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Jorak Uln

Question to new helmet Overhaul

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I'm working on a new helmet overhaul (all retextured from the scratch) and I have a question regarding the Force Focusing Visor Model (I_VerpHBnd):


i cant retexture the full model, especially the transparent "band" in front of the eyes properly - somehow it seems to be a shared texture;

so for testing purpose I used a 100% transparent texture and that's what I got:




Do you know which texture beside I_VerpHBnd has to be edited?

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Ahh this texture's a weird one when it comes to the texture for the visor. The texture for the visor is actually in the lower right corner and is REALLY small. If you're trying to get rid of the visor, I don't know how to do that, but I'm sure there's a way.


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Just a thought. You could theoretically edit the alpha on the particular segment to black in order to have full transparency.


-The flip-side to that is you would have to remove the .txi settings applied to it (IE Cm_Baremetal) in order for the alpha to make it transparent, since I believe you can't have transparency and any other .txi setting

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@Loki, Malkior: Thanks for your thoughts!


What I've got so far is this:







My goal is to get this look:





Malkior, I'm not so experienced with txi editing - I will think about your suggestion, but in order to achieve a similar result like the sentry visor wouldn't it be easier to just find the second texture beside I_VerpHBnd?

Also, i tested the saresh circlet with a complete transparent texture - in-game it was completely invisible... and the Visor isn't, so that's a strong indicator that there is a second texture involved...

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Wow, that looks 10x better! Maybe make the grey a liiiittle darker... just so it sorta matches with the original.

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