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Sith Holocron

Show off Your Desktop Wallpaper!

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I had another idea for a thread: having folks show off their desktop wallpaper.
Some ground rules first though.
1) No offensive materials. (i.e. no nudity, no hate materials, no political affiliations)
2) Please use a photo hosting site (such as to host the pictures and then post the link here. Do not attach the pictures as a thumbnail.
3) When posting the picture, use the picture by itself. Don't capture the image with all of your desktop icons cluttering it up.

4) Please provide a brief description of what you put up.
OK, here's mine


This is my Jedi Consular (Emfour) on Taris in the ChemWorks Factory plant. As the building is sinking into the swamp, the building is on a slight angle - giving off some odd "Dutch angles" to the scene. And of course, the Trandoshan is Qyzen Fess - a Consular companion.

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I have an Alienware machine, and this is what it came with (along with several others - I stuck with this one).

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