Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 8, 2012 Modifying the globals with KSE can be a powerful, and dangerous... tool. Several would speak for themselves, but most don't. So an effort to make an entire list of all functions and there uses. RED means TLSRCM added values. You cannot find these in vanilla TSL. GREEN means values which I don't know what they exactly do, which are still many. Maybe not what you expect from a TSLRCM member . Any input welcome! (also do mention if I mention incorrect info or typo'd a value) The first post deals with the booleans (0 or 1), the second with the numerics. Should make it easy to find them. Listings are as they appear in KSE (alphabetically)... (I left out the FIRST_ENTER flags since they are pretty self-explainatory.) 000_BAO_CLAWS ??? 000_Lightsaber_built This boolean is set after building your first lightsaber with Bao-Dur. Do note that just changing it to 1 doesn't disable the lightsaber quest, since the script looks for the journal entry value. 000_Master_Kreia ??? 000_PLAYER_GENDER The player gender. 0 is female, 1 is male. 003EBO_CLEANUP_VISAS Used during the Visas encounter. When set to 1 certain actions are taken, then it's set to 0 again. You should not mess with it in KSE. 003EBO_HANHARR_MOVE Decides wheter or not Hanharr moves around the Ebon Hawk or not. 1 is disabled free walking. 003EBO_REMOTE_MOVE Decides wheter or not Remote moves around the Ebon Hawk or not. 1 is disabled free walking. 003EBO_T3M4_MOVE Decides wheter or not T3-M4 moves around the Ebon Hawk or not. 1 is disabled free walking. 003EBO_VISAS_ARRIVES Set to 1 with the proper requirements, and back to 0 when Visas is spawned. Definitely not put it to 1 with Visas in your party already. 003EB_MAND_EBON Notice the typo. Probably fixing it would make the Mandalore Ebon Hawk scene work, but TSLRCM already has a different work-around. Entirely unused in the game. 003_CHECK_CUTSCENES Used for Ebon Hawk cutscenes. 003_PARTY_SPAWN Used for Ebon Hawk cutscenes. 003_cutscene_mode Used for Ebon Hawk cutscnes. 101PER_KREIA_STUNT ??? (I think it has to do with her raising from the dead) 152HAR_Main_Door ??? 200TEL_Moza_Call ??? (I am assuming it's 1 when the call is made, and turned to 0 after that's done) 200TEL_Moza_Help ??? (The attack on the Ithorian compound?) 200_ON_ARMS_QUESTS ??? (Pretty sure it's unused...) 201TEL_INFO_TERM Checks wheter you used the info terminal (for transporting to other modules) 201TEL_Spawned_Return Checks wheter or not some stuff when returning from the Telos Academy should happen or has happened. 202TEL_Batono_Grenn Decides wheter or not Batono should appear next to Grenn. 202TEL_INFO_TERM Checks wheter you used the info terminal (for transporting to other modules) 202TEL_Killers_Spawn Decides wheter or not the killers have been spawned. Obviously unused since they cannot appear in 202, only on the surface. 202TEL_Samhan_Gone Samhan is locked in jail, instead of his regular position in the shop. 203TEL_Batono_Lorso ??? (Unused?) 203TEL_Chano_Destroy Decides wheter to delete Opo Chano from the module (since he moved to the shuttle or Nar Shaddaa). 203TEL_INFO_TERM Checks wheter you used the info terminal (for transporting to other modules) 203TEL_Mainframe_Seal Hintage that Czerka was once part of 203TEL. Is supposed to close the mainframe again. *Should* be fixed in 1.8, though one never knows in KOTOR . Is set to 1, then back to 0 when the mainframe closes. 203TEL_Slusk_Dead Hintage the Exchange compound was once part of 203TEL. Set to 1 if Sluks died. 203TEL_Spawned_Return Does stuff in 203 following returning from the Telos Academy. 204TEL_Attack_Spawned Is set to 1 after the Czerka attackers in the Ithorian compound are spawned. 204TEL_INFO_TERM Checks wheter you used the info terminal (for transporting to other modules) 204TEL_Spawn_B4D4 Checks wheter or not to spawn B4 for the main quest. 207TEL_Destroy_Falt Unused. The only way to have Falt removed (finishing the Falt mission added by TSLRCM) doesn't use this boolean. 207TEL_Destroy_Luxa Decides when to destroy Luxa (after killing her in the Czerka compound) from the cantina. 207TEL_Doton_Pazaak Could relate to either having won Pazaak or having had the option to do so, so you can confront Harra with it. Unsure. 207TEL_Ramana_Bought Pretty sure it's unused and the decision you made is decided by numerics instead. 208TEL_Vula_Dead ??? (Secretary dead???) 211TEL_Swoop_Run Wheter or not you're actively doing Swoop racing. Decides some stuff when returning to the main game. 220TEL_Battle_Over ??? 221TEL_Spawned Spawns Sith in 221TEL 222TEL_Spawned Spawns Sith in 222TEL 231TEL_Shield_Network Wheter you hooked up with the network, which allows you to enter the Abandoned Military Base. 232_SHUTTLE_GONE Makes sure the Shuttle is gone when you return to the abandoned base (so... when starting the HK-Factory) 261TEL_Party_Forced Used in the scripts forcing your party to be Kreia and Atton. 300NAR_FromMiraApt Decides wheter or not your in the endgame (running from Mira apartment to the Ebon Hawk) 300NAR_Odis_Employeed Used to remove Odis from the Refugee Sector. Is set back to 0 after Odis is removed. 300NAR_Visquis_Call The Visquis call has triggered if it's on 1. Pretty famous due to the gamebreaking glitch surrounding it. 301NAR_MIRA_SPAWN Used for the little scene with Mira and the refugee at the landing platform 301NAR_Zhug_Attack Could be unused. Could be used by TSLRCM to make the Zhug attack you on your way to Goto's Yacht. Unsure. 303NAR_Kath_Asleep Decided wheter the Kath hound sleep or not. They sleep with 1. 303NAR_Switch_to_PC Ending all the quest stuff and returns to the player. 303NAR_T3M4_Solo Is set to 1 when being T3 on his solo mission. 303NAR_Vogga_Asleep Same as the Kath Hounds, but for Vogga. He's asleep at 1. 351NAR_FIRST_TIME ??? (Is it actually used, or a typo's FIRST_ENTER?) 402DXN_Kumus_Reward Is set to 1 after receiving a reward for saving Kumus. 402DXN_SentryPost ??? (Used for wheter or not the sentries where murdered?) 403DXN_Kreia_Spawned Used for the cutscene preparing up to Onderon. 404DXN_Received_Data ??? (Wheter you got the droid foreman data?) 421DXN_End_Synch 421DXN_Timer_Started 421DXN_Turret_Done ??? (Have to do with the Turret game when landing on Dxun, but no idea how. Also pretty sure Turret_Done is not set to true even when it should, a numeric is used instead) 501OND_Geeda_Go Part of an unused concept to make Geeda travel to Onderon and Dantooine. Obviously unused in the game. 505OND_End_Synch 505OND_Timer_Started 505OND_Turret_Done ??? (Have to do with the Turret game when using the turret during the Siege, but no idea how.) 600DAN_Battle_Spawned The Battle for Khoonda has started. Obviously different in TSLRCM than vanilla TSL. 601DAN_Geeda_Go Same as with 501OND_Geeda_Go 601DAN_PC_DOOR_DEFEND Which door the PC is defending, front or back. 601DAN_Winners 602DAN_Winners Pretty sure it just means the Battle for Khoonda is done, the actual "winners" are stored in a diverent numeric. 604DAN_Has_SweatGland Set to 1 if the PC has the sweatgland, pacifying several kinrath present in the cave. CREDITPLAY ??? CUT_ATTON_BAO_PLAYER Cutscene where Atton asks Bao-Dur about his chances with the exile (female only) CUT_ATTON_DISC_1 Atton and Disciple's first argument scene CUT_ATTON_DISC_2 Atton and Disciple's second argument scene CUT_ATTON_DISC_3 Atton and Disciple's third argument scene CUT_ATTON_KREIA_GIVE Atton tells Disciple is a Republic spy. Kreia already knows. Inbetween above argument scenes. CUT_ATTON_KREIA_OFF Atton talks about how he told the Exile about his past. CUT_ATTON_KREIA_TAKE Cut cutscene. Boolean unused. CUT_ATTON_MAID_FIGHT Atton and Handmaiden in the cargo hold after fighting with the Exile CUT_ATTON_T3_ARGUE One of the earliest cutscenes. Droid breaking in their head. CUT_ATTON_T3_PAZAAK_1 First pazaak cutscene. Unable to be triggered without TSLRCM. CUT_ATTON_T3_PAZAAK_2 Second pazaak cutscene. Unable to be triggered without TSLRCM. Requires HK-47 for 1.8. CUT_BAODUR_LIGHTSABER Bao-Dur starts the Lightsaber quest CUT_BAO_CONFRONT_KREIA Bao-Dur confronts Kreia about the Dark influence she has on the Exile. Obviously only when Dark Side. CUT_BAO_G0T0_1 Bao and Goto argue over the remote, #1 CUT_BAO_G0T0_2 Bao and Goto argue over the remote, #2 CUT_BAO_G0T0_3 Bao and Goto argue over the remote, #3, TSLRCM restored. CUT_BAO_HK47_1 HK has doubts about being modified. CUT_BAO_HK47_2 HK is updated by Bao-Dur (TSLRCM only) CUT_BAO_MALACHOR Bao-Dur tells the Exile about his nightmare of Malachor V. CUT_BAO_REMOTE_1 Bao-Dur will upgrade remote later. CUT_BAO_REMOTE_2 First remote upgrade. CUT_BAO_REMOTE_3 Second remote upgrade. CUT_BAO_T3 Bao-Dur updates T3-M4 CUT_BAO_VS_MAND_1 Bao-Dur and Mandalore have an argument. CUT_BAO_VS_MAND_2 They continue the argument. Requires high influence of both Bao-Dur and Mandalore (low doesn't work here) CUT_DISC_FORCE Disciple cutscene. Been a bit too long to tell which one. CUT_DISC_PLAYER_MED PC and Disciple meditate. Atton and Mira watch. CUT_DISC_REVAN Cut cutscene. CUT_DISC_TELOS Cut cutscene. CUT_DISC_WORLD_1 First cutscene with Disciple around the holo. CUT_DISC_WORLD_2 Second cutscene with Disciple around the holo, TLSRCM only. CUT_DXUN_REPAIR Cutscene where Atton fixes the Ebon Hawk after crashing at Dxun. TSLRCM 1.8 only (or 1.7 unofficial fix, but that uses a different flag). CUT_FIRST_ATTON Escaping from Peragus. CUT_G0T0_HK47 Goto meets up HK-47 CUT_G0T0_REMOTE_1 Remote is annoyingly flying around Goto. CUT_G0T0_REMOTE_2 Goto decides to shoot Remote, adding a device (result seen at Malachor) CUT_HK47_VS_HK50 HK-50 torture scene. TSLRCM only. CUT_KREIA_DISC_1 Kreia messes with Disciple's head, #1 CUT_KREIA_DISC_2 #2 CUT_KREIA_DISC_3 And... #3 CUT_KREIA_MAID_1 Cutscene where Handmaiden complains to Kreia about the PC's affinity for Visas, part 1. CUT_KREIA_MAID_2 Part 2. CUT_KREIA_VS_T3 Kreia blasts T3 with lightning after the Carth/Bastila holo was revelead. TSLRCM only. CUT_MIRA_MAID Mira tells the Handmaiden how to seduce guys. CUT_MSG_FROM_KELBORN Return to Onderon message cutscene. TSLRCM only. CUT_SECOND_ATTON Pretty sure this scene is never used... CUT_T3_DISC_HOLO Part of the Atton vs. Disciple line, Disciple discovers T3-M4 CUT_T3_VS_HK47 HK checks out the Ebon Hawk and gets stunned and re-programmed by T3. CUT_VISAS_VS_MAID Handmaiden and Visas fight. After this scene Handmaiden no longer wants to talk to you... (but changing this boolean itself wont fix that, it's in the numerics ) END_HURT_WARN END_ROUND_WARN FORFEIT_SWOOPRACE Checks wheter or not you forfeited swoop. Lead to a big bug by not being cleared, which 1.0b fixed. GBL_PLAYER_REMOTE Set to 1 if the player is remote (so on Malachor) GBL_Quit_Swoop Not sure what's the difference with this and forfeit_swooprace. Maybe deals with crashing? G_BanterXX Unused G_NPC_Talk ??? G_PER_In_Space_Suit Set to 1 when in a space suit. Unlike the name might suggest the same value is used in the Jekk Jekk Tar. G_Paz_JustPlayed Returning from Pazaak. K_AT_EBONHAWK K_RANDOM_MINI_GAME K_SPACE_SKYBOX_ON M12AB_END_SYNC Pretty sure these are KOTOR1 leftovers. MAL_TURNINTO_REMOTE PER_TURNINTO_T3M4 Pretty self-explainatory, no? Are 1 when in those specific sections. VISAS_ARRIVES_CONV Used for the Visas arrives conversation. Triggers the right convo if set to 1, then set back to 0 to make sure Visas continues with her proper dialogue next time you talk to her. ebo_turret_done Used? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 8, 2012 000_Astrogation ??? 000_Atris_Dead Set to 1 if Atris dies. 000_Atriscs1 Cutscene for finding 1 master (Male). 000_Atriscs3 Cutscene for finding 3 masters (Male). 000_Atton_Dead Atton died on Malachor if 1 000_Atton_Forms Numeric used to determine post-Jedification training of Atton. 000_Atton_Hanharr Is set to 1 after Atton gave some snide remark about a walking carpet joining your crew. 000_Atton_ID_Reveal Main numeric used to monitor Atton's "progression" to Jedification. 000_Atton_Learn Another Jedi-learning numeric. 000_Atton_Pazaak Used to determine wheter or not Atton trained you in the rules of Pazaak. 000_BAODUR_CS_LEVEL Set to BaoDur's level during one cutscene, then checked in another to make sure it only happens if he gained a few levels. 000_Bao_Learn Bao's first numeric for post-Jedification learning. 000_Bao_Mand_PC Not sure actually. Could be to give Bao's comment about not being happy with Mandalore on the ship (just once). 000_Battle_Precog Set to 1 after learning Battle Precognition. 000_Beast_Conf_Active Guess it's unused? 000_Before_Visas_Trn Sets wheter or not you have already got Lightsaber training by Kreia and Visas 000_Chano_Dead Set to 1 if Opo Chano died. 000_Cheat If set to 1 the player will get all kind of debugging options during dialogues OE used to test various stuff fast. 000_Clans_Gath Numeric added by TSLRCM to monitor how many Mandalorian clans you already gathered together. 000_Disc_Dark_React Incremented after Disciple responded on the player's Dark Side appearance. 000_Disc_End_1 Set during male plays (too?)... so probably just to have the game know he's gone? 000_Disc_Good_react Incremented after Disciple responded on the player's Light Side appearance. 000_Disc_Heal_Evil_XP Gives small amount of XP and DS point for being healed when DS. Flag makes one-time. 000_Disc_Heal_Good_XP See Evil_XP, but this is for Light side players. It is possible to achieve both in a single game, both only once. 000_Disc_Jedi_Prob Figured out Disciple has an issue with the Jedi 000Disc_Jedi_React Would have to check disicple.dlg for this one... 0_o 000_Disc_Medic Opens up Disciple's options to give medkits and act as labratory base. 000_Disc_Meditate Gave the player meditation with Disciple option, and XP. 000_Disc_Padawan Learned about Disciple's past. 000_Disc_Record ??? 000_Disc_Republic_XP (1.8) Get some small XP from learning about his Republic connection. 000_Disciple_Dead Disciple died on Malachor 000_Disciple_Job_XP (1.8) Get some small XP from learning about his job. 000_Disciple_Job Opens up various branches in his conversation about his work. 000_Disciple_Joined Set to 1 when Disciple joins you (female players) 000_Droid_Conf_Active See 000_Beast_Conf_Active 000_Dual_Fail_1 Prevents infinite influence/DS glitch when cheating with Handmaiden sparring. 000_Dual_Fail_2 Additional infinite exploit fix added in 1.8 000_Event_Movie Set to 1 after the Visas intro movie ran. 000_Goto_Bith Confronted Goto about the dead Bith scientist. 000_Goto_Confront How many hints you found against Goto, making you require less Influence to find out his secret. GREEN000_Goto_Crimes ??? 000_Goto_Hutts Talked to Goto about getting fuel from Vogga. About the only spot you can get +INF and Lightside points 000_Goto_Jekk Confronted Goto about the Jekk Jekk Tar 000_Goto_Paid_Dan Wheter or not Goto paid for restoring Dantooine (also set if you gave Khoonda to the mercs and you get no reward) 000_Goto_Paid_Ond Wheter or not Goto paid you for restoring Onderon. 000_Goto_Paid Flag used in the original conversation about rewards, to prevent infinite influence, and check wheter or not you are accepting rewards or rejected that idea. 000_Goto_Pazaak Confronted Goto with the Pazaak Droid 000_Goto_Questions_2 000_Goto_Questions Varies between different lines, nothing more, nothing less. Continuisly raised and lowered. 000_Goto_Skills Wheter or not you got the influence from asking about his abilities. 000_Goto_Swoop Confronted Goto about the Swoop racing droid 000_Goto_Ware Confronted Goto about the droids in Vogga's warehouse (requires talking to T3 about it) 000_HK47_Dark_React HK-47's response to your Dark Side appearance. 000_HK47_Good_Retort .dlg spitting required. 000_HK47_HK50 Wheter or not the player confronted HK-47 about encountering HK-50's 000_HK47_Hold Asking HK why he was in the Ebon Hawk storage. 000_HK47_Jedi_XP2 000_HK47_Jedi_XP Wheter or not the player received upgrades to his statistics due to HK's stories. These flags prevent getting them multiple times. 000_HK47_Joined If HK joined the party. Activating him during the Visas fight, and not triggering this can have some seriously bad consequences. 000_HK47_Kill_Jedi Learned HK used to kill Jedi. GREEN000_HK47_Level Unsure. Would have to check the .dlg thoroughly. 000_HK47_Light_React HK-47's response to your Light Side appearance. 000_HK47_Malachor Talked with HK-47 about Malachor 000_HK47_Memory ??? (TSLRCM added) 000_HK47_Murder Obviously, lot of .dlg spitting infront of me in the future to update this list... 000_HK47_PC_Past Deals with the questions HK asks about the PC's past, opening a lot of new dialog. 000_HK47_Sensor Prevents looping of Sonic Sensor dialogue, and allows the PC to ask about it directly when talking about the HK-50's. 000_HK47_Turret Unused. Had to do with HK-47's turret training that was scrapped. 000_HK_50_Encounter The amount of HK-50 encounters you have during the game (With the quest active). 000_HK_Alive Deals with wheter HK-47 has been reactivated or not... 000_HK_Chassis 000_HK_Control_C Checks wheter these parts have been installed. 000_HK_Droid_Function ??? 000_HK_Found Prevents repeating the HK finding dialogue when talking to him when inactive. Also triggers T3's conversation with him about HK-47. 000_HK_Part ??? (TSLRCM added) 000_HK_Processor Wheter this part has been installed yet 000_HK_Ques_Switch Really convoluted way OE set up HK's dialogue. You can ask about anything when HK asks you about the Mandalorian Wars. But flags need to be set on exiting the convo. This is set to 0 to make sure the proper exit is triggered and thus the proper flags. It's everywhere in his .dlg file. And it's a pain in the ass... 000_HK_Torture ??? 000_HK_Total_Parts As suspected, it's the amount of parts installed on HK-47. Once this hits 4, HK reactivates. 000_HK_Vocab Wheter or not you installed HK-47's vocabulator. GREEN000_Han_Mira_Awa 000_Han_Mira_Per Seem unused. 000_Han_Shackles Asking Hanharr about why he's wearing his shackles. 000_Han_Shadowlands Learned from Hanharr about the Shadowlands. 000_Hand_Angry If this is set to 1, Handmaiden refuses to talk to you. Just setting it to 0 doesn't work though (mainly since it's just set, and not used at all afterwards :/), see 003EBO_Visas_Hand and 000_Hand_Finale. 000_Hand_Atris_PC 000_Hand_Dead_Teach 000_Hand_Father ??? (I really need to check that .dlg again) 000_Hand_Finale If this is set to 1, Handmaiden refuses to talk to you anymore. Plainly setting it to 0 will repeat the convo that leads to this situation though. You'll also have to modify 003EBO_Visas_Hand. 000_Hand_Love Depends wheter or not the Handmaiden loved you. Mainly used for a diferent line from Kreia at the end. 000_Hand_Mom_PC ??? 000_Hand_React_Evil 000_Hand_React_Good Decides wheter or not Handmaiden's responses on the PC's appearance (DS/LS) ran. 000_Hand_Trial ??? (Yes, I prepared bad for this thread...) 000_Handmaiden_Dead Wheter the Handmaiden died or not on Malachor. 000_Handmaiden_Force ??? 000_Handmaiden_Jedi Wheter or not Handmaiden has been Jedified. 000_Hanharr_Dark_Rea Hanharr's response on your DS Appearance. 000_Hanharr_Debt Decides wheter or not you broke Hanharr. Pretty often typo'd in vanilla TSL leading to the infinite breaking glitch. 000_Hanharr_Fake_Dead ??? 000_Hanharr_Good_Rea Hanharr's response to LS players. Pretty rare, seeing how you need to be DS to get him and you doubtfully go LS afterwards. Doesn't look as good as DS Mira . 000_Hanharr_Hunt Gotta check. 000_Hanharr_Jeedai Learned why Hanharr uses the phrase "Jeedai" instead of Jedi 000_Hanharr_Joined Check to see wheter or not Hanharr is your party member 000_Hanharr_Massacre ??? 000_Hanharr_Mira As obvious, set when talking about various things of Mira 000_Hanharr_People One of the few 000_ flags not set by said member. It's triggered by Vossk, and allows you to ask about Hanharr killing his own tribe. 000_Hanharr_Slave_Rea 000_Hanharr_Wars ??? 000_Holo log No idea. 000_Human_Conf_Active Human variation of Beast_Conf_Active and Droid_Conf_Active. 000_Jedi_Found Incremented by 1 for finding each Jedi Master. Once it's on 4, it's time for the Dantooine meeting at the Rebuild Academy 000_Jedi_Killed How many masters you killed. Can only reach 3 (after all, Vash dies without your intervention). 000_Kaevee_Dead Set when Kaevee dies. 000_Kavar_Dead Set when Kavar dies. 000_Know_Goto Discovered Goto's true identity. 000_Know_Hand_Mom No, this flag does not hint at cut content about Handmaidens mother being revealed ingame. It's part of Handmaiden's Jedification process. 000_Kreia_Atris Required to be 0 for the "Did you know Atris?" questions to appear. Is never ever set to 1 though, so you can keep asking them indefinitely. (AKA; Unused) 000_Kreia_Good_React 000_Kreia_Dark_React Kreia's responses to the LS being very LS or DS. 000_Kreia_Hand_Mom Checks when to have the convo with Kreia about Handmaidens mother and when you've had it... 000_Kreia_Hanharr Checks wheter you can learn the lesson of strength from Hanharr and if you already learned it... 000_Kreia_Influence Checks wheter the Kreia influence conversation ran, which is triggered by either Disciple or Handmaiden joining. 000_Kreia_Lightsaber Prevents infinite LS/DS, and is set when you tell Kreia what you want a lightsaber for. 000_Kreia_Movie Deals with starting the proper branch when exiting the movie, and making sure you don't get XP each time you run it. Seems at one time OE considered the movie being a one-shot, but that has obviously been changed. 000_Kreia_Nature ??? 000_Kreia_Questions Gives a different line when you ask a second time (and every one after that). While most of these type of flags cycle (1 to [amount of lines], then back to 1) this one will never decrease ever again). All the questionlines of the first answer are with TSLRCM also available on the second answer, so no losses. 000_Kreia_React_Hand Unsure 000_Kreia_Revan_XP Wheter or not you got the XP bonus from learning the full Revan story from Kreia 000_Kreia_Revan Decides how much you know of Revan and Kreia and what you can ask about that... 000_Kreia_Sight Sight lesson. 000_Kreia_Sith ??? 000_Kreia_Skills Progression into the Skill lesson 000_Kreia_Taught_Rev Learned Kreia trained Revan and opens question line about it. 000_Kreia_Train_Skill Pretty sure it's unused 000_Kreia_Visas_Intro "You have befriended the Seer"... 'nuff said 000_Laigrek_Dead Controls how much Laigrek died and when Kaevee should appear 000_Last_Jedi_Kill Checks who the last Jedi was who died, used for Kreia's convo. 1 is Zez, 2 is Vrook, 3 is Kavar 000_Level_Dlg_Fired Wheter or not the little dialogue with Kreia happened when you have your very first levelup on Peragus 000_LightsaberQuest Entirely unused 000_Lock_Hint ??? 000_Mand_Dead Set or not depending on wheter Mandalore dies or not on Malachor... 000_Medstation ??? 000_Mira_Angry Wheter or not Mira has been angry with the PC 000_Mira_Atton_Angry Wheter you talked to Atton about Mira being angry. In vanilla this requires talking to him before her cooling off (which would be a rare thing to do), in TSLRCM you can get it if Mira has been angry and this is not set yet 000_Mira_Cooped Makes sure you can only state she feels more at home on NS if you know about her feelings being on the Ebon Hawk 000_Mira_Dark_React Mira's reaction to the player being DS 000_Mira_Dead Wheter or not Mira died on Malachor V 000_Mira_Dxun Makes sure an influence gain/loss in the Dxun conversation only runs once 000_Mira_Family Learning about Mira's family being the Mandalorians 000_Mira_Forms Has to do with training Mira post-Jedification 000_Mira_Good_React Mira's reaction to the player being LS 000_Mira_Jedi Several branches check this, depends how far along the path to Jedi Mira is and the alignment of her Sentinel 000_Mira_Learn Should deal with Mira learning Jedi stuff, doesn't seem used in 1.8 though... 000_Mira_Malachor_XP Earn some small XP learning from Mira about the happenings on Malachor and what it did to her 000_Mira_Questions Somewhat broken in vanilla (no resetting), in TSLRCM it's used to properly cycle through the 3 answers for "I want to ask more questions" 000_Prestige Deals with choosing your prestige class. 1 means you have made no decision yet and opens the choice in Kreia's dialogue, 2 is having chosen a prestige class. Best not to switch classes using this, the Handmaiden bug from vanilla learned strange stuff can happen if being Jedified twice 000_Psychotic Unused. Probably used before 000_React took over it's job much better 000_Quest_Crystal The current quest crystal you have in your possession. Checked against your level and alignment to see if the crystal needs updating when asking Kreia about it 000_R_Cunning_Han Set when doing something "cunning" with Hanharr. Untriggerable in vanilla TSL, useless in TSLRCM. Possibly was intended to cycle cunning Hanharr responses, but unused due to there being just one 000_R_Good_[Teammember] Cycles through the available lines for random good responses 000_R_Psychotic_[Teammember] Cycles through the available lines for random evil resposes 000_RareItemChance Decides your chance for getting a rare item (+5 level). If it plus a roll of 0-94 are higher than 100, a rare item is spawned and the counter is reset. Various containers might give an increase in this number by 100 (guaranteed), 50 or 20. Getting no rare item also increases it by 3 000_React Decides which random reaction you get from your teammates. Set to 0 is DS, 1 is cunning (Hanharr, Visas, Kreia only), 2 is LS 000_remote_dead Tracks wheter or not the remote died. And thus in TSLRCM decides the fate of Malachor 000_siscut1 Sister cutscene when finding 2 Jedi Masters for male players 000_SkillBest_lvl Global added to store the actual skill level of you best skill 000_SkillWorst_lvl Global added to store the actual skill level of your worst skill, so it can be referenced against your current skill level, and quest completion can only occur if changed 000_Skill_Best_Quest Depends on which skill is your best skill 000_Skill_Best_Set Unused 000_Skill_Trained Also, unused. Yeah, skill lesson was a mess in original vanilla TSL 000_Skill_Worst_Quest Depends on which skill is your worst skill 000_T1N1_Dead Prevents T1N1 appearing on Nar Shaddaa if killed on Telos 000_T3_Astro_Fix Used by OE in a conversation path (accessible only with 1.8 though) but not added to the globalcat.2da. So added by us. Prevents infinite influence. 000_T3_Cand Prevents infinite re-triggering of Canderous Holo and attached influence gain 000_T3_Computer Deals with repairing T3 with your computer skill 000_T3_Ebon_Hawk_Q DS/LS and INF related numeric having to do with the Bastila/Carth holo and mentioning it doesn't answer where the Ebon Hawk came from 000_T3_Friend Handles an DS/LS/INF with the Bastila/Carth convo. Apparently only when Dark Side Revan is used 000_T3_Hawk_Response "How's the Hawk" INF/DS/LS gained or not 000_T3_Holo 000_T3_Jedi_Masters Deals with DS/LS and INF you can get by running the Jedi Masters holo's again and then asking about Atris 000_T3_Lvl_Damage Opens up the repairing options and has DS/LS and INF 000_T3_Memory_Wipe Part of cut content where T3 was apparently to have a memory wipe at some point in the game. Unused 000_T3_Message Deals with influence gains surrounding the Bastila/Carth holo and easy access to it once already unlocked 000_T3_Old_Friend VERY hard to set to true (and get the appointed LS/DS and INF change) in vanilla due to (I just discovered) most dialogues re-directing to the wrong path (which also allowed "more questions", which caused the holo to get stuck pre-TSLRCM. Also it was male-only for some reason. Now that I notice the bug, it'll get fixed for 1.8 000_T3_Presence ??? 000_T3_Repair Deals with repairing T3 with your repairing skill, also decides wheter the "meditation" feature is present (at 4) 000_T3_Why_Me Another DS/LS and INF, related to Bastila/Carth holo. This time; asking "Why'd you pick me"? 000_Talk_Mira_Hanharr Decides how far you are in the Mira/Hanharr questionline (with Mira) and allows easy access to re-entry may you fail an influence check somewhere on the way 000_Talk_Mira_Nar_XP Small influence boost and XP bonus when talking to Mira about how you agree with her view of Nar Shaddaa 000_Vash_Dead Even though Vash IS dead, this flag is never set since it's not the player who did it. Unused 000_Visas_Bring LS/DS and influence options regarding your desire to meet Nihilus headon 000_Visas_Dead About one of the only [Teammember]_Dead flags that were in the original TSL, due to her being killable onboard the Ravager. Set if somehow she manages to die 000_Visas_Duel Seems unused 000_Visas_End Makes sure a high-influence conversation when trying to leave doesn't happen again 000_Visas_Forms Visas teaching numeric. Seems unused in TSLRCM 1.8 000_Visas_Health Dealing with the "Are you alright?" questionline, making 2 lines one-shots for inf and ls points 000_Visas_Learn Another teaching numeric. Also seems unused in 1.8 000_Visas_Love Seems used for the Visas scene on the Hawk (in her .dlg), but since that's a seperate module that scene takes place in, maybe unused. Could use info here 000_Visas_Master Set when learning about Visas master. Used later when conversing with Kreia 000_Visas_Questions Makes sure you get a diferent line the very first time you ask her questions, and another every subsequent time... 000_Visas_Sac_React Is used. Beats me for what though 000_Visas_Sight Deals with the Sight lesson. When set to 1 one has quick access to the lesson, although when inf fails it obstructs an inf point and ls/ds. Thus, I modified it for 1.8, needing 2 to access the force lesson (and 3 when done instead of 2), 1 for easy access to the inf and 0 at the start. 000_Visas_World Used to regulate information about Visas homeworld somewhat, but non-functional in vanilla since the checks where broken. Fixed for 1.8 000_Vrook_Dead Is set to 1 when Vrook dies 000_Woman_Trouble Set when having issues with Handmaiden and Visas, leading to some amusing conversation with Atton 000_Workbench ??? 000_XBox_Live Unused 000_ZezKaiEll_Dead Set to 1 if Zez dies 001EBO_3CFD_Inf Depends wheter or not 3C is nice to T3 or not. Unused in vanilla, used since TSLRCM 1.7. Seemed to be intended for an intro to influence, which was moved to Peragus instead. 001EBO_3CFC_Repaired Wheter or not 3C is already repaired or not 001EBO_BEEN_T3_M4 Pretty much always set to 1, even if you skipped the tutorial. Oh well... 001EBO_Cockpit_Door ??? 001EBO_END Much easier to determine what this means if there weren't 2 "end" flags 001EBO_Hyperdrive Fixed the hyperdrive yet? 001EBO_Movie_End The pre-001EBO or post-001EBO movie? I don't know. Also what the difference is with movie below 001EBO_Movie See above 001EBO_Rumble ??? 001EBO_Sensor_Balls Which tutorial to load up when opening the sensor ball container again 002EBO_Door_Override On top of the hawk, using the sticking out cable to open the living door (where Visas stands later) 002EBO_Has_Mine Wheter the player has collected mines needed for blowing the Hyperspace door 003EBO_ATTDISC_COUNT Determines which Atton vs. Disciple scene(s) to run entering the Hawk (requiring more inf with Disc than Atton) 003EBO_ATTON_T3_START ??? 003EBO_Atton_Care Makes sure you only get a single LS hit for caring about Kreia's pained hand 003EBO_Atton_End ??? 003EBO_Atton_Hand 003EBO_Atton_Response ??? 003EBO_Atton_Talk Decides which conversation with Atton triggers between Peragus and Telos 003EBO_BACKGROUND Depends what background is displayed in the Ebon Hawk cockpit, changes per planet 003EBO_Bao_Kreia ??? 003EBO_Disciple_Atton Decides (together with ATTDISC_COUNT) which cutscenes are given in the Atton-Disciple rivalry 003EBO_Disciple_Event 003EBO_Disciple_Med 003EBO_G0T0_Bao_2 Numeric to help with the Goto_Bao cutscenes 003EBO_G0T0_Remote Numeric to help with the Goto_Remote cutscenes 003EBO_G0T0_HK47 ??? 003EBO_HK47_T3 ??? 003EBO_Hand_Fight Decides how many hand-to-hand battles you won with Handmaiden. For some odd reason set to 7 after the last one is finished 003EBO_Handmaid_Fight ??? 003EBO_Hatch Status on the hidden compartment you can unlock while on Nar Shaddaa 003EBO_Kreia_Disciple ??? (Numeric to help with Kreia Disciple cutscenes most probably) 003EBO_Meditate_Event Probably part of cut content where you learn a force power while meditating with Kreia about T3. Doesn't really match her droid-hatred 003EBO_Mira_Hand ??? 003EBO_PC_Hilt Decides wheter "your" lightsaber is single-blade or double, set with Atton just before going to Telos 003EBO_PC_Lightsaber Decides the color of "your lightsaber", set with Atton just before going to Telos 003EBO_RETURN_DES ??? 003EBO_T3_Atton ??? 003EBO_T3_Disciple ??? 003EBO_T3_Holo_Seq ??? 003EBO_T3_Pazaak ??? 003EBO_Visas_Hand ??? 003_Bao_FightTech 003_Bao_Forms 003_Bao_Techn 003_Bao_Training ??? (All TSLRCM added) 003_ENTER_COUNT ??? 003_IN_COMBAT Checks wheter or not you're in combat... for example when fighting Visas 003_Kreia_History Learned her History lesson (and accompanying LS/DS) or not 003_Kreia_Train ??? 003_Mand_Ship TSLRCM added numeric for the first time Mandalore on EH convo 003_Mand_Trg Another TSLRCM added numeric, no idea what for though 0_0 003_PC_Died_Vis Another TSLRCM added numeric, no idea what for... (I know my own mod so well, eh?) 003_Visas_Training Set when training with Visas, never used ever again... 003_Visas_Trn_Won Another TSLRCM added numeric, probably has to do with the Visas training battle, not sure how or if still used 006EBO_Visas_Love Pretty much taking over all the functionality of 000_Visas_Love. 2 numerics for the same thing, oh well... Stuff to make color appear properly :/ 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 10, 2012 101PER_Align_Check 101PER_Atton_Hatch 101PER_Atton_Inter 101PER_Atton_Intro_1 101PER_Atton_Intro_2 101PER_Atton_Intro_3 101PER_Atton_Intro_4 Shows how much I know of Peragus. Pretty sure the various intro's are unused though 101PER_Atton_Joined Atton joined your party 101PER_Exchange_Warn I assume this is when Atton mentions the Exchange bounty on Jedi? 101PER_HK50_Spawned Makes sure it's just one HK-50 that gets spawned in 101PER_HvyLaser_Spawn Unused. We have it added to the .utp of the corpse, so the flag isn't used with TSLRCM either 101PER_Know_Adm_Code Learned about the droid override code, so you don't need computer skill to detect it 101PER_Know_Exchange ??? 101PER_Know_Sedatives Knows about the sedatives being applied, using a computer spike on the console 101PER_Kreia_Joined Kreia has joined the party (or not, if 0) 101PER_Kreia_Res1 101PER_Kreia_Res2 Seem unused 101PER_Kreia_Spawn ??? (Might depend where Kreia is spawned, either dead, alive or near the elevator? 101PER_Kreia_Telepath Having had the conversation with Kreia about the droids beyond the door, where you learn Precognition 101PER_Med_Bay_Mur How far you progressed in the Medical Bay Murder quest, along with 101PER_Know_Sedatives and 101PER_XP_Sedatives (Peragus got too much globals. Probably because it was made early before more efficient systems where manufactured 0_0) 101PER_Med_Log Which Medical Bay console cutscene to run 101PER_Morgue_Door Wheter the Morgue door has been unlocked or not 101PER_Movie ??? 101PER_Open_Hatch If T3 already succeeded and the door is open to go down 101PER_Recent_History Progression among the "Recent History" sidemission 101PER_Republic_ID 101PER_Republic_Jedi ??? 101PER_Revan_End The big one. This decides wheter Revan was a Darksider or Lightsider. When 0 Revan is LS, at 1 Revan is DS 101PER_Revan_Sex Decides Revan's gender. With 0 he's male, with 1 she's female 101PER_Safe)Droid 101PER_Sion_Arrives While handled in a different module, this one decides Sion is indeed landed on Peragus 101PER_Spawn_Ass1 101PER_Spawn_Ass2 101PER_Spawn_Ass3 Seemingly unused, hinting Sith Assassins should already have appeared in 101PER at some point. Of course that would distract from the conclusion about HK-50 101PER_Switch ??? 101PER_Talk_Atton 101PER_Talk_Kreia ??? 101PER_XP_Sedatives Makes sure you can only get the XP from the console once 102PER_Atton_Com Which helpful hint Atton is at at the moment 103PER_Airlock_Code Opening the door into space. At 1 the code's injected, at 2 you opened the actual door what it's all about 103PER_Droid_Ambush The little cutscene with the droid opening the door and attacking you. This flag makes sure it only runs once 103PER_HK50_Code Wheter you extracted the entire voice-ID from HK-50 103PER_HK50_Voice Set when you realise HK-50 can mimic voices so you have a quick-entrance into the conversation when coming around with the recording device 103PER_HK_Con ??? 103PER_T3_Ambush HK-50 blowing up T3? 103PER_T3_Response ??? 103PER_Spotted If you have seen T3 in the fuel pipe, after which you can ask HK-50 about it 103PER_Talk_HK50 Set to true (1) after having a chat with HK-50 103PER_Voice_Frag_1 103PER_Voice_Frag_2 103PER_Voice_Frag_3 Keeps track of all the voicecode fragments you collected if not just using your persuasion on HK-50 104PER_Flame_Exhaust ??? (hinting they were intended to be able to shut off?) 105PER_Admin_Console Repair state of the Administration console 105PER_Dorm_Door Wheter or not the door to the Dormetories has been opened or not 105PER_Flash_Code Having seen the flash code transmission, which is used in several scripts to check which journal you get and how much of the solution is already presented to you... 105PER_Heard_Code Seems unused, instead using journal update checks instead of this global. Anyone can confirm or prove me wrong? 105PER_Poison_Gas Wheter the dormitories are flooded with gas or you disabled it 105PER_Reverse_Code[/code] If you have been made aware the code needs to be reversed. Also seems unused in favour of just updating your journal based on your latest entry, same as Heard_Code. Anyone? 105PER_Shift_Console Having opened the elevator by solving the code, or just plainly blowing it up 105PER_T3_End Can't say I recall seeing T3 in 105PER. Not sure what it's used for (though it is used) 106PER_Decon_Door Status of the Decontamination Door, either opened by destroying it or disabling the poison gas 106PER_Droid_Ambush Most probably the droids spawning in to attack T3-M4, but unsure due to lack of "T3" in the flag name 106PER_Hang_Comp Having fixed the computer (back as T3) or not 106PER_Hangar_Door Having opened the door using the missing module found near T3 106PER_Peragus_End Set when entering the Ebon Hawk, leaving Peragus (well, soon) 106PER_Poison_Gas Wheter there is still poison gas in the decontamination chamber 107PER_MG_DEAD How many Sith Soldiers have been killed (also used in 005EBO) 107PER_MG_EBON How many managed to enter the Ebon Hawk (for loading 005EBO) 107PER_MG_FINISHED If it's over and done. Set to 1 if PER_MG_DEAD matches 25 107PER_MG_LEFT Sith Soldiers left to kill before completion of this mini-game (or onboard the hawk) 151HAR_Astroid_Chart Set when downloading the astrogation charts (required to leave Peragus) 151HAR_Kreia_Mission ??? 151HAR_Nav_Comp_Fixed Checks wheter or not the navigational computer is fixed (where you download the astrogation charts) 152HAR_Atton_Fuel Prevents the cutscene with Atton at the fuel line from triggering twice 152HAR_Engine_Door Having opened the door back to Peragus (XP-related) 152HAR_Maint_Console ??? 152HAR_Maint_Door Having opened the door to the engines (XP-related) 152HAR_Sion_Spawn Wheter or not Sion has spawned in the module 200TEL_B4D4_T1N1 Decides where B4 and T1 should be, the docks or not 200TEL_Citadel ??? 200TEL_Control ??? 200TEL_CzerkaM_Exch Deals with the Czerka missions for Luxa 200TEL_Falt_Arrest Unused in vanilla TSL, this global is used for the "Corrun Falt" sidequest added in TSLRCM 1.7 and beyond 200TEL_Fuel Status of fuel for Citadel Station 200TEL_Killers_Dead Checks wheter the killers are dead and if you already collected your reward for this 200TEL_Mercs ??? 200TEL_Moza Moza's status (for the attack and such) 200TEL_SmugglingM1 200TEL_SmugglingM2 200TEL_SmugglingM3 Used to determine how far along with smuggling you where if you decide to work with Samhan 200TEL_Smuggling General global overviewing the smuggling quest taking both Samhan and Grenn into account 200TEL_Sting Global used to check your progression when instead of working for Samhan you work with Grenn 200TEL_Telos Seems unused 201TEL_Chano_Spawn Wheter Chano should spawn in the docks, or already has, or should be erased again when on Nar Shaddaa 201TEL_HK50_Spawn Makes sure only one group of HK-50's appear 201TEL_Q_Gren 201TEL_Q_Yima Seem part of cut content? 201TEL_Shuttle_Ready Wheter or not you can use the shuttle to travel to the surface 201TEL_TSF_Dead Checks how many TSF are dead when smuggling with Samhan and triggers conversation if all are 201TEL_Thugs Checks how many thugs die when collecting the droid intelligence and triggers conversation if all are 202TEL_Batono Keeps track of the "Batono" side-quest 202TEL_BatuRem Tracks how much you know about the assassin Batu Rem for that side-quest 202TEL_Bounty_Killers Keeps track of your progression in finding the killers, together with 200TEL_Killers_Dead 202TEL_Dendis Seems unused 202TEL_Ebon_Missing Keeps track of your progression in the "Ebon Hawk Missing" sidequest 202TEL_Falt Progression towards acquiring B-4D4 202TEL_Interview ??? 202TEL_Luxa_Blaster Showing Luxa the blaster, but it's never checked anywhere, so wheter it's set or not does not appear to make any difference anywhere 202TEL_Luxa Keeps track of your progression with Luxa towards gaining entry to the Exchange compound 202TEL_MeblaP ??? 202TEL_Mebla Amount of Pazaak wins in a row. After 3 you get your reward and it's set to 4 202TEL_Mercs ??? 202TEL_Spawn_Killers ??? 202_BlackMarket Appears unused 203TEL_B-4D4_PC Is set to 1 when B-4D4 is the PC, and used in pretty much all .dlg files to give different lines if this flag is true 203TEL_BH_CS ??? 203TEL_Bounty_Hunters ??? 203TEL_Chano Checks Chano's current predicament, wheter it's giving the Exhcange money (Czerka) or you B-4D4's credentials (Ithorians) 203TEL_Current_Thug Decides who's out front with the Exchange compound. Incremented by one after a kill 203TEL_Czerka_Attack The attack by Czerka on the Ithorians 203TEL_Czerka_Call Dealing with everything surrounding Czerka's call to your 'prison' 203TEL_DroidInt_1 Stores your decision to who you gave (or will give) the droid intelligence. Commonly checked to see if you're Czerka or Ithorian 203TEL_End_Call ??? TO BE CONTINUED LATER... LIFE :/ RED GREEN 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Extreme110 4 Posted August 28, 2012 I know this is an ultimate bump, but could this be updated when somebody has the time? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 28, 2012 I kinda forgot about it... I should know a lot more of these by now. But ofcourse any patches or other mods take priority 0_0 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted August 28, 2012 151HAR_Kreia_Mission I think this is when she leaves to fight Sion 152HAR_Main_Door Pretty sure this is for the airlock door to Har 203TEL_Batono_Lorso Pretty sure it's set when Lorso asks you to let her know if you find him 101PER_KREIA_STUNT You are correct about this 207TEL_Ramana_Bought Possibly used for if you tell her to stay and you will be back to collect her earnings? 000_Goto_Crimes Maybe when you find out about him being the missing republic infrastructure droid and you ask him about his crimes? 000_Handmaiden_Force I think this is for if she wants you to train her? 001EBO_Rumble XBox only I think Most of the 003 entries are for cut scenes as far as I know 101PER_Atton_Hatch Triggered when T3 opens the door to the tunnels 101PER_Atton_Intro_1 101PER_Atton_Intro_2 101PER_Atton_Intro_3 101PER_Atton_Intro_4 Used while he is in his cell each one is triggered if you don't release him from his cell 101PER_Exchange_Warn correct 101PER_Know_Exchange with 101PER_Exchange_Warn set if you ask who the Exchange are 101PER_Spawn_Ass1 101PER_Spawn_Ass2 101PER_Spawn_Ass3 Used after Kriea joins you at the elevator decides which set you are on 103PER_T3_Ambush correct you are 104PER_Flame_Exhaust set when Atton warns you about the exhaust ports being activated when on the exterior 152HAR_Maint_Console set when used to open the door see below 152HAR_Maint_Door Having opened the door to the engines (XP-related) 201TEL_Q_Gren 201TEL_Q_Yima Correct was supposed to be for Yima's quest 202TEL_Spawn_Killers the criminals in Lorso's office That is all that I can remember 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boilpoint 12 Posted August 28, 2012 But ofcourse any patches or other mods take priority 0_0 Is this confirmation of 1.8.1 by chance? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 28, 2012 Is this confirmation of 1.8.1 by chance? No comment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted August 29, 2012 The plot thickens Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PapaZinos 162 Posted February 8, 2022 I can tell you that first one is a check for whether or not Bao-Dur has commented on a player's new light-side or dark-side look. The name "000_BAO_CLAWS" is a reference to the LS-variant of the discussion, where the player can say their light-side glow was inspired by his arm ("Whoa, claws out today, aren't they?"). I just looked through his .dlg file to confirm. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites