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Towards a perfect K2 - 006 - Items collected during the prologue

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Towards a perfect K2 - 006 - Items collected during the prologue




77517 :

"...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks."


From what the Dock Officer said in the Log 253-12 (Contraband) we are supposed to retrieve the objetcts collected during the prologue (T3-M4 is supposed to find the objects he found by searching the Ebon Hawk) and, indeed, one wonders why they are not found.


Actually, they are lost. This would make the officer a liar.



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No. Not at all.


We know where they come from, as the dock officer explain it :


77518 :

"And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises."


So the items collected on the Hawk are lost.


However, from what the officer said, we should find them.



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And that is just beginning. Pray that I do not have time to translate all my notes for "A perfect kotor 2!


And then ... you should not pick me up with the "correction / destruction" of the tips named "bugs" that allowed to play with Kotor 2.


It remains the dialogues ... gloomy ... full of innuendo ... the most interesting part of Kotor 2.


It remains a tip (bug) or two that are not yet discovered: the squaring (and I mean the squaring, not multiplication) of the handmaiden robe... No! I would not say anything! ...



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And that is just beginning.

Well, I don't know how well received it'll be if you spam this forum with many topics. :cool: The first two responses to your 003 thread might be a hint.


I'm merely a forum member like yourself, so I can't tell you what to do, but I think you should keep in mind that

1. The owners here are a mod team, they are not Obsidian Entertainment

2. The mod has a limited scope. As far as I can tell, it's mostly limited to restoration of cut content. (+ some uncontroversial bugfixes). Its purpose isn't to change every little aspect of the game that might need looking at, especially if it'd require creating new content.

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For sure Markus.


I would leave aside the minor things to mention only the major problems of logic.





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I have just found this in the english language version. It was not translated in accordance with the original in the French version!


74499 in 101PER_dlg.erf medoff.dlg


Aside from the lone survivor, we recovered an old woman, no life signs. There was also a protocol droid and a utility droid on board - sent both down to maintenance while security sorts through the other items on the ship.


This thus confirms well that objects coming from Ebon Hawk, the objects collected by T3-M4 during the prolog, are found in the secure cargo hold.



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What is the status of this problem at that day?


Before 1.7, there was a possibility of keeping the inventory in only one case, rather improbable, but, if the prologue was done in full, a bug made losing the inventory.


Since 1.7, the inventory is lost in all cases.


This is not trivial because, through recovery of the inventory, some number of things can be considered, which can no more be done with this bug.

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a bug made losing the inventory.

You mean "a bug made it so you didn't loose your inventory AS INTENDED when leaving prematurely"?


Your lack of understanding of bugs is quite astounding...

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