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There's no way to start NPCs multiclassed, is there?

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I'm assuming it's not possible to start an NPC with more than 1 class but I've been wrong before.

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On 6/8/2024 at 8:10 AM, Timbo said:

I'm assuming it's not possible to start an NPC with more than 1 class but I've been wrong before.

There is no point in doing so. It doesn't really matter what class an NPC is, most NPCs who aren't Jedi are labelled as Jedi classes even though they aren't Jedi, it has little to no effect on the NPC.


If you try this with a party member, your NPC will only have the benefits of the second class, not both. This is already the case in K2 where party members will go from Scout, Soldier and Scoundrel to Jedi classes, once you become a Jedi you are no longer the previous class. To have them start with two classes in K2 would break the game and in K1 it'd be useless.

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Actually, I have lots of reasons for doing this. For example I could create a some fake classes all called Force Adept with different starting skills and feat tables and give the NPCs a few levels of those classes. Since we're locked to only 3 classes with FP. This would allow for subtle variations between the PC and the NPCs.

For example, you could make Juhani a Guardian who's got Stealth and Demolitions as a class skills without giving the PC this luxury when taking Guardian. Or giving Bastila the ability to take Weapon Specialization without letting the PC take it as a Sentinel.

So, is it possible?

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Well I might have an idea.   Using Hides with your ideas in mind.  For example with Juhani, you have a Hide that boosts Stealth Demolitions and Awareness to a higher level.     With Bastila, you give her a hide gives her Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization.

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