
WANTED: Fixes for influence bugs

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I'm having a little bit of an issue with companion alignment, and I'm not entirely sure what it stems from. "Influence" seems to take hold correctly, in that if I chat up companions enough I can get those nifty special dialogue options, but companions with alterable alignments (Atton, Handmaiden, etc; Kreia and HK-47 obviously never change) will temporarily gain or lose alignment along with my primary player character's actions, but when I load a new area their alignments reset to the default value as was when I first recruited them into the party.



Apparently this bug is part of the game proper, and has been reported since as far back as 2005. There's a "bug fix" mod (it looks like it's just an alteration of each NPC's reactions) at FileFront (note that the file info says "New/Updated Version available", which takes you to another page for a mod collection package, and while it DOES include an updated version of the mod, it's part of a TSL Mod Patcher bundle, and I haven't figured out how to separate it, unless all that patcher does is copy and paste files from the archive to my Override folder), but is it compatible with TSLRCM? Would this be included in 1.8?


(More EDIT)

The "bug fix" linked to (nor the "update") does nothing to fix the resets on loading a saved game or new area, at least not with TSLCRM 1.7 and everything else vanilla.

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To properly fix the bug I believe would require rewriting sections of the source code that the crew here cannot modify. Scripts can only do so much to fix the problems in the game. I find that other than meeting a party NPC for the first time, the dark side transitions really are not too noticeable.


For the Influence Mod Fix from the HOA Mod Pack, break out the following files:





Create a subdirectory in your Override and drop these two files into it. I use the version of bp_influence_fix.ncs found in the following directory: \Compatibility Patches\XP Party Bug Fix. This version of the file, in addition to fixing (for the most part) the dark side transitions, also fixes a bug where party members that are turned into Jedi do not gain any experience until they are in a party.

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If you're using cheats just make sure you mess with Charisma. I've also experienced this problem


version 1.1 of the Influence Bug fix worked fine. Try version 1.2 the instructions are in the info

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