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Any visual enhancement mods for TSLRCM ?

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Hello !


Does any one known any great visual enhancement mods for TSLRCM?? If someone knows, please tell me, l'll be awaiting your reply and if no one knows then well okay/ l am having trouble finding some great mods!

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Well, it depends on what you have in mind exactly. If it is area reskin you are after, Xarwarz have mutiple mods out there you can get. There are also 3 mods I'm looking foward to that are not yet done (except in beta or not at all: Malkior is working on one of them, SelfInducedComa on another and there is also Insanity Sorrow's Peragus reskin being made at LucasForums that is actually out in beta). Also, anyone that's someone on the modding scene will tell you that SharenThrawn's Nar Shaddaa's skybox is a must have. There are quite a few skin mods for creatures, so browse around, but be on the lookout that some of 'em will not be compatible with the restored content so be organized and note which mods you install so that if you have problems later, we can tell you what's what.

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Well the mods that l'm looking for are well level retextures or improvements like this for example:



Well of course for TSL and not for KotOR. l can't seem to find where l could download these retexture mods and also how to say afraid l am of installing them because l don't known if they could work with TSLRCM 1.8.3

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and also how to say afraid l am of installing them because l don't known if they could work with TSLRCM 1.8.3

Read this first.



I can't seem to find where l could download these retexture mods


What . . . the list on the first page wasn't enough? Oh well . . .


Try here and here first. No guarantees on TSLRCM compatibility if it doesn't explicitly say so on the page though.

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For Xarwarz, try these:


You may have a better luck looking for his mods on moddb


His works gives various different new gen styles to environnment. You won't like all of it, but it could interest you and it is compatible with TSL RCM.

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MrPhil thank you for the links again thank you because you can't imagin how hard for me was to find some great retexture mods for TSL

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On this site, go to the top of the page and click on downloads. Then choose your game and then choose skins.

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MrPhil thank you for the links again thank you because you can't imagin how hard for me was to find some great retexture mods for TSL

Why, you welcome ;)

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Hello. I'm also looking for visual enhancements, but in my case I'm wanting something like BryanWee20's T.W.O. but for disrupters. i hate the vanilla look of disrupter pistols and rifles but there basically the best guns, so I use those i just want some new skins or models for them. Any advice?

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There are also the HQ movies and sounds released by Lucas Arts available on Filefront. The bik player will adjust the movie to the games resolution automatically. To take advantage you have to have the game patched  to your monitor's native resolution. See for how to do this.

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