Pops Maellard

KOTOR1 in 3440x1440 modding journey

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Hi all, first post!

I've recently started a KOTOR playthrough after not playing it for years and thought I'd share my experience modding it for ultrawide (3440x1440) just in case it helps anyone. (and to get some feedback in case I made any mistakes).


01. The basic setup is the reddit modlist (here) and the optional widescreen steps (here, patching the game WITH the dialogue adjustments from the hi-res menu patch) with 1440p remastered cutscenes (mostly to prevent the game from minimizing everytime a cutscene starts, without the HEX edits). This got me up and running in 3440x1440 without any significant issues. Only small annoyance is the sometimes glitchy dialogue bar animation due to the hi-res menu patch.


02. Next step was to install RaymanGT's ultrawide mod to even further increase the UI and HUD quality. This one had some minor alignment issues so I thought I'd try fixing them myself.

So using KOTOR Tool and the KOTOR GUI editor I managed to fix the alignment issues and edit the top right icons texture backgrounds to transparent.

updated files (override folder - replace): here


03. Messing around with ReShade I managed to create a "cinematic" effect that only shows up during dialogue scenes.

This using a combination of UIDetect and IMMERSE RTGI and DOF (DOF with a very generous and fast auto-focus so it doesn't just blur everything).

Here you can find my my .fxh and RGBmask for UIDetect. You can sandwich any shaders/effects in there to mess around with the dialogue scenes.




I'll keep this updated if I make any other big changes.

Really amazed by all of the amazing mods people have made for this game over the years and looking forward to contributing.



Edited by Pops Maellard

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Small update! Started a first attempt at replacing the menu's.

Remade the menu setup in Blender:


And ended up with a light/dark side menu replacer that was rendered at native res:



Current issues:

- Can't get the text to stay red. As soon as it's been highlighted it snaps back to blue and I can't figure out where to change this.

- The image doesn't seem to fully fill the frame, leaving black bars left and right - solved this for now by darkening the edges.


This mod uses or references other mods!

- K1 Main Menu Widescreen Fix 1.2 (and the GoG replacement logo)

- Adjusted the menu buttons from HD MENUS AND UI Assets 1.0

- Used the .gui files from KotOR 3440x1440 Enhanced HUD/UI and Menus 1.1.0 as a base.


Feedback and assistance welcome!


font issue ref:



border issue ref:


Edited by Pops Maellard

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Giving the cutscene video upscaling/remastering a try,

- slider comparison

- video


Fairly pleased with the results, seems somewhat impossible to have 0 artifacts but still impressed with the tools.

Using Topaz Video AI, mixing 2 models in After Effects and adding some grading, grain and glow - hopefully that last one isn't considered too blasphemous.

50b (0;00;03;11).jpg

50b (0;00;03;11)-orig.jpg

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29 minutes ago, Pops Maellard said:

Giving the cutscene video upscaling/remastering a try

It does look a hell of a lot cleaner certainly. There seems to be a bit of wonkiness with the blaster fire, and the shadows on the lead ship in the last shot dance around a bit, but I imagine those sorts of problems are more or less impossible to avoid since the AI is only working on a single frame at a time. Probably the best upscale result I have seen to date though. I'm interested to see how some of the others like the Ebon Hawk take-off/landings turn out. And how about something without a space backdrop like the revelation scene (31a), Malak and Revan at the Dantooine ruins (09), or the Bastila/Revan showdown (02)?

17 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

Remade the menu setup in Blender:

I'd say your backdrop is too deep/thick. That was something I did initially on my menu surround as well. Try moving the backdrop plane forwards so the depth of the metal surround is only about a quarter of what it is in your screenshot.

17 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

The image doesn't seem to fully fill the frame, leaving black bars left and right - solved this for now by darkening the edges.

If you are playing on ultrawide then you'll need to stretch the background plane out further by editing the menu model in KBlender. My mod (assuming that is what you are using as a basis) only widens it enough for 16:9/16:10. You'll probably also want to an additional FX emitter on the lefthand edge to fill that gap you've got there.

17 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

Can't get the text to stay red. As soon as it's been highlighted it snaps back to blue and I can't figure out where to change this.

There are multiple entries in the GUI you are going to have to edit in order for it to be consistent. You've presumably only changed a single state currently.

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Thanks for taking a look!

54 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

It does look a hell of a lot cleaner certainly. There seems to be a bit of wonkiness with the blaster fire, and the shadows on the lead ship in the last shot dance around a bit, but I imagine those sorts of problems are more or less impossible to avoid since the AI is only working on a single frame at a time. Probably the best upscale result I have seen to date though. I'm interested to see how some of the others like the Ebon Hawk take-off/landings turn out. And how about something without a space backdrop like the revelation scene (31a), Malak and Revan at the Dantooine ruins (09), or the Bastila/Revan showdown (02)?

Trying to see if I can maybe fix some of those issues by manually masking them in with upscales using other models. This'll take some time though.

I'll run those scenes you've asked for through this setup and post an update! Curious to see how this turns out aswell.

56 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

I'd say your backdrop is too deep/thick. That was something I did initially on my menu surround as well. Try moving the backdrop plane forwards so the depth of the metal surround is only about a quarter of what it is in your screenshot.

Hah yes, got a bit carried away with that. Wanted to make sure it got some blue/red light of the "menu".

57 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

If you are playing on ultrawide then you'll need to stretch the background plane out further by editing the menu model in KBlender. My mod (assuming that is what you are using as a basis) only widens it enough for 16:9/16:10. You'll probably also want to an additional FX emitter on the lefthand edge to fill that gap you've got there.

Of course! Thank you! I didn't consider it would reference a 3D plane! Next thing to figure out.

1 hour ago, DarthParametric said:

There are multiple entries in the GUI you are going to have to edit in order for it to be consistent. You've presumably only changed a single state currently.

I'm only using the kotor-gui-editor tool for now so maybe I don't have access to all of the text options? I've changed the COLOR vector for BORDER, HILIGHT and TEXT to the same shade of red in the mainmenu.gui

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Hrm, I had a look at it. I thought there might have been some additional structs but maybe I was thinking of a different GUI. Given that there is stuff that only appears to be rendered in debug mode (the module list and warp button), I would guess that there could be a hardcoded element to the font colours.

Edit: Looking at my menu setup, I have extrapolated an approximate FOV for 3440x1440. The blue square is 1920x1080.


I can export a model with the background plane scaled up to suit if you want.

Edit 2: Can't really test it on my end, since I'm only running 1080, but try this:


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Hi. Looks like you're doing some good work here. :D

I just started playing the game at 3440x1440 (using RaymanGT's mod for this). I was wondering if I could ask you a question. If this isn't the right thread for that, I apologize. I'm getting a bug of sorts whenever a cutscene/dialogue (not the FMVs) starts - it's like everything's been moved downwards so that I don't see the lower black bar (and its dialogue options). This lasts until the camera view switches. Kinda annoying, though not gamebreaking. :)

Edited by AnandaMothma

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9 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Edit 2: Can't really test it on my end, since I'm only running 1080, but try this:

This seems to work (see attached image) but whenever I put the included texture (Pops_MenuBack.tga) in override it crashes to desktop?


8 minutes ago, AnandaMothma said:

Hi. Looks like you're doing some good work here. :D

Thank you! Having loads of fun figuring it all out.


8 minutes ago, AnandaMothma said:

it's like everything's been moved downwards so that I don't see the lower black bar (and its dialogue options). This lasts until the camera view switches

Did you run the High Resolution Menus (this one) patcher with dialogue fix enabled? I THINK it might be that one. Not a 100% sure.

Edited by Pops Maellard

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21 minutes ago, Pops Maellard said:

Did you run the High Resolution Menus (this one) patcher with dialogue fix enabled? I THINK it might be that one. Not a 100% sure.

I think so. Tried doing that again now, no luck. Oh well. I'll survive. It's not all letterboxed scenes, just some.

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2 minutes ago, AnandaMothma said:

I think so. Tried doing that again now, no luck. Oh well. I'll survive. It's not all letterboxed scenes, just some.

Hmm it might just be the inherent issue with the whole dialogue fix. Whenever a dialogue box is meant to "animate in" it can get a bit glitchy.

39 minutes ago, Pops Maellard said:

This seems to work (see attached image) but whenever I put the included texture (Pops_MenuBack.tga) in override it crashes to desktop?

@DarthParametric while I wasn't able to fix the texture issue I was having with your file (does Blender not export texture changes?), I was able to get it working by adjusting your original widescreen fix based on what you sent me!




Not as clean as your file but it does the job for now.

Also moved the smoke emiters around and reduced the depth of my metal background. Diving back in to figure out if it would be possible to have a blue light affect the smoke and Malak model.


Thanks again!


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8 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

whenever I put the included texture (Pops_MenuBack.tga) in override it crashes to desktop?

Odd. It works fine on my end, albeit I can only see a 1080p section of it:


The image is just a RGB/24 bit 4096x4096 TGA. You can try the attached TPC version and see if that works.

But it was only intended as a placeholder anyway. Just use your own image and rename it "Pops_MenuBack" and it should work.


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Aha! It's my .gui file. If I swap it out for the high res menu one it boots and gives me this result:


Not sure why my .gui (attached) ends up in a crash yet, I'll have a look again after work.


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Hrm, seems that the FOV is slightly smaller than I anticipated. The KOTOR camera FOVs are difficult to sync up to an equivalent in Max. The added lefthand emitter appears to be too far to the left, so I'll have to adjust that.

Edit: OK, I have adjusted the FOV in Max based on your screenshot and resized/repositioned things to suit. Try the updated version attached. I've edited the placeholder image to add some concentric squares (albeit stretched horizontally when rendered) to give you some positioning guides.


11 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

Diving back in to figure out if it would be possible to have a blue light affect the smoke and Malak model.

There are two existing lights in the scene. One about 1.5m directly in front of Malak that is a dark purple-ish colour set to only affect ambient, and another about 1m to the right of Malak at the top of the frame that is white and set to cast shadows. That's the one that is lighting Malak.


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11 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

Hmm it might just be the inherent issue with the whole dialogue fix. Whenever a dialogue box is meant to "animate in" it can get a bit glitchy.

I isolated the problem to the ultrawide resolution. It only happens at 3440x1440. With those "fade in" letterboxes. Think I might have to play at 2560x1440 :( Because I realized how much I hate missing out on dialogue lol.

Edited by AnandaMothma

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Right, so this took me a while. Finished upscaling all of the cutscene videos to see if I còuld make some improvements to the already existing upscales.

It went okay-ish but I'd still like to do a second pass at most of them before actually releasing them as a mod. If anyone is interested or would like to give some feedback, I've put them all up on my google drive here. That being said it's now clear to me that even now there's only so much you can do with AI upscaling.


Workflow wise what I did was:

- Extracted the audio from the .bik files using the RAD tools.

- Upscaled them 3 times with Topaz Video AI to 3440x1462 (to crop them down to 3440x1440 again but keep the aspect ratio):

. First upscale was Proteus with all settings cranked to 100 percent to get a baseline

. Second upscale was Proteus again but more moderate settings, so I could reduce some of the more wonky results from the first pass

. Third upscale was a Gaia CG one to use for characters/faces.

- Put it all together in After Effects and remake some things manually.

Some screenshots:


legal-r01 (0-00-02-09).png

09 (0-00-23-27).png

54 (0-00-30-18).png

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5 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

there's only so much you can do with AI upscaling

Yeah, unless you have a model specifically tailored to your target image/video, it's never going to be perfect. The question is whether the result is better or worse than a simple linear resize. As long as the upscale hasn't turned everything to mush then it's probably a win.

By the way, I see you have redone the subtitles in that Dantooine memory. I'm not sure if putting them directly over the image is a great idea. Personally I'd prefer the option of having them in the letterboxing, like the originals. Of course that would require a lot of extra work, so perhaps just leaving them out altogether would be better.

Speaking of the Dantooine memory, there are certain cases like that one and the Revan bridge fight where they could probably be recreated in-engine and recaptured at a higher resolution. Then you'd just need to add the VFX on top.

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Oh yeah get what you mean.  Definitely better than just a linear resize but somehow I was expecting to get it perfect if I would just "put in the work".


I agree with the subtitles remark, but it just felt off to still have it letterboxed when it could be full screen.

I'll make an alternative version for release that either has them boxed or just no subtitles all together.


And I didn't realize some of them could be re-rendered in engine! I was contemplating remaking them in Blender using the in-game assets but I don't know what is and isn't in the game files.

If those animations are still in there completely I'd love to have a go at it.

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3 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

If those animations are still in there completely I'd love to have a go at it.

The Dantooine dream stunt anims exist, although Revan and Malak's positions don't line up with the Ruins layout so they'd need adjustment. The animated camera does line up with the layout though (starts outside the star map chamber).


The models are M15aa_c01_cam, M15aa_c01_char02 (Malak), M15aa_c01_char04 (Revan), M15aa_c01_char03 (door).

For other stuff like the Bastila/Revan fight and the revelation sequence, most of it should be able to be recreated with mostly generic anims. It would probably need to be done in TSL, just because you can script all anims there, unlike K1. There might need to be the odd custom anim cobbled together. The star map fly-arounds would be simple enough.

It's really only the Hawk's take-off/landing sequences, Taris fly-overs/bombardment, and endgame Star Forge battle sequences that would be difficult. They can't really be done in-engine. I did play around with the idea of redoing the take-off/landing videos, but it would be a ton of effort. I had a brief fiddle with the first half of the Manaan take-off before moving off to focus on other things. That would really require a team of people, not just because of the workload but because you'd need people to handle different facets. Like all the missing VFX in this shot for example.

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Okay that's very interesting. I'm not sure if I could help with any of the in engine stuff but I'm definitely interested to attempt recreating some scenes out of engine (which would be Blender and After Effects/Nuke for me).


Is there a wiki or list that has a write up of what models belong to what scene?

Did some quick testing and based on the info you provide I was able to get Malak and Revan into a Blender scene with the correct animations fairly quickly.

Still need to figure the camera and level geo.





Spoke to soon! Figured out the camera and level alignment, there's still some weird timing stuff to figure out before touching up textures/lighting etc but this could be something!



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I think doing it in-engine makes the most sense, just to keep the look consistent with the original. That way the only thing you'd need to add would be the black mist (?) screen overlay and subtitles.

6 hours ago, Pops Maellard said:

Is there a wiki or list that has a write up of what models belong to what scene?

Not as such, but here is the module list, which you can use to get the prefixes from.


M01AA - Endar Spire Command Module - end_m01aa
M01AB - Endar Spire Starboard Section - end_m01ab
M02AA - Taris Upper City South Apartments - tar_m02aa
M02AB - Taris Upper City North - tar_m02ab
M02AC - Taris Upper City South - tar_m02ac
M02AD - Taris Upper City North Apartments - tar_m02ad
M02AE - Taris Upper City Cantina - tar_m02ae
M02AF - Taris Upper City Hideout - tar_m02af
M03AA - Taris Lower City - tar_m03aa
M03AB - Taris Lower City Apartments (West) - tar_m03ab
M03AD - Taris Lower City Apartments (East) - tar_m03ad
M03AE - Taris Lower City Javyar's Cantina - tar_m03ae
M03AF - Taris Swoop Platform - tar_m03af
M03MG - Taris Swoop Minigame - tar_m03mg
M04AA - Taris Undercity - tar_m04aa
M05AA - Taris Lower Sewers - tar_m05aa
M05AB - Taris Upper Sewers - tar_m05ab
M08AA - Taris Davik's Estate - tar_m08aa
M09AA - Taris Sith Base Main - tar_m09aa
M09AB - Taris Sith Base Governor's Quarters - tar_m09ab
M10AA - Taris Black Vulkar Base (Upper) - tar_m10aa
M10AB - Taris Black Vulkar Base (Mid) - tar_m10ab
M10AC - Taris Black Vulkar Base (Lower) - tar_m10ac
M11AA - Taris Hidden Bek Base (Main) - tar_m11aa
M11AB - Taris Hidden Bek Base (Mid) - tar_m11ab
M12AA - Ebon Hawk - ebo_m12aa
M12AB - Ebon Hawk Turret - m12ab
M13 - Dantooine Jedi Enclave - danm13
M14AA - Dantooine Jedi Enclave Courtyard - danm14aa
M14AB - Dantooine Matale Grounds - danm14ab
M14AC - Dantooine Grove - danm14ac
M14AD - Dantooine Sandral Grounds - danm14ad
M14AE - Dantooine Crystal Caves - danm14ae
M15 - Dantooine Ruins - danm15
M16 - Dantooine Sandral Estate - danm16
M17AA - Tatooine Anchorhead - tat_m17aa
M17AB - Tatooine Docking Bay - tat_m17ab
M17AC - Tatooine Droid Shop - tat_m17ac
M17AD - Tatooine Hunting Lodge - tat_m17ad
M17AE - Tatooine Swoop Registration - tat_m17ae
M17AF - Tatooine Cantina - tat_m17af
M17AG - Tatooine Czerka Office - tat_m17ag
M17MG - Tatooine Swoop Minigame - tat_m17mg
M18AA - Tatooine Dune Sea - tat_m18aa
M18AB - Tatooine Sand People Territory - tat_m18ab
M18AC - Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea - tat_m18ac
M20AA - Tatooine Sand People Enclave - tat_m20aa
M22AA - Kashyyyk Landing Pad - kas_m22aa
M22AB - Kashyyyk The Great Walkway - kas_m22ab
M23AA - Kashyyyk Village of Rwookrrorro - kas_m23aa
M23AB - Kashyyyk Worrwill's Home - kas_m23ab
M23AC - Kashyyyk Worrroznor's Home - kas_m23ac
M23AD - Kashyyyk Chieftain's Hall - kas_m23ad
M24AA - Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands - kas_m24aa
M25AA - Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands - kas_m25aa
M26AA - Manaan Ahto West - manm26aa
M26AB - Manaan Ahto East - manm26ab
M26AC - Manaan West Central - manm26ac
M26AD - Manaan Docking Bay - manm26ad
M26AE - Manaan East Central - manm26ae
M26MG - Manaan Swoop Minigame - manm26mg
M27AA - Manaan Sith Base - manm27aa
M28AA - Manaan Hrakert Station - manm28aa
M28AB - Manaan Sea Floor - manm28ab
M28AC - Manaan Hrakert Kolto Control - manm28ac
M28AD - Manaan Hrakert Rift - manm28ad
M33AA - Korriban Dreshdae - korr_m33aa
M33AB - Korrban Sith Academy Entrance - korr_m33ab
M34AA - Korriban Shyrack Caves - korr_m34aa
M35AA - Korriban Sith Academy - korr_m35aa
M36AA - Korriban Valley of Dark Lords - korr_m36aa
M37AA - Korriban Tomb of Ajunta Pall - korr_m37aa
M38AA - Korriban Tomb of Marka Ragnos - korr_m38aa
M38AB - Korriban Tomb of Tulak Hord - korr_m38ab
M39AA - Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow - korr_m39aa
M40AA - Ebon Hawk (Pre-Leviathan) - ebo_m40aa
M40AA - Leviathan Prison Block - lev_m40aa
M40AB - Leviathan Command Deck - lev_m40ab
M40AC - Leviathan Hangar - lev_m40ac
M40AD - Ebon Hawk (Post-Leviathan) - ebo_m40ad
M40AD - Leviathan Bridge - lev_m40ad
M41AA - Ebon Hawk (Post-Lehon Crash) - ebo_m41aa
M41AA - Lehon Central Beach - unk_m41aa
M41AB - Lehon South Beach - unk_m41ab
M41AC - Lehon North Beach - unk_m41ac
M41AD - Lehon Temple Exterior - unk_m41ad
M42AA - Lehon Elder's Settlement - unk_m42aa
M43AA - Lehon The One's Settlement - unk_m43aa
M44AA - Lehon Temple Main Floor - unk_m44aa
M44AB - Lehon Temple Catacombs - unk_m44ab
M44AC - Lehon Temple Summit - unk_m44ac
M45AA - Star Forge Deck 1 - sta_m45aa
M45AB - Star Forge Deck 2 - sta_m45ab
M45AC - Star Forge Deck 3 - sta_m45ac
M45AD - Star Forge Deck 4 - sta_m45ad
M46AB - Rakatan Mystery Box - ebo_m46ab
M99AA - Yavin Station - liv_m99aa
STUNT_00 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (Vision Sequences)
STUNT_03a - Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Destroy Taris Cutscene)
STUNT_06 - Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Resume the bombardment Cutscene)
STUNT_07 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (Taris Escape Cutscene)
STUNT_12 - Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Calo Nord Cutscene)
STUNT_14 - Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Darth Bandon Cutscene)
STUNT_16 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (Interdicted By Leviathan Cutscene)
STUNT_18 - Stunt Rakatan Temple (Bastila Torture Cutscene)
STUNT_19 - Stunt Star Forge (Jawless Malak Cutscene)
STUNT_31b - Stunt Lehon Temple (Revelation Cutscene)
STUNT_34 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (Star Forge Arrival)
STUNT_35 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (Crash On Lehon Cutscene)
STUNT_42 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (LS Dodonna Holocall Cutscene)
STUNT_44 - Stunt Ebon Hawk (DS Dodonna Holocall Cutscene)
STUNT_50a - Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Break In Formation Cutscene)
STUNT_51a - Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Bastila Against Us Cutscene)
STUNT_54a - Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Republic Forces Pull Back Cutscene)
STUNT_55a - Stunt Lehon Temple (Dark Side Ending)
STUNT_56a - Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Star Forge Destroyed Cutscene)
STUNT_57 - Stunt Lehon Temple (Light Side Ending)



001EBO - Ebon Hawk (prologue - interior)
002EBO - Ebon Hawk (prologue - exterior)
003EBO - Ebon Hawk
004EBO - Ebon Hawk (Red Eclipse)
005EBO - Ebon Hawk (leaving Peragus)
006EBO - Ebon Hawk (post-Dantooine)
007EBO - Ebon Hawk (post-Goto's Yacht)
012EBO - Ebon Hawk (Red Eclipse cutscene) [TSLRCM]
101PER - Peragus Administration Level
102PER - Peragus Mining Tunnels
103PER - Peragus Fuel Depot
104PER - Peragus Asteroid Exterior
105PER - Peragus Dormitories
106PER - Peragus Hangar Bay
107PER - Peragus turret minigame
151HAR - Harbinger Command Deck
152HAR - Harbinger Crew Quarters
153HAR - Harbinger Engine Deck
154HAR - Harbinger Command Deck (cutscene)
201TEL - Citadel Station Docking Module
202TEL - Citadel Station Entertainment Module 081
203TEL - Citadel Station Residential Module 082 East
204TEL - Citadel Station Residential Module 082 West
205TEL - Citadel Station (Carth cutscene)
207TEL - Citadel Station Cantina
208TEL - Citadel Station Bumani Exchange Corp
209TEL - Citadel Station Czerka Offices
211TEL - Citadel Station Swoop Track
220TEL - Citadel Station Residential Module Sith assault
221TEL - Citadel Station Residential Module Sith assault (Grenn cutscene)
222TEL - Citadel Station Entertainment Module Sith assault
225TEL - Citadel Station Residential Module Sith assault (Kreia cutscene) [TSLRCM]
231TEL - Telos Restoration Zone
232TEL - Telos Underground Base
233TEL - Telos Czerka Site
235TEL - Telos Orbital Shuttle (cutscene) [TSLRCM]
261TEL - Telos Polar Plateau
262TEL - Telos Secret Academy
298TEL - Telos Military Base Sub-Level [TSLRCM]
299TEL - Telos HK Manufacturing Plant [TSLRCM]
301NAR - Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad
302NAR - Nar Shaddaa Refugee Quad
303NAR - Nar Shaddaa Docks
304NAR - Nar Shaddaa Jekk'Jekk Tarr
305NAR - Nar Shaddaa Jekk'Jekk Tunnels
306NAR - Nar Shaddaa Entertainment Promenade
307NAR - Nar Shaddaa Entertainment Promenade (Zhug Attack) [TSLRCM]
350NAR - Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad (Zhug Attack) [TSLRCM]
351NAR - Nar Shaddaa Goto's Yacht
352NAR - Nar Shaddaa Goto's Yacht (cutscene)
371NAR - Nar Shaddaa Swoop Track
401DXN - Dxun Jungle Landing Site
402DXN - Dxun Jungle
403DXN - Dxun Mandalorian Ruins
404DXN - Dxun Mandalorian Cache
410DXN - Dxun Jungle Tomb
411DXN - Dxun Sith Tomb
421DXN - Dxun Turret (space battle)
501OND - Onderon Spaceport
502OND - Onderon Merchant Quarter
503OND - Onderon Cantina
504OND - Onderon Sky Ramp
505OND - Onderon Turret
506OND - Onderon Royal Palace
510OND - Onderon Swoop Track
511OND - Onderon Merchant Quarter
512OND - Onderon Western Square
601DAN - Dantooine Khoonda
602DAN - Dantooine Khoonda Plains
603DAN - Dantooine Khoonda Plains (cutscene)
604DAN - Dantooine Crystal Cave
605DAN - Dantooine Enclave Courtyard
610DAN - Dantooine Enclave Sublevel
650DAN - Dantooine Rebuilt Enclave
701KOR - Korriban Valley of Dark Lords
702KOR - Korriban Sith Academy
710KOR - Korriban Shyrack Cave
711KOR - Korriban Secret Tomb
851NIH - Ravager Command Deck
852NIH - Ravager Bridge
853NIH - Ravager (cutscene)
901MAL - Malachor V Surface
902MAL - Malachor V Depths
903MAL - Malachor V Trayus Academy
904MAL - Malachor V Trayus Core
905MAL - Malachor V Trayus Crescent
906MAL - Malachor V Trayus Proving Grounds
907MAL - Malachor V Trayus Core (cutscene)
908MAL - Malachor V Trayus Academy (Handmaiden vs Visas) [TSLRCM]
909MAL - Malachor V Trayus Academy (Atton vs Sion) [TSLRCM]
950COR - Coruscant (cutscene)

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So I created a stunt module for it to test it out. Seems to be some wonkiness going on with the anims. Not sure what's up with that. I'll have to take a look at the models. It also seems like the game doesn't want to apply stunt animations to a door. I guess that will require creating a dummy creature version of it, although possibly the door could just be scripted to open at the right time. Additionally, the star map will need to be scripted to play its opening anim at the end. And that pillar behind it will need to be removed (I think it's just a placeable).

Edit: Tweaked the FoV in a few shots to better match the original. Needs further work and the star map timing is possibly a bit off. But obviously resolving the stunt anims is the primary concern.

Edit 2: Ahah! It was screwy bone indexes. Should have realised sooner. I assume the models must have changed at some point in development. Recompiling the stunt models against their supermodels fixed it. Now it just needs lip sync and a bit of minor tweaking to align it with the original video's audio track.

One option would be to keep it as a purely in-engine scene. The only problem would be replicating the black screen edge "fog" VFX. You can't add any new video effect filters (like the inbuilt security camera blue/scanlines one), but you could potentially cheat it by putting a plane in front of the camera with an animated texture. Not sure how hot it would look though, and it would likely require different versions for different aspect ratios.

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6 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

So I created a stunt module for it to test it out. Seems to be some wonkiness going on with the anims. Not sure what's up with that. I'll have to take a look at the models. It also seems like the game doesn't want to apply stunt animations to a door. I guess that will require creating a dummy creature version of it, although possibly the door could just be scripted to open at the right time. Additionally, the star map will need to be scripted to play its opening anim at the end. And that pillar behind it will need to be removed (I think it's just a placeable).

Edit: Tweaked the FoV in a few shots to better match the original. Needs further work and the star map timing is possibly a bit off. But obviously resolving the stunt anims is the primary concern.

Edit 2: Ahah! It was screwy bone indexes. Should have realised sooner. I assume the models must have changed at some point in development. Recompiling the stunt models against their supermodels fixed it. Now it just needs lip sync and a bit of minor tweaking to align it with the original video's audio track.

One option would be to keep it as a purely in-engine scene. The only problem would be replicating the black screen edge "fog" VFX. You can't add any new video effect filters (like the inbuilt security camera blue/scanlines one), but you could potentially cheat it by putting a plane in front of the camera with an animated texture. Not sure how hot it would look though, and it would likely require different versions for different aspect ratios.

Wow that already looks great! Definitely agree this is the correct way to go to keep it more in style with the game.

Is the black edge screen fog something they actually did in engine? If I got some time this week I'll take a look to see how close I can get at replicating it outside of the eninge.

Probably still going to play around with my Blender scene to see where it ends up as a "reinterpretation" of the cutscenes.

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3 minutes ago, Pops Maellard said:

Is the black edge screen fog something they actually did in engine?

I doubt it. I'm sure they would have done it in whatever video editor they were using, be it AE or something else. Plus they did all those cross-fades and such in the revelation sequence which would have had to have been done out of engine.

10 minutes ago, Pops Maellard said:

Probably still going to play around with my Blender scene to see where it ends up as a "reinterpretation" of the cutscenes.

If you want to try the in-engine version out yourself, here's the stunt module and the recompiled stunt models. Just open the console and type in "warp stunt_danruins". You'll be in the central room where the overseer droid usually is. Go left or right and interact with one of the terminals. That will launch the cutscene.

I noticed the original version's audio really drags out the door opening, so the regular door may have to be swapped out for a custom placeable that uses the stunt animation (tried the character approach, didn't work).


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Still need to test the in-engine version but it's a bit out off my comfort zone.

Download your version though and had a quick first pass at some color correction and the edge fog effect. Not quite there yet but I think I can replicate it with enough time: google drive

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So I have been experimenting a bit more with it, making some adjustments. @seedhartha helped by fixing up an issue with the rig of Malak's stunt model to allow the facial animations to work. I have been looking at the original video and comparing it to my in-game capture and looking at the animations in Max to try an sort out the lip sync timing issues. I'm not sure if it's due to the frame rate of the video (29.97fps) or something else, but the individual shot lengths don't match the individual animation lengths (30fps). For example, the first shot's animation is 16.4667 seconds, but the first shot in 09.bik is only 16.383 seconds. Not sure what the best approach to fix it might be, whether I can massage the audio to better match the animation, or if I should try and adjust the animation to match the audio.

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