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Jedi Temple Mod and its expansion

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As far as I can tell, the problem seems to be on Filefront/Gamefront's side, regarding IP addresses. The solution seems to be to change your browsing IP address. Filefront doesn't serve the following countries and blocks IPs located within them:

A possible bypass . . . thanks to "JesusIsGonnaOwnSatan" from LucasForums for posting this...

Folks have managed to get around the problem by using a proxy, specifically,

Here's how to do it:

1. Go to the Filefront mod you want to get. (For example, Jedi Academy Mod Manager.)
2. Copy the page URL from address bar. (In this case, ";100577")
3. Go to, and paste the Filefront page URL into the main box, and click "Hide me"

Now you should be able to see screenshots, and be able to download. It's not as fast as accessing the site normally, but it's better than nothing.

Other proxy options include:

Note 1: If the proxies have the option available, allow cookies and scripts.
Note 2: You'll usually have to click the direct download link on the Gamefront download page ("Your download will begin in a few seconds.
If it does not, click here.").
Note 3: If you want to try more proxies, try the list from
Note 4: Check the filesize of the download: If it's 0 bytes or something like that, the download is not working.
Note 5: When using free proxies, there are often a lot of ads, so I recommend using an addon for your browser to block ads and popups, such as AdBlock for Chrome, or Adblock Plus for Firefox. Or of course, you could leave them as is; proxy sites, like any other site, use adspace to pay for their server costs.

Now, when you download from Filefront/Gamefront using these proxies, there is an extra step involved: When downloading, it will download a file called "browse.php" (or in the case of blewpass, "download"). Note the size of the downloads - they are actually the files you want, but just renamed. Once it finishes downloading, you have to find it on your computer, and rename it to the proper filename.

On the Filefront mod info page, you'll find the mod's filename at the top of the page. Pay attention to the extension, especially (.zip, .rar, .exe, etc). In theory, all you need to do is get the extension right, and the downloaded file will work, but for practicality reasons, it's a good idea to name it properly with the full filename (e.g. if you leave them all as "", it will become very hard to know which file is which).

So basically, to recap:

1. Follow the steps in my previous post, but using a proxy other than incloak.
2. After downloading, rename the file from "browse.php" or "download" to the actual filename, found on the Filefront mod info page.
3. Install/use mod as normal

Good luck and may the Force (and the sought after downalods) be with you!

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well i only registred to thank you sith holocron, i was trying to download this for the past couple hours....soooo  THANK YOU VERY MUCH M8

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