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Beard Growth

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So recently I stumbled upon a few beared reskins for some characters. They actually were pretty nice. But I wouldn't like to meet them bearded. In fact it would be nice to see them to 'grow' a beard dynamically. My idea is to add some kind of fixpoints in certain quests or events. Let's take Atton for refence here: Lets say you meet him shaved. After being arrestet on Telos Citadel Station he has a stubble. When you arrive on the next planet his beard has grown a little again. I think you get where I am going with this. So the Idea is to add, lets say, 3 different levels of 'beardyness' (sry I don't know the english word for that one:/), and the ability to tell a character to shave, or let him shave himself on his own, linked with the 'growth-points' in the story. Is this possible?

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That would definitely be possible. There are several ways that you could go about it. The easiest that I can think of is creating a new appearance and then adding "darkside transitions" which are simply the beard growth. Then at the plot points that you mentioned, inject a script that adds darkside points to that character.

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Wouldn't that affect his character development, though? Like, wouldn't he become a Dark Jedi then even if you were a light-sider?

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Wouldn't that affect his character development, though? Like, wouldn't he become a Dark Jedi then even if you were a light-sider?


That's true. For some reason I didn't quite make the connection that it was Atton we were talking about. My previous suggestion would work for just a random NPC.

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Yeah maybe Atton was not the best example^^. But it anyways, it is good to know that this is possible. When I get better with .2da editing I will try this out! Thanks guys!

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