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Hunters Run

Revans Flowing Robe TSL

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File Name: Revans Flowing Robe TSL

File Submitter: Hunters Run

File Submitted: 03 Sep 2012

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Knights of the old republic 2 Revans Flowing Robe



This mod adds animations to revan's cape and belt. As I consider the mod to be a modders resource, I did not include a .uti so you'll have to create your own.



Use as you will in your own mods. You don't even have to credit me. Just don't take credit for this mod.


Click here to download this file

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Thanks for telling us how to create a .uti, greatly appreciate it T-T 







Okay seriously, why not just package a uti with the mod? I swear I can't find a clear step by step guide anywhere on how to make a uti. :/

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Just get another mod that lets you wear a robe/armor that changes your appearance to Revan and that'll work. Or get Kotor Tool and take any random UTI you find and edit that.

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Yeah but I don't know how to do that >.<


Lets say I get a mod that lets me wear a robe/armor that changes my appearance to Revan and I open it open with the Kotor tool in the item editor, where do I change the model? Like I said a step by step guide on what to SPECIFICALLY do would be awesome :D



edit: Nevermind, figured it out. 

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Yeah in hindsight, I probably should have at least shown a perspective user how to do this. My reasoning for not including a .uti was as follows:


1. Back then - I believe - most people knew how to make a .uti or there was always someone to help.

2. You aren't Revan in the second game.

3. As stated it was more a modder's resource *cough* ROR and assorted other mods maybe *cough*.


While 1 may be a valid reason, I may have underestimated how many people use his robe ( no idea why but still). 3 still stands but is taking longer than I thought it would. (Although now that I think about it, you can't rush quality).  

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