Hassat Hunter

New forum; confusing and ugly?

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Also, at the bottom it says that the time is GMT+1, but the time it shows is actually GMT.

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You're never going to believe this.


The time problem is a bug in vBulletin... Shock!!


It's been there since beta 3 and still hasn't been fixed nearly a year later.


Sorry but there's nothing I can do about that one.

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You're never going to believe this.


The time problem is a bug in vBulletin... Shock!!


It's been there since beta 3 and still hasn't been fixed nearly a year later.


Sorry but there's nothing I can do about that one.


At least it isn't crashing like 3 times a week.

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I'm slowly working on a new style but it's taking longer than expected.


The vBulletin styling system is so bloated and heavy. Just as one part starts looking something half decent, another part then looks crap again.


Seriously I'm having serious doubts about vBulletin now. Bugs that should never have been in the first place are still around nearly a year later, little to no support from vBulletin themselves and the support they do give isn't worth the bandwidth it takes to transmit. And they're now in the process of being sold yet again.


It would be nice if XenForo could work here.


I'll get the new style done soon.

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You're never going to believe this.


The time problem is a bug in vBulletin... Shock!!


It's been there since beta 3 and still hasn't been fixed nearly a year later.


Sorry but there's nothing I can do about that one.


Ok, it doesn't really matter anyway.

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It doesn't matter in as much as performance but it does matter in as much as it shouldn't be there.


vBulletin is a 10 year old forum software and they can't/won't fix a simple bug like that.

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True. If they're going to put out upgrades, they should really make sure they've actually done something useful with the upgrade.

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I just can't understand what's happening over there lately.


They always used to be helpful, there were never many major bugs and even fewer smaller bugs. Now it's full of little things like the time problem.


And the staff are so bloody rude. I have 3 licenses, 2 in use and 1 spare. I don't want to go into details but I've sold the spare license and while processing it, the customer services guy made a comment about where the other one is used.


I wrote a lengthy reply telling him how that was unacceptable and finished it off with telling them to cancel my whole account, I will never use vBulletin again.


I did however delete it and just replied with whatever but I will not be using vBulletin again.

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That always happens when you use a single service for a long time. I mean, the huge business website maker Mr Site used to be very helpful to all their customers, but now their customer support simply does nothing. They just say the same things over and over again...

Edited by Mandalore
There is no `n` in `customers`.

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Oh vBulletin do something, they blame their customers and their hosting.

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Guest GarfieldJL

I noticed a problem not to be rude but occasionally you will end up with white text on a white background with these forums. Well at least I get white text on white background if I select someone's name to private message them I also get sections where this is happening when I click on My Profile at the top right of my screen. While I have no problem with the overall skin on this board or the fact it has white text on a dark grey or green background, it is a problem when it ends up being on a white background. Either the color of the text needs to change in those sections or the background there needs to be recoded so it is a darker color and not white.

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Guest DH-010

I know I'm going on and on about the arcade system... But there's one more thing.


The link (the 'button' itself) to it is gone in the navigation bar (at least I can't find it anymore), I can go there manually though as Mandalore and I are frequently doing so.

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