
TGA Files and Associated TXI Files Help

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I am trying to use a modded texture in my game for a jedi robe. The robe has a transparency channel in the TGA and an associated TXI with the line "envmaptexture cm_baremetal" however, when I load it in game the TGA file loads but it is see through. Which leads me to believe somehow the TXI is not being recognized by the TGA file or something like that. They both have the exact same name aside from the extension and both are in my override folder. Also other files with TXIs do work. For example, armors, swords, droids, all have the "cm_baremetal" envmap but are not see through and instead are shiny as they are supposed to be so I do not think it is my graphics card. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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9 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

The way the engine works, the "base" (i.e. first - xxxx01) texture requires the TXI data. That data is then applied to all other variants of that texture.

This was the information I needed to get it working, thank you!

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