
End game?

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So, I wanted to know without potentially spoiling myself with a search on the subject... does this mod restore the full, satisfying, intended ending to the storyline?


Thank you!



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It does.

But as for 'satisfying' that's up to the player. As a certain level of mystery (Bao-Dur, droids) was definitely intended to leave it a Empire Strikes Back ending to KOTOR3.

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From the horse's mouth, so to speak:






RPS: I imagine that goes double since you never got to complete KOTOR 2′s real ending. I mean, what was it, anyway? What were you planning to do with it, as opposed to what ended up happening?

Avellone: The ideal ending was, when you go to Malachor V, the goal there was that I wanted all the influence changes that had occurred with your party members to cause them to split right down the middle, so they end up fighting each other and having a big showdown there. They confront each other over the things they’ve done across the game, how they relate to your character… Even the droids would square off against each other. Because they hated each other.


RPS: I know there was a little bit of that in the actual ending, where the droids end up having a standoff.

Avellone: Just a little, yeah. That was not nearly enough of what was planned. And that would end up being the final showdown there, right before Kreia. Also, there was supposed to be a series of sequences where, over the course of the game, Kreia, behind your back, would start recruiting certain people to side with her, like Hanharr. She actually would have a cutscene where she would seduce them to the dark side, or show them why they should turn on the player or be more loyal to her. That was supposed to factor into the ending as well. She’d use them as cannon fodder before you actually fought her.


RPS: And the player was going to see those scenes over the course of the game?

Avellone: The player would see them, but not the character, if that makes any sense.


RPS: I actually sort of like that those weren’t there, then, because I think that would have made Kreia’s real goals a bit too overt. Whereas I think when the big reveal came, it was still like… It was obviously coming, but it wasn’t, “Woooooo, I’m basically Palpatine.”

Avellone: It’s a little hard to explain, but the context of those conversion scenes [it works]. Like when she’s persuading Hanharr, the reason why she’s doing it is unclear in the scene. Except that you realize it’s going to have some payoff down the line. You’re just not sure what it is. I would like to think that we were handing it somewhat subtly, but who knows? It never happened.


I would say the TSLRCM goes a really looooooong way to restoring this vision. 


Although the stuff Avallone says about Kreia... that confuses me totally.  I've never thought Kriea was actually evil, just, y'know, Kreia?? :no




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thanks ppl! installing it now. Does it run on a spanish language version of the game? Or how do I get Steam to send me the English language version? (I'm Mexican with Spanish-language OS and I get Spa for default)

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You select a language during installation. Spanish is available.

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last question: it says to disable auto updates for the game... where can I find that command? I've spent the entire morning searching all Steam interfaces and found no option to automaticallly update (or not) any game.

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Right click kotor 2 on steam and click "preferences." In the window that comes up, there should be a tab called "updates". Click that and there is a drop down bar that says something like "keep this game up to date." Click that and click "do not update" and you should be all set to play.

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@ peedeeboy, the characters don't seem to hate each other though. I mean, there are some, but not all. G0-T0 hates all the droids (except T3, whom he doesn't care about.) T3 doesn't seem to care about the droids and he was trying to build HK for reasons explained in game. HK-47 hated G0-T0 but didn't care about T3, Mandalore was in it kinda for himself. Atton is friends with a male exile, but gets jealous when a female exile has higher influence with Disciple. (I think they only fight when darksided), and he also doesn't really like the Last of the Handmaidens probably from still being sore from the Telos academy. Bao-Dur would follow the exile to hell and back and is friendly with Atton, but hates Mandalore, and is respected by the droids for his skills. visas loves the exile, Brianna loves the exile but gets jealous when influence is higher with visas (they only fight when darksided), and Mira is kind of a loner. Hanharr is - I'm pretty sure - also a loner (and he and Mira hate each other) and Disciple I think is too. the whole party seems to know that Kreia is evil.


so I would say that generally  they all have that 1 person they don't like, but I wouldn't say that they all hate each other. plus they DO stick together on Malachor V for the benefit of themselves and the exile and they all like the Exile, so yea.

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