Guest DragonEmperor Posted January 1, 2011 I have been on the fence about this game for a long time now. I have some faith in BioWare as a good company, but, in this case, I will remain on the fence about the game till it comes out and there are some definitive opinions based on real information, not speculation or early looks. I can only hope they do well, but anything could go wrong. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
springerjkreb 0 Posted January 20, 2011 One question, and I don't want to hear automatic bashing. From what I've seen of it, the team working at BioWare has put their hearts and souls into this game, pushing back the release date because they wanted it to be JUST PERFECT. They've voiced everything, worked hard on developing not just the basic classes but several advanced classes for each basic, balanced each class so it's not all powerful, introduced a variety of sentient races for the PC (something neither KotOR has done), created dozens of NPC's and supporting characters all with backstories, developed a solid storyline that (no matter what path you choose) is approved canon from L/A (and L/A's team of examiners are more anal-retentive to details than some of the people on this site, trust me), and all in all done their absolute best to create the greatest game BioWare has ever made, all while under the shadow of the (failed) Star Wars Galaxies. So my question to all you griefers is this (looking at you specifically, Hank): What makes you so certain this game is going to be horrible? And as to the Revan debate, combining what Master Dur'al said about Revan and what Kreia and G0-T0 said about Revan, it looks like what BioWare's going for is that Revan didn't fall, he used those that DID fall to strengthen the Republic. Both of these are after the Exile says Revan fell and sought to destroy the Republic. You all ready presume much. I don't believe the Council changed Revan. I believe they merely stripped away the outer shell and allowed his spirit to emerge once more, a man willing to go to war to save others. A common misconception not supported by facts. Revan left the infrastructure of the worlds he conquered intact. So the way I see it, what BioWare's doing isn't retconning established canon, but rather expanding on it. Malak fell, no doubt about that (and I HATE his canon pre-fall name, F-U KotOR Comics!). But did Revan? I don't think so. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Valikdu Posted January 20, 2011 I simply can't imagine many people willing to play for example as a republic trooper ... Here's to make the class more attracting: female character voiced by Jennifer Hale. Yes, the 'republic trooper' is actually Shepard. Before I read about that, I was going to play as a Sith bounty hunter (or something). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted January 20, 2011 From what I've seen of it, the team working at BioWare has put their hearts and souls into this game, pushing back the release date because they wanted it to be JUST PERFECT. They've voiced everything, worked hard on developing not just the basic classes but several advanced classes for each basic, balanced each class so it's not all powerful, introduced a variety of sentient races for the PC (something neither KotOR has done), created dozens of NPC's and supporting characters all with backstories, developed a solid storyline that (no matter what path you choose) is approved canon from L/A (and L/A's team of examiners are more anal-retentive to details than some of the people on this site, trust me), and all in all done their absolute best to create the greatest game BioWare has ever made, all while under the shadow of the (failed) Star Wars Galaxies.Lot of work does NOT mean good work. And I would argue about "solid" storyline, but I really don't feel like it to go into details right now. is approved canon from L/A (and L/A's team of examiners are more anal-retentive to details than some of the people on this site, trust me),Of course it's "approved canon". So is the new The Clone Wars TV series, which conflicts with existing canon a lot. Everything can be approved canon by "LA teams", as long as it gets enough money. Yes, the 'republic trooper' is actually Shepard.Or Bastila Though this trailer definitely wasn't the best of Hale's voice work... it's on similar level to other VOs I've heard in TOR's videos. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest darthkrull Posted January 23, 2011 Both of these are after the Exile says Revan fell and sought to destroy the Republic. Kreia (paraphrased) said: You all ready presume much. I don't believe the Council changed Revan. I believe they merely stripped away the outer shell and allowed his spirit to emerge once more, a man willing to go to war to save others. G0-T0 (again, paraphrased) said: A common misconception not supported by facts. Revan left the infrastructure of the worlds he conquered intact. So the way I see it, what BioWare's doing isn't retconning established canon, but rather expanding on it. Malak fell, no doubt about that (and I HATE his canon pre-fall name, F-U KotOR Comics!). But did Revan? I don't think so. I agree with you there Springerjkreb. It does seem like they are shying away from canon just a bit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bob Ta'aar Posted January 24, 2011 i read a very good thing once at wookipedia concerning canonicity (or however that's called;)). every star wars product (movie, game, book, comic, p&p rpg, ...) is a story. and one told from a certain perspective (usually the author(s) of the product). so, it's only logical that the same events sound different, if they're told by different people. this can of course go as far as big contradiction, you gotta remember that the storys are from a long time ago and from a galaxy far, far away ! I came to like that perspective more and more, the more star wars books I read (as they're mostly written by different authors too ). sure, if some guy in some story tells something about someone (for example kreia about revan), this statement is considered (reightously) canon as long as the whole story is considered canon. BUT it's still just that guy's perspecive/memory/way of seeing things. Now, maybe another guy comes along (for example gnost dur'al) and tells HIS view of the story. It's only realistic that the two version of the story sound more or less different. I mean, Kreia was a person with a very strong mind and individual opinion (that wasn't shared by many others ), so it's only logical that what she told us about Revan was heavyly biased. Heceforth it's also logical that a Jedi historian some 350 (or how many?) years later, digging through old archives after most anybody who lived at the same time as Revan had already passed away long since, finds some different version of the story. I don't really liked the idea of some hidden Sith Emperor having pulled the strings all that time in the background, but once they decided on that, I find the way, how they put Revan and Malak into it pretty good, actually. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elderago 0 Posted January 30, 2011 hey hey dont put kotor2 in the same line as tor, kotor2 was and is stilll one of my top favorite game.anyways, I am made the bioware is making this an mmo, why does every game developer have to make a MMO, it would nice to see this much depth in a single player game but noooo, those are to be "streamlined" and "accessible" to peoplegah...I'm a bit too jaded about this subject Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest darthkrull Posted February 9, 2011 Why not just give it a chance? just arguing about it is just going nowhere. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topopox 0 Posted February 11, 2011 I've never quite liked MMO's... And personally IMO they ruin the settings. Constant renew of content hurts something that's been already established. WoW is an mmo whose story has incredible amounts of text, yet holes everywhere. KOTOR II TSL did the best that it could to fix the cliche-storm of KOTOR 1 & adds some certain degree of sense to the journey that the player went in the previous game. It's writing it's superb, it does the job for both titles. MMO's are in constant demand of renewed content. So IMO it will only hurt the franchise in terms of storyline. The game itself I don't care if it's going to suck or if it will be amazing, I just can't get myself into MMO's. They're just not my thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lorch Posted February 13, 2011 Honestly I will always be pissed that they canceled Kotor III (we all know that Kotor 3 from Obsidian would have been amazing, if LA gave them the necessary time) for a stupid MMO. I have never liked MMOs, combat feels dull, story feels even more dull, and I could care less about 50+ guys fighting against some big ass monster... I pray that this will fail, even if it means that this hole old republic thing dies, they will realize that they missed an opportunity. Even if Kotor III would come out today, 6 years after kotor 2, it would still be easy money for LA. I highly doubt TOR will even make 300 Million, both EA and LA will hopefully loose a lot of money. Well at least Kotor II will soon be what it should have been six years ago. Bioware is not what they used to be, and I will not buy TOR simply because I really want it to fail. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jd-inflames 2 Posted March 12, 2011 With PAX over with, and literally hundreds of articles on the net about the TOR display, it will change some of your minds. The game looks amazing, and in no way looks like a failure. It brings almost everything I would ever want in a SW game, and then some. I really hope some of you change your minds. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthDaedric 15 Posted March 12, 2011 I for one would like to able to explore my game's world without having to worry that some jerk who's twenty levels above me is going to swoop down and kill me, forcing me to re-roll or lose all my stuff that I worked hard to get. That's my absolute main issue with MMO's. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jd-inflames 2 Posted March 12, 2011 I believe they've made PvE to PvP servers to prevent just such a thing from happening. If you don't want the challenge of having players thwomp you on the head, there is always the capability of rolling on PvE servers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hkmandalore47 Posted May 14, 2011 im with bob ta'aar. i actually think the game looks good with graphics and the gameplay vid looks really cool. i mean, it would have been nice to have a KotOR 3 and have the mysteries of revan and the exile in the unknown regions explained (i mean damn, they cant just leave it at a cliffhanger like that), but TOR looks really cool and im looking forward to playing it. i actually rather have TOR being pushed off to the fall so then the game can be really good and not have problems like KotOR II did (KotOR II was good but as we all know had many problems). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mablus25 Posted May 16, 2011 The Old Republic is a cool MMO game I belive it might make more people to buy Kotor 1 and 2 correct me if I am wrong Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted June 3, 2011 Statement: Here's my rant. It's not released yet. :rant: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plastic Posted June 4, 2011 TOR looks promising, but I've refused to get excited about it since I don't do subscription games... I want a single-player (non-subscription) sequel to the KOTOR series. Why couldn't they have made a sequel on the Mass Effect engine? That would be awsome! (I've only played Mass Effect 2, interesting story, but I traded it in due to the fact that there was certain stuff in it I couldn't justify keeping the game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted June 7, 2011 Query: Thoughts about the latest ToR video? Statement: Mine are the following: :goodjob: :thumbup: :w00t: :rock: :bow: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest newbiemodder Posted June 7, 2011 I enjoyed the latest TOR video. It left me wanting more. However, it reminds me too much of the clone wars era, the battle droids, troopers, even the star ships. Pretty advanced for 3 thousand years before the movies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted June 7, 2011 I enjoyed the latest TOR video. It left me wanting more. However, it reminds me too much of the clone wars era, the battle droids, troopers, even the star ships. Pretty advanced for 3 thousand years before the movies. Statement: I'm assuming you mean the droid and Trooper armor designs, because most of the wars ever fought used war droids along with troops, and I'm sure the troops didn't wear the simple Republic uniform you see in KotOR 1 & 2. If they did wear that uniform, they would never have made any advancements in any battle, Revan or not. And they're not that advanced. None of them had shielding such as the droidekas (which by the was/is awesome). They were also not able to think for themselves, unlike those during the Clone Wars. Statement: As far as the design of the Sith cruisers such as the Oppressor Class and the Ravager, such were the designs of some Republic Ships. The Ravager was a former Republic cruiser. Agreement: I kinda agree with you on the Trooper armor though. It's still a bit of a bother that it looks too similar to the Clone Trooper armor. Conclusion: But it's still your opinion, which should as always be your own. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest milestails Posted June 7, 2011 The newest video reminded me too much of the movies in terms of dialogue, plot, characters etc. Boring overall. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Muzic Lopez Posted June 13, 2011 Agreement: I kinda agree with you on the Trooper armor though. It's still a bit of a bother that it looks too similar to the Clone Trooper armor. the default uniform is a bit like clone troopers. Luckily for players, the trooper profession gets more & more armor that doesnt look like clone trooper armor. I dont see the cinematic trailers being similar to the movies or episode series. To me it has a whole different feel. But Star Wars keeps getting done over & over & over again, so cant do much else with it to make a piece of it unique. But if the game fails, BioWare should do Star Wars movies then, a movie during the hyperspace war would be cool! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
springerjkreb 0 Posted June 25, 2011 And may I point out that Drew Karpyshan (I think) is writing a novel entitled "Revan" that talks about what happened in the Unknown Regions. And it will be addressed in-game (trust me.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Allison Lightning Posted August 3, 2011 It wouldn't surprise me and it's not Bioware I would blame for a bad storyline, it's LucasArts who decided to turn the KotOR series into an MMO for the profit. I would look on badly that they are cutting whole countries out of the release such as Australia only now and for 'a smooth game launch' or rather that they're behind. I am bitter about there being no third game by either Bioware or Obsidian. And the MMO just sounds like they're trying to make the series like the prequal films which is silly as this part of the time line is thousands of years beforehand. A emperor pulling the strings from behind the scenes- I really think Papaltine, great as he was for the film series needs to be left alone and that we don't need a 2.0. TOR version of him. What gets me is either way KotOR 3 would be ruined, if this game succeeds then we'll never see a third game as they continuely release to content for their by subscription money tree. And if this MMO fails, it will take a great timeframe and this game series down with it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hkmandalore47 Posted August 3, 2011 And may I point out that Drew Karpyshan (I think) is writing a novel entitled "Revan" that talks about what happened in the Unknown Regions. And it will be addressed in-game (trust me.) really? so then we finally get to know what happened to revan when he went to the unknown regions. and hopefully the exile too. @allison- unfortunately at this point there is no chance for a KotOR III. i think that if they were to make TOR (which i think looks cool), they should have made a KotOR III first about like the exile and revan meeting or something Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites