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MCA just gave you guys the big thumbs up again on the USTREAM. I guess at this point it's no secret how he feels about TSLRCM.

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MCA just gave you guys the big thumbs up again on the USTREAM. I guess at this point it's no secret how he feels about TSLRCM.

Was about to post that! That was so awesome, I love this guy

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Awesome stuff. For some stupid reason I keep looking at that 3.986M and wishing it woulda broken 4M on kickstarter (perhaps I'm just OCD :P ). But happy they got all the money to make a great game, now the for the 1.5 (or so) year wait.... Ugh..

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Awesome stuff. For some stupid reason I keep looking at that 3.986M and wishing it woulda broken 4M on kickstarter (perhaps I'm just OCD :P ). But happy they got all the money to make a great game, now the for the 1.5 (or so) year wait.... Ugh..


But they did break 4 million. You missed the Kickstarter update, I'm guessing.


Kickstarter and PayPal Stats


So as of about 1:30 PM PDT, here’s where we stand funding-wise:



Backers: 73,986

Pledged: $3,986,929



Backers: 3,681

Pledged: $176,279



Backers: 77,667

Pledged: $4,163,208


Stretch Goals


So that means we hit the 4M stretch goal, right?



How do PayPal backers affect the Mega Dungeon size?

It counts toward the Mega Dungeon! We hit fourteen (14!!!!) levels!


Will Facebook Likes still count to a larger dungeon?

Yes, for now they do! Come like us quickly and maybe we can hit the 40,000 likes for one last dungeon level. But it’s for a limited time, so… like us! Please note: If you clicked Like on our Eternity home page, that doesn’t qualify – we need likes on Obsidian’s Facebook page!


Kickstarter / Amazon Payments / PayPal


OK, so now what happens? If you backed us on Kickstarter, Amazon will begin processing payments and will contact you. This process takes place over a period of 14 days. If you encounter any problems with this process, never fear about losing your pledge. We’ll work with you to work out any payment issues so you don’t lose out as long as you were a part of the crowdfunding phase.


Once payments are taken care of, we’ll start collecting information from you guys, and we’ll do that a few times. More info on that below. If you backed us on PayPal, and everything went through OK, sit back and relax and we’ll be in touch soon!

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Nah, I saw it. They broke 4 million, but not 4 million ON Kickstarter. The record for highest video game funded through Kickstarter won't include Paypal numbers. Just like when people talk about how much DFA raised, they only talk about the 3.3M through KS, not their Paypal numbers. I know it doesn't matter, since they got the last stretch goal with the addition of Paypal. Like I said, it's a silly thing, but part of me still would like to see it over 4 million when I go to the Kickstarter page.



P.S. - It is kinda creepily poetic that the 3986 matches up between backers and total pledged.

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