mandalore. I cant seem to to unlock him (not jedification since he has none, but the extra content) through lightside deeds and/or if siding with Talia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bob Ta'aar Posted November 8, 2010 I too make the companions-choices usually to max the influence, at least until I got all the jedifications (sweet word !). I always felt it much easier for dark-siders to max the influences, as exept for Handmaiden, you can simply cruelly kill innocent people to lose/gain influence with the accordant companions. Somebody ever tried to be neutral enough to still get Mira and then 'turn' her evil? In other words: can you max your influence with her while beeing a dark-sider? Just thought about it because there are dark-side transition portraits of all the chars, but with some it simply isn't possible to turn them to the dark side (or is it and I'm just too n00b to do it ?). After the jedifications I mostly stick to the force-sensitives in the party, as blasters and vibroblades are simply boooring, imo. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted November 9, 2010 When you save Jorran on Dantooine, ask to buy the Jedi Artefacts, but have G0-T0 with you. Shaves 500 credits off. Darkside, of course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
broas 10 Posted November 10, 2010 Somebody ever tried to be neutral enough to still get Mira and then 'turn' her evil? In other words: can you max your influence with her while beeing a dark-sider? Just thought about it because there are dark-side transition portraits of all the chars, but with some it simply isn't possible to turn them to the dark side (or is it and I'm just too n00b to do it ?). What I wanna know is whether or not turning Hanharr to Light Side would affect his dialogue, or anything else about him, though I very much doubt it. (It's possible with methods like the Jedi Master Influencing power, if nothing else). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markus Ramikin 107 Posted November 10, 2010 (edited) It wouldn't. There are different bits of dialogue when you jedify someone in a "dark" way rather than the normal, lightside way.. for instance if you're doing a dark Bao-Dur jedification, he'll decide hatred is the one constant in his life he can depend on, rather than that he's finally calming his anger. Minor stuff like that. Other than that, someone's alignment is just a different pose on the character screen, and different spell costs, that's abouti t. Edited November 10, 2010 by Markus Ramikin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted November 10, 2010 Is there some "influence guide" updated for the mod? I know such powergaming in a game like this sounds cheap, but after beating the unmodded game five times and still missing things like Bao-dur's "jedification" I'm a little impatient to see what I'm missing (and having 100 influence with all the party sounds like a powerful thing) http://assiste.free.fr/kotor_2/points_influence.html This table, sorted by character, gives all the influence points which the PC can gain, on each one. It comprises even remarks on certain strange influence points, envisaged by Obsidian in certain written dialogs, but which could never be gained because the dialogs will never be reached, as for Atton on Onderon whereas he is confined in the Ebon Hawk on Dxun and will never be on Onderon. Each link returns to the detail of the action or the dialog to be held, in the solution. Canonical progression only with, sometimes, some DS actions or dialogs impossible to circumvent or too funny (IE Kumus). The PC needs 5 points of influence gained on somebody to be at 100% (Or 5 point lost, in order to be at 0%, and so the NPC take an alignment opposite to the one of the PC, that he hates). On one hand, TSLRCM makes it possible to gain a little more influence points (IE Mandalore) and, on the other hand, TSLRCM lowered, I believe, certain thresholds giving access to certain secret dialogs (certain revelations). I do not, moreover, agree with this fact - the game is mysterious and must remain. It is, overall, a terribly easy game and its greater interest is in the secrecies than hold each one - these secrecies must be very difficult to find - to make acknowledge (Kotor 2 is a key in the Star Wars Universe, between an era where the Force is handled by two conflicting orders and a new era, born of the dream of Arren Kae, where the Force is now handled by a single Order with a unified education (with the exception of the remains of the "True Siths" who fled after the death of Exar Kun, beyond the Outer rim (and Atris and Bastila for the old Jedi Order) - and all over again). But also, maybe it is with reason that these thresholds have been lowered because more than 5 years after the release of the game, it seems clear that very few (nobody if we read the online encyclopedias) has understood Kotor 2. Kreia : Once there were only Jedi. I wonder what "evil" was in such days. And to think, once there were no Jedi at all. Perhaps the Force defies such rigid classification of its followers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MassShadowCreator 10 Posted November 10, 2010 i turned mira evil, but you cant avoid lightside points if you wanna jedify her, i went neutral/ low lightside, went to nar shadaa first, went through did light and dark side things, to stay neutral/lightside, i did the dark side things with atton around, to get influence with him, and light side things with bao-dur, to get him influence, by the time i got to goto's yaucht, atton, and bao dur were jedi, then after i was sure mira was on my side, i killed zez kai ell. Its easy to get influence with mira, you can get it all through dialogue, as long as u have 11 awareness. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted November 10, 2010 (edited) Best companions to have with you at particular times? By meeting the Disciple for the first time, in the library of the Enclave, with a female Exile, have Atton with you. This makes it possible to have sufficient influence on the Disciple so that he asks to be the padawan of “his” Master because, child, he wanted to become a Jedi knight, immediately, from the first conversation, before even leaving the library. (Note that the French translation says "because I had a destiny" : I find thist tasty in the mouth of this character that I dislike (but I recognized that he is a well of knowledge)). The second companion is not important but take Kreia because she will be the only one to say something (she thinks aloud - without interfering). Edited November 10, 2010 by ttlan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 14, 2010 Eh, you can do the Disciple thing even without Atton. And yeah, I've done the Mira thing too. It's much easier to loose INF with her as DS and get her Jedi like that and DS points, but then she wont turn into an awesome Goth chick. So you gotta take a few LS hits. They aren't as severe as Visas fortunately (if DS definitely crush her. Although it's a little funny she becomes Light Side then). We haven't lowered requirements. Don't know what gave you that impression. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
That_nick1 2 Posted August 18, 2014 Bao dur will strike up a convo with a yellow twi'lek in the Refugee sector, on Nar Shadaa. Also something else I discovered Kriea and the Handmaiden will tear a strip off of Suulru on Dantooine after you finish his mission. Dose anyone else have any other suggestions? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites