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Sith Holocron

SKIN:KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map [Foreign Language Edition]

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KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map [Foreign Language Edition]

KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map [Foreign Language Edition]
AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II

This is an alternate version of my "TSL Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions 1.1" mod.  The difference here are the languages in the texture
are no longer in English. You now have the ability to have your Galaxy Map appear in either Polish, French, German, Spanish, or Russian.
As before, the planets in the texture are in the positions as laid out in bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix Pack

The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original un-modded game was originally sized at 128x128.
It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 9 frames of animation.

Note: The LEH_scre03 texture is the Galaxy Map *before* you click on it, that is when you can see the rest of the cockpit.

This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR2, as it refers to places not seen in the game.  But will be a foreign language edition for KotOR1 is available here.


Choose the language that bests suits your uses.  Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from that file folder and drop them into the following folder:
Take them out again.
Known Bugs:
None known at this time.
Legal Disclaimer:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware Corp.

I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me.
I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Stream Workshop (in the event they ever make one for KOTOR1).

French translation help: stills from Poyo Novae’s video (
Spanish translation help: stills from Mochi Games' video (
German translation help: stills from Tombie's video (
Polish translation help: Zbyl2
Russian translation help: Dark Hope, Allard, and Drazgar
Kexikus: Help with putting together the original version of this mod.
LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


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