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Sith Holocron

Keeping a clean install on a external drive.

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On the 1st of April, Hassat Hunter replied to a status update with:

I have a "clean" install (with music patch and 1.0b) on my external disk, so I can simply swap it to the install location if I ever need to 'Re-install'...

Just today (07 MAR 2014), LiliArch asked:


I'm thinking to move my K1/TSL installation to an external hard disk drive, as it would be way much more space in there.

I'd like to ask the community on what would be the best way to accomplish this. You see, I've had to uninstall and reinstall my KotOR1 and KotOR2 for various reasons over the years. I want to minimize the hassle of installation and this seems like it would be the best way to minimize this. Any suggestions would be helpful. I think I have some idea how to do but it would be easier for everyone to a step by step guide how to do this. It would a tutorial that everyone could get use out of!
Thanks for listening.

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I don't know about the inherent impact, but I just copy my entire "KOTOR2" folder from my C// drive directly to my external. I don't use this as a full backup, but more as a resource that I can extract components from. Such as for re-installing module files if I messed up any of them.


The things I rely on backing-up are basically just my Override, Module, and (maybe) Streaming Audio folders. I don't think TSLRCM changes much else.




Although, I feel I must clarify; I still install and uninstall TSLRCM normally. I use my backup so that if other mods skewed with its components, I can easily revert them to a state post-TSLRCM, instead of deleting everything and starting over. I don't "drag and drop" the backup folder in lieu of actually installing it.


In my next install I will also have a "mod order" document so that all of my installed mods won't interfere with eachother.

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I suppose the best way depends on what you are trying to do. If you are making a backup copy, a simple copy/paste should be enough, I think. Me, I'm thinking to change the actual install location. The simplest non-tech way is to uninstall from c and then install on that another drive (but I'm too lazy for that, so I did a copy/paste for that, too, and now I need to do some registry editing to get autorun working... but the game runs fine when I double-click the exe, I'm totally surprised).

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