Kreia Stick Lightsaber crashes game

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when i use a workbench to upgrade kreias green stick,i run into a problem with one particular slot.

There are six slots to put upgrades and the second slot down on the left  won't except any upgrade.

It imediatly crashes the game,when i click on it.

I was hoping there is a easy way to fix this,so i'd appreciate some help here..if any one knows what's causing it.

I was thinking it's down to a missing skin or file or something.

I can upgrade the 5 other slots ok and i have to remember not to touch that one slot.


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when i use a workbench to upgrade kreias green stick,i run into a problem with one particular slot.

There are six slots to put upgrades and the second slot down on the left  won't except any upgrade.

It imediatly crashes the game,when i click on it.

I was hoping there is a easy way to fix this,so i'd appreciate some help here..if any one knows what's causing it.

I was thinking it's down to a missing skin or file or something.

I can upgrade the 5 other slots ok and i have to remember not to touch that one slot.


Second slot on the left? That's the slot that holds the saber color crystal. In TSL, the lightsaber and its properties, its identity, are tied to the color crystal. When you're changing that, you're changing the entire saber.


For example, take out Atton's Crystal from his saber and put a new one in, say Bao Dur's Crystal, and it'll change to Bao Dur's saber...

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Statement: If you're using USM and TSLRCM 1.8 and just put the models for the lightsabers in, then it's not just you. Since the specialized lightsabers are somehow generated without their specialized crystals (i.e. the Dunas Gem for Kreia's Walking Stick), you can't ever change it, but it's only for the aesthetics of the lightsaber anyway. You're just going to have to get used to not touching the color gem section of USM sabers.

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Thanks,for making it clearer,i wasn't aware of that.


sidenote:I forgot how funny it is to hear the word "meatbags"

Who ever thought up some of the dialogue for hk 47 is just brillaint.

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