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Gin Fushicho

HK-50 and 51 programing

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Okay, so I have the HK-51's being constructed again, problem is, even after downloading the HK-50 programming and grabbing the datapad thingy off of the dead HK-50, I STILL cannot do anything with the HK-51 console.


Help... please.

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Guest staticjoe66

I concur as that's the way I do it--grab the datapad from the scrapped HK-50, head to the HK-51 console first, grab their update then upload HK-47's programming to the 51's, resume production of the 51's, sit back and let the mayhem begin :)



Pretty sure you need to go to the HK-51s console first if you want that part to work... if you downloaded the HK-50 programming it may be too late. Hope you have an earlier save.

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Wait... so I'm not supposed to resume production until AFTER they are reprogrammed? Because when I got to the computer on the first floor I resumed production immediately.

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That's not what we meant. You can resume production on the first floor immediately. On the lower floor, however, if you want to do things with the HK-51s, you need to go to the HK-51 console first (on the right) and not to the HK-50 console (on the left). If you've been to the HK-50 console and downloaded the HK-50 programming into yourself, I'm pretty sure the HK-51 console won't work for you, or at least you won't be able to get them on your side.

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Guest staticjoe66

Personally I do as much as I can from the HK-51 console, that way has worked best for me. Once I've had my fun at the 51 console I go to the other side and look in on the soon to be extinct HK-50's...I LOVE that dialogue tree and cutscene... :)




That's not what we meant. You can resume production on the first floor immediately. On the lower floor, however, if you want to do things with the HK-51s, you need to go to the HK-51 console first (on the right) and not to the HK-50 console (on the left). If you've been to the HK-50 console and downloaded the HK-50 programming into yourself, I'm pretty sure the HK-51 console won't work for you, or at least you won't be able to get them on your side.

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That's not what we meant. You can resume production on the first floor immediately. On the lower floor, however, if you want to do things with the HK-51s, you need to go to the HK-51 console first (on the right) and not to the HK-50 console (on the left). If you've been to the HK-50 console and downloaded the HK-50 programming into yourself, I'm pretty sure the HK-51 console won't work for you, or at least you won't be able to get them on your side.


What if I downloaded the combat upgrade but not the programming?

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What if I downloaded the combat upgrade but not the programming?


If you initiate the conversation with the HK-50s (near the HK-50 facility) before wrapping things up on the HK-51 side, you will be locked out from using the HK-51 terminal any further.


I'm working on resolving this issue, since so many were upset with how that was set up.

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I didn't think it would go over so badly. Better games than this have done the exact same thing.



And yes, I was a beta tester and then I offered to help with the mod and Stoney gave me the HK factory to work on. :P


Sure, blame me for that computer lock out issue, but has anyone thanked me for the epic HK-51 army? Nope lol :P




Besides, I'm fixing it.

Edited by VarsityPuppet

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Haha, just messing, I don't have a huge problem with it, just wanted to know if this was intended. I always go to the HK-51 console first anyway, though it is good that you're fixing it.


Haven't looked at what it looks like in 1.6 yet, either (I'm finishing my second planet atm).


Thanks for all the work, man. :P

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Well, I didn't mention it, while nitpicking EVERY SINGLE other thingie in the Factory, so I guess partial blame still goes here :P.


I suppose it's more that it isn't really clear what is the cause rather that it happens by itself.

But I can't really see a way to make it obvious ingame...

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Big fat posters with "HK 51 path this way" "HK 50 path that way, but you don't wanna go there"? :P


That would make a great PotD for Kotorfiles, though it is a bit of an inside joke I guess lol.

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For some reason I was able to reprogram the HK-51's in one game and not another... Forgot exactly what I did right the 1rst time to make it happen, something about activating the HK-51's from a console somewhere that I must have skipped the 2nd time.


It's a pity you can't take this earlier in the game. Equipment you find in here for HK make him actually worth putting in your party. (Don't know if it's random but I found 2-3 items that made him tear through the enemy droids and HKs) As it is, this is the last time you get to use him at all.


Also wondering if Bao-Dur was supposed to be down here with him? I read somewhere he was intended to be and that he dies while on this mission(reason for remote & his holo-recordings during Malachor part).

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