
Dark Jedi on Malachor V endgame bug

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Hello, new poster here.

Apologies if this has already been discussed, I tried searching for it but couldn't find a mention.


I have the TSLRCM v1.6 (although now I have discovered there is a 1.7, I'll upgrade to that shortly) and 90SK's Super Content Mod installed on the PC, as well as PVC Dancer's Outfit (that I cant get to work) and the Ebon Hawk internal upgrade, but during the endgame when killing the Sith in Trayus Academy the Dark Jedi fail to initialise correctly. They are invisible, their floating attack menu has a green border instead of red and if I do attack them, by accident or even when force confusing another Sith to kill them, it crashes the game, even got the Blue Screen of Death from it once.


Does anyone know if this is a common problem and if there is a simple fix for it? I'm currently planning on un/re-installing and trying to download the mods again, anyone know if there is a simpler fix?



I really enjoy the mods being created by everyone here, thank you all for making a highly enjoyable game even better!


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90SK's Super Content Mod doesent work with tslrcm on any version, lot of people have tried make them work togever including me but all attempts have failed so far....

btw hope that helped

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That's a shame. Makes sense though, I ran through the game with just TSLRCM v1.6 first time and it was fine (apart from the savers bug on NS which was patched), and I only added the other Mods for the second time around which is where I found the bug.


Do you know if any of 90SK's newer mods are TSLRCM compatible? I love the changes they made, even if they are just visual ones.



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Yes, I've successfully played RCM 1.7 with his Shiny HKs mod, his Heavy Armors Expansion mod, and his Nihilus Mask Fix mod.

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That Nihilus Mask Fix sounds intriguing, especially as I'm about to embark on a DS playthrough again. I'm gonna miss 90SK's robes though, they looked awesome.


Thanks Zhaboka.

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