
what is your job or what is your plans for the future

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Introduction: Once upon a time on the Deadly Stream website was where everybody knew each over personally and became friends. For instance, back in the year 2009/2010 I joined and met Mandalore who had joined 2 days after me. I became friends with him because as a joke, I joined up with him to help him become Arcade King because not to brag i was the king at Asteroids. (I hate that the game has gone now :( ) I learned that he was from England like me and he was in the south east and i the south west, also he was in the year below me at school.


My point is that nowadays, this website isn't as social as it once was. I liked that factor about this website - that whether you are 16 or 45, we are all equals here and we mingle. So to get to know some of the new people, I'd like to know what you do at work or what your plans are for your future.


OK, I'm 16 and I'm going into college studying Geography and Art. I'm hoping to get a good grade in art and some day in the future live in London and work for Lionhead Studios and become a artist on games - maybe as a concept artist. If that fails, I've Geography as a back up.

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Seems like the wrong place for this topic, does it not?


18, only 3 weeks of school left and then a break before my final exams, and next year I plan on starting college to try get my Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Games Design. It's a 3 year, $90,000 course which I'm going to need HECS support for. I'd like to start my own Australian-based developer studio and be successful, unlike Team Bondi...


Currently work casual time at Franklins, the smallest of all the supermarkets in Australia. I used to work at McDonalds, but that didn't turn out so well...

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well i live in british columbia, canada. i am 16, almost 17, i love star wars, japanese, anime and manga. i got 1 year left till im done school, im very religious, i dont work, (though I'm looking), i do volunteer, when im out of school i might become a missionary or an esl teacher in japan, my favourite hobby i guess is modding, seems like i spend more time on that than actually playing the game lol. and i love deadlystream, it has become my E-home lol. side-note: is there an introduction forum @ lucasforums?

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I have a daughter twice your age, and the ancient one is an active 66. I enlisted in the Navy after 2 years in college with an associate degree in electronics, before I got drafted by the army. I then spent 35 years as an industrial construction electrician before retiring. Being home all the time was boring so I took a job selling electronics items to people who don't know what they really need, three days a week.


I was hooked on gaming when someone at work gave me a 9" floppy disc containing the Adventure game (most will know this as Zork) The computer was a DEC PDP 11 with a teletype interface at work (The personal computer was a few years away). I found out several years later that I have D.I.M.S. and can not play fps games without motion sickness.So I am an avid adventure and strategy gamer as a result.


I plan to enjoying being retired and do some traveling, especially to Belgium to visit my daughter. I would like to take my wife of 40 years to some of the places the Navy took me so many years ago.

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I'm 26, I'm Russian. I'm deputy chief of database department in a company developing software for builders.

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WOW! It's been over ten years since I wrote here.

Now I'm 37, I'm Chief of Database department in same company. My salary has tripled, I have my own flat (recently made my last payment to the bank). I'm single and I like it!

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