GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 22, 2012 Can't wait to hear exactly what they will be doing. I wish it was already April. Do you guys feel that bioware's decision to "possibly" change, most likely add to, the ending sets a dangerous precedent? I just watched this video( in which colin moriarty says that fans shouldn't have the power to influence game developers. Fans absolutely should, and obviously can, have the ability to tell companies like bioware what they didn't like about their game. If enough people are loud enough, check the reviews, as a developer its just bad business to ignore them. P.S. I'm really starting to dislike ign. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 22, 2012 Gosh, are you all really buying this? He is twisting and turning to give you sense of security. What is he promising in that statement? That they will work hard? That they are listening? That they will bring more clarity? That doesn't mean that they will fix all the mess. He explicitly says that the game is their work of art, and they gonna defend it. It is obvious that they will make a DLC with ADDITIONAL content in regard to the ending, but not change the ending itself. By the way, what is wrong with that guy's face? Is he deliberately so pompus? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 22, 2012 Sense of security? Bioware is trying to trick me? What is there to hide really? The guy said they're listening to fan input and trying to accomodate fans suggestions, but not changing the essential ending. Cool, so they're maintaining the artistic integrity of the story and expanding on it too? Cool Sounds fine to me. Then again, I haven't played ME3 to know its ending (but from what I heard it's not that bad). Even if they screw up the DLC, and the ending still sucks, who cares really? Life goes on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 22, 2012 I do. Cause I pay money. And as life goes on I get sucked into the corporate soulless domain deeper and deeper. This protest is the way of saying to them "you don't own us." And a simple "bone throwing" won't do here. PS. oh and check this one out. It's a spot on article with no spoilers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 22, 2012 Meh. Just sounds like angry fans to me. If you don't want to be lured into the vortex of big business, stop buying their products. Each and every thing you buy is considered as a vote to keep producing future products. I frankly don't understand what the big deal is. All I see is that Bioware is listening to its customers and is willing to modify their 'art' so as to make more people happy. Happens here all the time. As a modder, I know how this feels. You put your all into a project and give it TLC and when you release it, there's always some guy who has to go and say it isn't good enough or that it's flawed in some quintessential way. Here at DS it doesn't matter much, but when your job and way of life depends on selling those games, you try to rectify that as best as possible. And of course when doing so, actually providing feedback instead of just trolling is going to help things progress. If anything, this move by Bioware isn't so much condescending as it is a sell-out. But with a game that caters to personal choice so much like Mass Effect, it's hard to make your own artistic story and at the same time cater to what fans want. So maybe that 'sorry for making a crap ending, but...' apology you're hearing from that Ray dude is Bioware trying to NOT sell out to their fans but realizing they could have done a better job on the flipside. Too bad that even by doing that they're selling out. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 22, 2012 Puppet, let's be clear about things. 1) you don't understand the full situation, because you haven't played the game, and that's fine. But in such conversations it makes it harder to be constructive and not give up spoilers. So much stuff is called "trolling" these days that I frankly lost the conception of what it used to stand for. 2)But even when you do play the game, I'm sure that you at best will say something like "yeah that's pretty cheap, but oh well." Because you seem to have made little emotional investment into ME story and characters, and that's also fine. I didn't care for that "redneck in space" campaign in Star Craft 2, but many people did. And when they say something in protest, you cannot just discard them as crybabies. That's disrespectful. 3) You perfectly understand the difference between independent modders and a corporation. But there is more - there is a bunch of commercial statements that promised people certain things, and those promises were not fulfilled. And that's false advertisement. If that doesn't entitle you to complain, then I don't know what does. 4) Bioware selling out? You'll have to clarify this one for's a COR-PO-RA-TI-ON. They sell out to us the moment they start their business. Or at least that's the idea. 5) And finally, well this response "those guys are just crybabies" or "it's a raging mob" know it's the kind of argument intellectual elites used to make for centuries to justify oligarchy, aristocracy and monarchy. It posits human beings in general as vile selfish beings. And this is not true. Even those who yell "fuk bioware" mostly express their deep dissatisfaction and trauma. Don't make it a custom to look down at people, cause I see a lot of reporters taking that road. That being said, I love what you're doing on DS, and I would never dare challenge your artistic view of how things should be done in our sphere of modding. But I do not believe that any of the modders here would ever mess things up as the guys from Bioware did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 23, 2012 Well since I have not played Mass Effect 3 (because I am quite obviously NOT a true fan that's even remotely emotionally invested in the game), I will have to leave this discussion until then.But before I do, I'll leave with these last few words. 2)But even when you do play the game, I'm sure that you at best will say something like "yeah that's pretty cheap, but oh well." Because you seem to have made little emotional investment into ME story and characters, and that's also fine. Don't assume that because my opinions are different than yours that I have a lesser investment in my own Mass Effect experience as a whole. You weren't there when I played it, so you have no idea what the hell was going on in my mind.The implication alone leaves me extremely offended.Secondly, while I haven't played Mass Effect 3 (much less reached the end), how does that fact disqualify any input I have to say on the topic of Bioware fixing content based on fan feedback (whether constructive or destructive)?I'll let that slide though. ...Don't make it a custom to look down at people, cause I see a lot of reporters taking that road... Wait, isn't that what you just did to me?Okay, this is getting annoying. That being said, I love what you're doing on DS, and I would never dare challenge your artistic view of how things should be done in our sphere of modding. It's really hard for me to not see this as extremely condescending, based on your previous statements............................Ah what the hell?Screw you, you presumptuous dick.VP out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 23, 2012 Hm, that was rather weird...oh well, since he left, no reson to respond. That's a shame really. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 23, 2012 Kerk i didn't buy what he was saying hook, line and sinker. I just chose merely to stay optimistic about the whole situation, i'm tired of all the pessimism surrounding this game. despite the ending it truly is a really good game.Having just played through the game for a 3rd time(i can't stop myself) i can't see anything in the ending other than the ID theory. I have also come to believe that bioware planned this from the start, they just didn't foresee the giant crap-storm. Maybe i give them too much credit. Pax East starts april 6th, and i believe thats when bioware will make their announcement and i'm merely excited to hear what it is, but if its just about multiplayer then i'll probably have to veg out for a month.Also guys can we keep it CIVIL. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Extreme110 4 Posted March 23, 2012 This is a little bit spoilers, but still. Apparently one of the Writers of Mass Effect made a post on the Penny Arcade forums, in which he states that only the lead writer and Casey Hudson were involved in writing the end. We can't confirm that the post was indeed the writer, but it definitely was made on his account, and it definitely sounds like someone from the inside. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 28, 2012 This guy is either a prophet or he works/worked for bioware. He "predicted" the "end" a year ago. Edit: Also you should watch this video Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 30, 2012 This is hillarious! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted April 2, 2012 Amazon no longer sells Mass Effect 3 because "it is not as described". Check it out: Sreenshot in case they start selling it again: Am I only one who finds it pretty hilarious? Though it is a bit of overreacting honestly, sure ending sucked but game as a whole wasn't all that bad... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted April 2, 2012 Although the single player is solid I hate how Bioware tied what ending you get to multiplayer. I want a solid single player experience I could care less about multiplayer and tying multiplayer to EMS was a horrible decision that screwed those who only want to play single player over. Here is Ghirahim to sum it all up. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted April 5, 2012 Latest news: Bioware is haggling. Now they are saying that they will make a free DLC that will "bring more closure." least we on the right track. But it shows 2 things: 1) This DLC is not going to be big, otherwise it wouldn't be free. 2) This is most certainly not going to be what we've been asking for. They are trying to minimize their loss as much as possible. But the haggling isn't over. Not by a long shot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Extreme110 4 Posted April 6, 2012 True that. It seems they are making a bigger deal about the new characters, though. That's ridiculous, IMO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted April 6, 2012 Even More interesting -- EA is recognized as the "worst American company of the year." Sounds about right, doesn't it? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Extreme110 4 Posted April 6, 2012 That got announced about 48 hours ago, and since then, they've named a whole bunch of other losers, saying that they aren't the worse. Can I remind everyone that the losers have all also been previous winners. EA has never won. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted April 7, 2012 Latest news: Bioware is haggling. Now they are saying that they will make a free DLC that will "bring more closure." least we on the right track. But it shows 2 things: 1) This DLC is not going to be big, otherwise it wouldn't be free. 2) This is most certainly not going to be what we've been asking for. They are trying to minimize their loss as much as possible. But the haggling isn't over. Not by a long shot. They better give me something that ups my EMS in single player because tying the ending to multiplayer was the most idiotic thing Bioware has ever done. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted April 7, 2012 Didn't get any answers during Pax. Seems i hoped for to much it was funny how the bioware forums exploded after the Press conference though As far as the extended ending is concerned i'll reserve judgement till i play it. I can't picture them filling all those plot-holes, and they said they wouldn't add more options. At least my Shep will get a chance to live again, instead of being murdered by Marauder Shields. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted April 19, 2012 Price drops. Nice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted April 21, 2012 Well, after whining like a little b!tch in my last post in this thread, I'd like to return and apologize to Kerk for being such a douchebag and say I'm ready for some good ol' discussion of topics with tea and crumpets and stuff like that!Ahem.SPOILERSSo I just got ME3 yesterday and while I obviously haven't beaten it, I'm already starting to find things I'm not liking. Things that are, of course, false advertising, as many avid fans are claiming. I agree.1. Why is Udina on the council? I swear I chose Anderson for that position, and I don't recall any in-game reference to him stepping down. Also, since when did thee council become all alien again? Must've missed something again... Supposedly this is explained in some other Mass Effect media, but it really bothers me that they don't seem to have covered this detail anywhere in the (beginning) of the game. It's almost as if - wait for it -MY CHOICES DON'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE.I was starting to worry that my ME2 save hadn't imported correctly, because so many things seemed to be off. It did recognize Liara as the Shadow Broker though, which I did appreciate.Speaking of choices, why does it seem like with each Mass Effect game you get less and less choices? I mean, cutscenes seem to run themselves more than ever, and when I do get a chance to see the decision wheel, I have like only two different things to say. Hell, even some choices end up with Shepard saying either the same or similar lines.Lastly, the last cringe-worthy aspect I've uncovered this far is that cryptic, and quite unnecessary dream sequence. Sure, Bioware, automate every in-game cutscene where I could potentially make crucial, game-changing (or Shepard defining) decisions, but make me run around (in slow-motion, of course) in a bleak, monochrome forest just so I can trigger two cutscenes of a kid dying. What the hell?So, my first impression is a mixed one. On one hand, there's all this foreshadowing of the 'lazy" choices Bioware is making, but on the other hand, it is still Mass Effect and I got to bitchslap a reporter again! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted April 21, 2012 Answer to VP's post, so SPOILERS. Anderson stepped down as a councillor because he was tired of all this political bullshit he had to deal with... but it wasn't really explained very clearly in game. I'd be confused as hell too if I didn't read the novels. The all alien council was back in ME2 as well, as I recall - remember how in ME2 you didn't get to meet the council because they were busy (or whatever) and only talked to Anderson? The whole council thing is super lazy anyway, only difference you get is different voice actors for same scenes. Which is even worse if you saved the council back in ME1 and Turian councillor is suddenly so nice to you after whole "oh yes, Reapers" stuff. Also, I agree about limited choices... first when I started a game, during intro conversation with Anderson I thought I accidentally checked the "no decision" thing in options... Only place where the choices actually changed anything are on Tuchanka, which can play out differently depending on whether you have Wrex and Mordin, side with Krogans or Salarians etc. Overall, Tuchanka is easily the best part of ME3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted April 21, 2012 Puppet, I'm truly glad. I never meant to offend you by assuming that you didn't make much emotional investment into the game, which was a wrong assumption anyway, and was surprised by such a reaction. SOME MINOR SPOILERS Right, I made Anderson a consular too. I suppose they explain this transition from Anderson to Udina in one of the books, but it's still lame. A lot of people noticed that ME2 doesn't make much difference. To me the worst part is the role of the final decision. I reasonably concluded that saving the collector base and researching it to be better prepared for the reaper invasion is the best way to go. That decision didn't make any difference in ME3. You'd think that if Cerberus is an enemy now, they would be weaker somehow, if you destroyed the collector base. But no, it's all the same, except a few video sequences closer to the end. So, yeah, the biggest decision of ME2 makes no difference. In regard to Shadow Broker, I suspect that the game would recognize Liara as such in any case. This thing seems to be the canon just like the events of "Arrival." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 27, 2012 Well, finished ME3. The ending wasn't so bad as a concept (the Indoctrination theory seems to make the most sense), but the execution, I feel, was lacking. For one, I got a game over for taking too long to choose how I'd deal with the reapers. I get it, but that's not usually a thing that happens: usually you wait for the player's choice. So, I know I'm in the minority, but I enjoy the ending of Mass Effect 3 - to an extent. Everything post-Crucible just makes me confused. Very.... vague what happens to the galaxy. Did it get wiped out because of the Mass Relays? idk... Here's to hoping that free ending DLC answers some questions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites