
TSLRCM 1.8.2 + M4-78EP Walkthrough

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Look under the Modding Tools section.

Got it, succesfully downloaded. Arigato! ( Meaning thank you in Japanese, as I'm watching One Piece at the moment :) )

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Sounds to me like there's a faulty script. You have the one script that activates when you kill Vash, and it sets boolean/numbers accordingly. Now, there was a bug where killing Vash incremented the kill count and allowed you to skip one of the other masters. That was an accidental adjustment of the 003_JEDI_DEAD number IIRC.


This sounds like the script that activates when you don't kill Vash is not incrementing the variable.


As a fix, I recommend having three saved games: one before you can kill Vash, one with Vash dead, and one when she's not, right after the scene where you can kill her. Then compare the booleans and numbers until you find one that is different and note it's value.


You can use the DLG Editor to find the line where the script is, then do this:



1. Change the name of the script in the "Script the activates" field of the line in DLG Editor to whatever you want, after first copying the name into a text file.

2. Make a new script in KT that has this in it:

void main()
    \\ Either SetGlobalNumber or SetGlobalBoolean, depending on what you found in your comparisons
    \\ SetGlobalBoolean("<Your Boolean Here>", "<Value Here>");
    \\ SetGlobalNumber("<Your Number Here>", "<Value Here>");

    ExecuteScript("<Name of original script that wasn't working>");

Then compile the script and name it what you changed the script field in DLG Editor to say. Now throw it in override, load up the pre-Vash save, and hope it works.




Eh, ok, I got DLG Editor, but I don't know a thing about modding, changing scripts, so if you could tell me exactly what to do, I would appreciate it ( a LOT :) ).


So, I open DLG Editor, and then what?

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Could someone explain to me how his play through got so messed up in the first place. Answer here and NOT in PMs, please.

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Cause it's broken?

Broken, unbroken, whatever, so if you know how to fix it or if I can simply fix it with DLGEditor ( Fair Strides's idea ), just tell me what to do as I'm really sick of waiting :mad2:


Either give a patch or tell me how to fix it by myself :)

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The patch is worked on, it will take time though.

And no, I don't think it's something you can fix by yourself.

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The patch is worked on, it will take time though.

And no, I don't think it's something you can fix by yourself.

Cool, I'll look forward to it!


Guess you're right cuz I'm not a modder and don't know anything about scripts :D. I'm just the one who shows the final product :w00t:

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Good news everyone: my walkthrough has restarted from where I've left it off!


I'm really sorry for keeping you guys like that. I can't say the reason here as it may be a spoiler and I don't want to offend anybody ( even if I can tag it with a spoiler tag ). Check the video description of part 34 on YouTube and you'll see the reason why I have halted this walkthrough for so long ( I haven't offended anybody there either, mind you :P ).


But unfortuantely, I'll still have to edit the parts on Movie Maker as this happend to me one day: :pc:


Anyways, enjoy part 34 and stay tuned for the upcoming parts that will come ( hopefully ) this year! :welcome:

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Your link for part 34 is wrong.


And yes, the patch will come... someday. Not soon.

XD! I guess I was just careless! Thanks for noticing! I'll fix it right now!


Take your time! At the moment i want to finish my current walkthrough and then I'll just take a break from Kotor 2... and start some new walkthroughs of different games, you know?

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Hi there, after many years I wanna play this game again with these 2 mods, but I need to know about possible endings first. I'd like to play a male character, mostly neutral / dark path. Can anyone tell me, what would happen if:


1) I kill Vrook for expample, but mercy all others masters?

2) I kill all the masters, except one.


Would they say something like ''we know you killed Vrook" and that's all, no conversation about Force? And Kreia will eventually say "you have failed me'' am I correct?


And what about companions, what would happen with Atton, Mira, Handmaden and Visas if I have a lot of influence on them? I'd like to keep them alive, if it is possible. Bao-Dur and Mandalore as well. How can I manage this?


Is there any sort of manual? Give me the link please.

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Hi there, after many years I wanna play this game again with these 2 mods, but I need to know about possible endings first. I'd like to play a male character, mostly neutral / dark path. Can anyone tell me, what would happen if:


1) I kill Vrook for expample, but mercy all others masters?

2) I kill all the masters, except one.


Would they say something like ''we know you killed Vrook" and that's all, no conversation about Force? And Kreia will eventually say "you have failed me'' am I correct?


And what about companions, what would happen with Atton, Mira, Handmaden and Visas if I have a lot of influence on them? I'd like to keep them alive, if it is possible. Bao-Dur and Mandalore as well. How can I manage this?


Is there any sort of manual? Give me the link please.




From what I know ( and remember ), if you kill one of the masters and spare the others, the others will say something and then just want to kill you. Same thing when you spare one of them... And Kreia will betray you, but I have no idea what will she say :(...




If you use TSLRCM, then you must know this: Atton will have to face Sion, so you must keep Atton alive in his fight with Sion. If Atton survives, he'll be alive for the rest of the game. Handmaiden and Visas... If you have higher influence with Brianna than Visas, you can keep them both alive, but you'll have to free them from some cells in the Academy from Malachor V. Mandalore also can be freed from the same place as Visas and Brianna ( Handmaiden ). But Bao-Dur dies, no matter what... ( all this infromation with the Exile a dark side male, as you said ).




Anything else?

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Can you do a walkthrough on how to lose enough influence with a character to get him to become a jedi? I heard it was possible. For example, I would like to be a LS jedi, but just for kicks, have Bao-Dur give-in to the DS (by being mean when he is around, so I loose some influence with him). Basically, what I need is a new and up-to-date guide both on when we loose influence and when we gain influence with characters, one that is more precise than the one that's already out there and that does not correctly apply to TSL RCM.

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Can you do a walkthrough on how to lose enough influence with a character to get him to become a jedi? I heard it was possible. For example, I would like to be a LS jedi, but just for kicks, have Bao-Dur give-in to the DS (by being mean when he is around, so I loose some influence with him). Basically, what I need is a new and up-to-date guide both on when we loose influence and when we gain influence with characters, one that is more precise than the one that's already out there and that does not correctly apply to TSL RCM.

No offense, but it sounds kinda weird and stupid to make a Jedi someone with whom you have low influence. Having low influence with someone ( in my opinion ) means you hate that character or you simply want to tease him, but absolutely NOT like that character!


I don't deny the fact that it may be possible, but I'm absolutely not interested to do SUCH a walkthrough. Plus I'm kinda tired of making another Kotor 2 walkthrough at the moment ( already did 3 of them ) and no one seemed to care about my TSLRCM and M4-78EP walkthrough ( except maybe on YouTube and no I don't want the million views on each video ), so I'm sorry.


Either you can try it yourself or ask someone else, but if it bothers you so much, try it yourself. You may like it better done by yourself, who knows?

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The reason I ask is because it has been challenging to me to get them to "hate me", as you put-it. Especially for Atton, who seems to gain influence with you all the time and can't seem to loose any. Oh well. Guess I'll keep trying then...

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The reason I ask is because it has been challenging to me to get them to "hate me", as you put-it. Especially for Atton, who seems to gain influence with you all the time and can't seem to loose any. Oh well. Guess I'll keep trying then...

I see... Well, I wish you good luck then! :w00t:

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