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MOD:Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie

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Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie

NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks.

TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes.

Why do that?

The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering.

PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well...


Not needed with vanilla TSL. Works with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too.

Install this after TSLRCM and Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement.

Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod. Install them in either order.



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