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Thief Catching quest

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I posted this as a response on the filefront page for the mod, but I wanted to place it here as well and add to it.


If the whole point of this is to restore content that was removed from the final game when it was released why the heck did you remove something?


I'm on Dantooine and I can't get the Suulru's moisture vaporators side quest. Instead I get this one called "Thief Catching" from him.


After comparing the unaltered game with the altered one using the KSE I found that the "Farm Equipment: Bonus Mission" has been removed and yet when I speak to Suulru again he's asking about his vaporators as if I had that quest, but I don't.


Now as to this quest that has obviously replaced the one where ya just buy them back from Jorran or force persuade him to give it to you and the credits he swindled from Suulru.


I have been through the entire ruins and have yet to meet this "thief". There is only one possible area he could be at and it's got a locked door with no options for it. Can't bash it, pick it, or use a grenade on it, so I'm guessing he's in there. Question is HOW THE BLAZES DO YOU OPEN IT?!


Thank you for your time.

Edited by Renodil
Misspelled thief

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I did. They're all dead. I'm not talking about the door Jorran is behind. I'm talking about the one that's straight ahead from the entrance on the other side of the fountain or whatever it is and to the left.

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Guest staticjoe66

The thief is the Jedi padawan Kaevee you meet in the Enclave after talking to Daraala and Ralon in the salvager camp--after you get Kaevee to admit she's stealing you go back to Suulru and tell him the thief was not the salvagers and she's been dealt with completing the quest getting the reward...I know this because I've been able to complete the quest during each and every playthrough with the TSLRCM installed




I posted this as a response on the filefront page for the mod, but I wanted to place it here as well and add to it.


If the whole point of this is to restore content that was removed from the final game when it was released why the heck did you remove something?


I'm on Dantooine and I can't get the Suulru's moisture vaporators side quest. Instead I get this one called "Thief Catching" from him.


After comparing the unaltered game with the altered one using the KSE I found that the "Farm Equipment: Bonus Mission" has been removed and yet when I speak to Suulru again he's asking about his vaporators as if I had that quest, but I don't.


Now as to this quest that has obviously replaced the one where ya just buy them back from Jorran or force persuade him to give it to you and the credits he swindled from Suulru.


I have been through the entire ruins and have yet to meet this "thief". There is only one possible area he could be at and it's got a locked door with no options for it. Can't bash it, pick it, or use a grenade on it, so I'm guessing he's in there. Question is HOW THE BLAZES DO YOU OPEN IT?!


Thank you for your time.

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I can't find this Kaevee guy anywhere around there. Is this due to the fact that I also have the TSL: Un-Restored Content (Final Version) installed? If so how would I fix this without having to start all over? Can you tell me is exact location? Like I said earlier. I think he's behind that locked door that I can't access.

Edited by Renodil

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Guest staticjoe66
I can't find this Kaevee guy anywhere around there.


Kaevee is a female padawan who is in the little area behind the fountain directly across from where you come in



Is this due to the fact that I also have the TSL: Un-Restored Content (Final Version) installed?


Stoney or HH can answer this question much better and much more accurately than I can as I'm too dumb to be a modder



If so how would I fix this without having to start all over?


Not sure about this one but my best guess would be to reload a save from before you talk to Daraala and Ralon but after you've gotten the quest from Suulru



Like I said earlier. I think he's behind that locked door that I can't access


If it's the locked door I'm thinking of that's the room Joran's barricaded himself in, but with the TSLRCM installed you clear Suulru's quest by talking to Kaevee, not Joran




I can't find this Kaevee guy anywhere around there. Is this due to the fact that I also have the TSL: Un-Restored Content (Final Version) installed? If so how would I fix this without having to start all over? Can you tell me is exact location? Like I said earlier. I think he's behind that locked door that I can't access.

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Looks like the reason it wasn't working was because of the USM mod. Once I did a clean install and put your mod in and tried it again after killing the first 3 legriaks or however you spell them the door opens and more come out to attack you and then once you kill them she comes out complaining I killed her "pets".


Later on I went back to the Telos station to see if there were any groups of HK-50's there from your mod since after I removed the USM I saw a group at the enclave that weren't there before and there was. Problem is I can't load in the Entertainment module area without it crashing now unless I add the USM back in and then remove it when I'm done. Assuming this might cause other problems as I continue to progress within the game I decided to just start a new one without the USM installed.

Edited by Renodil

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I'm currently at this quest, I have missed in my previous run with TSLRCM 1.6 this time with the new version I want to finish it. I was wondering is there no way to direct her to a Jedi Master or the "There are no one to teach. Anywhere" answer is the only reply that can be given to her, even though I told her that there are Jedi around but in hiding. Cause I found Master Vrook already and he's not far away, but seems like telling her to train on her own "free of rules" is the only way ?

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Ah, I missed the part where she was the thief. I just convinced her that the Dark Side was the way to go, then she suddenly ran off. Does she appear elsewere?

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Please read Thread: Mod Compatibility with TSLRCM 1.7


Mods that conflict with TSLRCM (and/or have material already included in it) :


TSL Un-Restored Content (TSL:URC) - Final Version - This mod is basically what the TSLRCM evolved from. All the bells and whistles you see in this mod are already in the TSLRCM.


And USM is not in the list of Mods confirmed to work with TSLRCM 1.7


And note that if those MODs, in the list of Mods confirmed to work with TSLRCM 1.7, are working and do not conflict with TSLRCM, when taken individually, nothing says they do not conflict with each other.


And, with TSLRCM 1.7, you must restart a game from scratch.

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Does she appear elsewere?


No in a LS walkthrough. And I think it's the same in a DS walkthrough (not yet tested).

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I'm currently at this quest, I have missed in my previous run with TSLRCM 1.6 this time with the new version I want to finish it. I was wondering is there no way to direct her to a Jedi Master or the "There are no one to teach. Anywhere" answer is the only reply that can be given to her, even though I told her that there are Jedi around but in hiding. Cause I found Master Vrook already and he's not far away, but seems like telling her to train on her own "free of rules" is the only way ?

Yeah, I find this problematic too.

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Yes, it's a bit "sad" to see her disappear. She is 17 and is doing all alone for years in a world that seems hostile and who traumatized her.


She resisted for years at a Sith holocron that claimed to teach her anything other than what she clung at and still clings at.


She could have done well in the battle of Khoonda.


We could take her on board the Ebon Hawk, even as a mere passenger throughout the adventure (and a nod to Kotor 1).


She no longer wants to use the Force before she found a master. But Kreia will kill them all.


We are the last (and new) teachers, and with our air "nobleman" who saves the girl in distress, in reality we abandon her at a decline absolutely certain.


She is endearing.


Hey! ... It would be a good idea to see her reappear, powerful, LS, in Kotor 3 (because, of course, there will be a Kotor 3 ... right? Yes?...)

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She resisted for years at a Sith holocron that claimed to teach her anything other than what she clung at and still clings at.


It's suprising she could even resist those teachings of Sith Holocron while she's emotionally and mentally fragile, afraid and all alone. I think her willpower hints that she could be a great Jedi one day, if only she could be trained properly.


She could have done well in the battle of Khoonda.


We could take her on board the Ebon Hawk, even as a mere passenger throughout the adventure (and a nod to Kotor 1).


Agreed. Personally Battle of Khoonda goes far too easy (LS version) with everyone recruited and with a Jedi on their side. But that's technicality, in reality (as far as story concerned) Battle of Khoonda was much harder, and Militia was outnumbered greatly by Mercenaries, hence why they had to retreat inside claiming "They lost too many men" even if you lost none of them. So at that desperate moments, Keavee's help as a force sensitive, a padawan with a training in the use of the Force and Lightsaber could be invaluable. She could be convinced to help defend Khoonda, maybe to atone her crimes (thefts), similar like Akkere's redemption. She could also be taken, and actually she should have been taken on Ebon Hawk, cause in KotOR II Jedi are almost wiped out, and the galaxy is in desperate need of Jedi, that is why the Exile trains more than one apprentice at the same time, which is unsual for Jedi. So why abandon a Padawan who already taken some basic training and desperate to find a master ? But ofcourse it's impossible to take her aboard, considering companion list is full and she had no place in later parts of the story. It might be possible to put her in some part of the Ebon Hawk as an NPC, but what good would it make I wonder..


She no longer wants to use the Force before she found a master. But Kreia will kill them all.


We are the last (and new) teachers, and with our air "nobleman" who saves the girl in distress, in reality we abandon her at a decline absolutely certain.


She is endearing.


That's another odd reality. Even if we could direct her to Master (anyone from the "Lost Jedi" list) Kreia would eventually destroy them. And that is why I believe Kreia should at least say something when we found Kaevee. Maybe protest (possibly only to Exile's ears) that taking her with them would do no good, as the future is and the force bla bla bla you know usual cryptic Kreia words (although no disrespect, I love her dialogs). I just believe that a LS Exile wouldn't leave her on her own, unless manipulated by Kreia.


Hey! ... It would be a good idea to see her reappear, powerful, LS, in Kotor 3 (because, of course, there will be a Kotor 3 ... right? Yes?...)


I believe KotOR III was cancelled. Instead we'll have SWTOR, which is will be a MMORPG.

Edited by Heartseeker

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I have the same problem.

I tried to not speak to darla and then look for the thief, but the door wont open.

Also after speaking to darla i wont open.

And after talking to Ralon and asking him about the thief he says i have to go to darla, but when i finish the conversation no quest update comes... should this happend though?

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The door should open regardless of even HAVING the quest.


Do you have other mods installed?


it doenst open though, and maybe your right, maybe its the other mods


Mods i use :


TSLRCM 1.7 (with the black screen fix)

HOTOR 1.51

Kreia Assorted Robes

High Level Force Powers 2.1

Rubat Fix

Force Fashion 2

Floating Lightsabers


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Guest staticjoe66

Did you first get the thief quest from Suulru in Khoonda? Again with TSLRCM installed you clear this quest by getting Kaevee to admit she's stealing then convince her to stop stealing or kill her.



Once you clear out the laigreks behind the fountain she should come running out and fuss at you for killing her pets




I have the same problem.

I tried to not speak to darla and then look for the thief, but the door wont open.

Also after speaking to darla i wont open.

And after talking to Ralon and asking him about the thief he says i have to go to darla, but when i finish the conversation no quest update comes... should this happend though?

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Did you first get the thief quest from Suulru in Khoonda? Again with TSLRCM installed you clear this quest by getting Kaevee to admit she's stealing then get her to stop or kill her.



Once you clear out the laigreks behind the fountain she should come running out and fuss at you for killing her pets


Yeah, I talked to Sulruu first.

Tried to not talk to Darla and Daron didnt work, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried talking to Darla and Daron, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried talking only to Darla, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried talking only to Daron, got no quest update, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried taling to Daron and Darla (vica versa), door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

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Guest staticjoe66

I'm on Dantooine right now and just got the thief quest from Suulru--personally, aside from not following the right dialogue tree, I've never had a problem with Kaevee not appearing or clearing the quest...gimme a few to sell out Khoonda to the mercs and I'll let you know what happens





UPDATE: Talked to both Daraala and Ralon about the thief. Killed the laigreks in the area behind the fountain and Kaevee came running out just like she's supposed to. Got her to admit stealing then made sure she'll never steal anything from anyone ever again losing INF with Brianna in the process :w00t:







Yeah, I talked to Sulruu first.

Tried to not talk to Darla and Daron didnt work, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried talking to Darla and Daron, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried talking only to Darla, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried talking only to Daron, got no quest update, door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

Tried taling to Daron and Darla (vica versa), door was "locked door" and locked when i wanted to open it.

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I'm on Dantooine right now and just got the thief quest from Suulru--personally, aside from not following the right dialogue tree, I've never had a problem with Kaevee not appearing or clearing the quest...gimme a few to sell out Khoonda to the mercs and I'll let you know what happens





UPDATE: Talked to both Daraala and Ralon about the thief. Killed the laigreks in the area behind the fountain and Kaevee came running out just like she's supposed to. Got her to admit stealing then made sure she'll never steal anything from anyone ever again losing INF with Brianna in the process :w00t:


Did you get a quest update while talking to Ralon? Because i didnt...

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Guest staticjoe66

Nope but at that point I don't see you needing one--you've already gotten the quest from Suulru, you talk to Daraala to get the salvager's will quest and Ralon to either buy or take the fake holocron from him. When you meet Kaevee one of the questions you can ask her is are you the thief?






Did you get a quest update while talking to Ralon? Because i didnt...

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Nope but at that point I don't see you needing one--you've already gotten the quest from Suulru, you talk to Daraala to get the salvager's will quest and Ralon to either buy or take the fake holocron from him. When you meet Kaevee one of the questions you can ask her is are you the thief?


I couldnt even talk to her because the door wouldnt open when i killed the laigrek.

Anyway, just reinstalled the game and mods i thought weren't incompatable.

I was stupid to delete the saves :w00t:. So i used skipping mods to get to dantioone early..

I went to the enclave and guess what happend.... after i killed the 3 laigrek... the door OPENEND, killed the rest of the laigrek and there was Kaevee.

Ill check which mod was the problem to this, though i think it was the korriban mod..

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Sorry for necroposting.
Here is the problem: Firstly I met Kaevee in the Encalve and after that I took Suulru's moisture vaporators quest. What should I do now? Can I get these vaporators in any other way?

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Sorry for necroposting.

Here is the problem: Firstly I met Kaevee in the Encalve and after that I took Suulru's moisture vaporators quest. What should I do now? Can I get these vaporators in any other way?



You don't actually retrieve the equipment you just find out who the thief is so all you have to do now is go back to Suulru and tell him you dealt with the thief.

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