Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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As stated, M4-78EP (Enhancement Project) is actually TSLRCM-requiring. You probably confuse it with the bare M4-78 mod already released.

Heh, I actually typed M4-78. Then I saw someone mention EP and assumed I had just gotten the title wrong, so edited.


No clue. However as far as "all content restored" that will never happen. Some of it (GenoHaradan, Atris as Traya, amongst others) just doesn't make sense to include and would only make the final game less coherent. Which is exactly the opposite of the goal of TSLRCM.

Understandable. Also, Atris was meant to be Traya?! Hahaha I never knew that. That would be... interesting. It's a shame the Genoharadan won't be in there though, that was one of my favourite parts of KOTOR and it's a shame not to see it developed in KOTOR2. They were meant to be in the Jek Jek Taar or something weren't they?

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It's a shame the Genoharadan won't be in there though, that was one of my favourite parts of KOTOR and it's a shame not to see it developed in KOTOR2. They were meant to be in the Jek Jek Taar or something weren't they?


Exile007 is making a mod to add the GenoHaradan in. In order to make it fit he has to freely interpretate the content though, and add more.

Hence why it's not in TSLRCM itself.


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I just spend waaaaaay too much time to make the "Droid Controller" (Goto's Yacht) feedback show up properly on the consoles.

For something most people probably wouldn't even bother with 0_0

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Understandable. Also, Atris was meant to be Traya?! Hahaha I never knew that. That would be... interesting. It's a shame the Genoharadan won't be in there though, that was one of my favourite parts of KOTOR and it's a shame not to see it developed in KOTOR2. They were meant to be in the Jek Jek Taar or something weren't they?


Atris as Traya and party member thread: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1033-revisioning-atris-role/page__p__11033__hl__atris__fromsearch__1#entry11033


Few interesting pieces of content left over from that initial idea

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And the price for oddest way to solve an issue goes to... Hassat Hunter.


Or there must be more modders who have no clue about the tags of the ones they have to delete, so just run around spamming the wereami armband to gather tags... :P

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Little snag; I have to recompile all loot scripts again... Oh joy (not).


Apparently an issue snuck in which meant no lightsaber drops. And I am sure people don't want the one from Bao-Dur to be the only one they ever get in the game, right?

It's already fixed, as I compiled one script to check it out and there it was, a lightsaber drop :)...

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I still want to see this 1.8 coming out, so, YOU GO, HH; THE MAN. =p

(Yes, im not logging in much, but my eyes are kept aware for the time being)

Here is all the support i can give. ^_^

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I got my Kotor II CD case in the mail a few days ago. It smells old but fresh, fresh for some TSL:RCM!


Go Hassat!

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So I just installed 1.7 to have a playthrough. Noticed a slight issue - in dialogue, occasionally sound won't play - dialogue will be skipped, and I won't even see the animations. I can select my replies and so on, but when I do I'm instantly faced with my next option. This transfers into cutscenes - they will be without sound.


It's a minor issue, but still a little annoying as it takes away from the "feel" of the game. I don't know if this is something you are aware of or if it's just me. I am playing with a few other mods instslled, though these have all come from the list of compatible ones.

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Yeah, actually this is one of the bugs of the orioginal game, not the mode. This first happens at the end of Peragus in the dialog of Atton and the Exile. Wonder why all the versions of the mod weren't able to fix it...

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Interesting. You'd think they would have patched it.

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Because it's an engine issue... we can't really fix all the many things Aurora/Oddessey does poorly...


Anyway... big snag. My PC crashed on me... still unsure what's the cause. Processor or Motherboard being dead the 2 current theories. My PC is away for fixing, it will take around 1 week. No fixing or testing during that period. Yes, I have this old PC to use, but all my saves and 1.8 fixes where on the harddisk of my primary PC. Which I hopefully survives intact otherwise, well, I can start from scratch again :/. Hopefully it doesn't go that far...

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You dont have a backup somewhere else or with someone else in the team? Or is the entire 1.8 update lost in case you PC turns out for the worst?

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HH has sent many of his updates via email. The situation isn't entirely dire.

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No, I can easily get the 1.8 installer again.

Though any fixes I made afterwards (which as you could read are quite a few) are on my disk. As are my savegames. As well as the base scripts for the loot. It can be pretty problematic if I lose these.

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You can get programs that recover hard drives, Easeus being the one I use. You have to buy it, but it's not too much.

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HH, can I ask you about whether my "suggestions" have been included in 1.8? By it, I mean the removal of gaining a dark side point after freeing your teammates from the prison on Malachor (you might remember it since you, too, noted that it would be a reasonable thing to do), and the removal of gaining a light side point after "complimenting" Atton on his decent plan on the Harbinger (topic in question: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1018-attons-plan-was-a-good-one/). Judging from the fact that the latter topic hasn't been looked at by anyone from the developer staff ever since I opened it, though, I don't think you even knew that it existed, but I'm asking it just in case.


Thank you for your answer in advance.

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Hassat Hunter how about you post an updated changelog of the 1.8 version :D.

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I was wondering if anyone knows when this mod will be released. I'm about to start the TSL again after a few years and I'm eager to play, but if this mod will be released any time soon I can wait. Thanks a lot, looking forward to it!

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I was wondering if anyone knows when this mod will be released. I'm about to start the TSL again after a few years and I'm eager to play, but if this mod will be released any time soon I can wait. Thanks a lot, looking forward to it!


The TSLRCM team hasn't given a release date for 1.8 nor do I believe one will be given.

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Yeah, no giving dates... there's always something giving crap that delays it...

(*cough* aaaaargh my PC *cough*)

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Yeah, no giving dates... there's always something giving crap that delays it...

(*cough* aaaaargh my PC *cough*)


Wow! That cough sounds pretty bad!We all wish you and your PC to get well!

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I know how that goes HH. I spent the last month and a half in a fight with newegg over parts for my new pc.

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