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Question about TSLRCM

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Do I have to reinstall the game before installing TSLRCM? Do I have to install previous versions of TSLRCM or install the latest version straight away.


What is the progress on the GenoHaradan side quest?

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What is the progress on the GenoHaradan side quest?


The GenoHaradan sidequest you refer to is not part of TSLRCM.


However, you're not necessarily completely out of luck. A separate mod is being developed by Exile007 and you can read more about that separate mod at its LucasForums work-in-progress thread.

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The GenoHaradan sidequest you refer to is not part of TSLRCM.


However, you're not necessarily completely out of luck. A separate mod is being developed by Exile007 and you can read more about that separate mod at its LucasForums work-in-progress thread.


Thanks. And regarding my first question, mate?

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Do I have to reinstall the game before installing TSLRCM? Do I have to install previous versions of TSLRCM or install the latest version straight away

You don't need previous versions, just install the last one available.

Re-installing the game is required only if you have already installed tons of incompatible mods and don't know how to uninstall them properly.

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So the GenoHaradan side quest is not going to be a part of TSLRCM even in the future? But why? It has to be restored too doesn't it? And the separate mod you're talking about is NOT compatible with TSLRCM, so will something be done about this?

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So the GenoHaradan side quest is not going to be a part of TSLRCM even in the future? But why? It has to be restored too doesn't it? And the separate mod you're talking about is NOT compatible with TSLRCM, so will something be done about this?


Well, because of the very reason it didn't make it into the vanilla game in the first place. It changes the Nar Shaddaa plot in a BIG way. The interesting idea (was it Team Gizka's one, or am I mistaken?) was to place GenoHaradan plot much later in the game while making the original Nar Shaddaa untouched (creating "second" Nar Shaddaa plot), but it didn't work out (too many illogical situations).


The separate mod WILL BE compatible with TSLRCM, but because it will change the "first" Nar Shaddaa plot of the original game it will not be a part of TSLRCM (long story short - it is NOT a restoration, but rather a modification of TSL).

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GenoHaradan discussion should be directed here and not in the TSLRCM section. Let's not muddy the waters. folks.

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