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TSLRCM polish version and polish translation bug

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I have a problem. I recently wanted to play TSL again but I decided to install the Polish version of TSLRCM and I installed the Polish translation and the items from TSLRCM don't have a name or anything other than that they are there + on the planets that are in the mod, when I talk to someone they don't have any dialogue options and I have to force quit the game because I can't tell them anything. I've tried uninstalling every mod except these 2, or having just one, and uninstalling the game and reinstalling it, and I've also tried installing TSLRCM from another source (I didn`t found the Polish translation anywhere other than Steam) and nothing works. Can anyone help?bU0AhJ.Star-Wars-Knights-of-the-Old-Repu

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1 hour ago, Lauin said:

I have a problem. I recently wanted to play TSL again but I decided to install the Polish version of TSLRCM and I installed the Polish translation and the items from TSLRCM don't have a name or anything other than that they are there + on the planets that are in the mod, when I talk to someone they don't have any dialogue options and I have to force quit the game because I can't tell them anything. I've tried uninstalling every mod except these 2, or having just one, and uninstalling the game and reinstalling it, and I've also tried installing TSLRCM from another source (I didn`t found the Polish translation anywhere other than Steam) and nothing works. Can anyone help?bU0AhJ.Star-Wars-Knights-of-the-Old-Repu

Could you attach the dialog.tlk file and your save file?

I have a theory as to why it might be.

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For reference to anyone that sees this post in the future, the following mod :

Does not have a dialog.tlk file included for whatever reason, this means the entire mod is in English.

Which means the fault is caused by using this mod :

This overrides TSLRCM's dialog.tlk file with the vanilla dialog.tlk file but in Polish.


@Lauinhas sent a message to the authors of the mod detailing this issue following my investigation of the problem.

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