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I removed the "Bao-Dur wears Jedi Robes" mod by Shem and Bao-Dur lost his head!

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I tested the MOD "Bao-Dur wears Jedi Robes" (by Shem) and I am having difficulties after uninstalling the MOD.


Now, Bao-Dur has lost his head !? It's annoying, isn't it?


What's the solution - besides reinstalling everything?


Actual appearance id Party_NPC_BaoDur

Actual portrait is PO_PBaoDur


Thanks in advance!







I have found the 5 files that were renamed in Override.

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Not sure it's fixed.


I've just discovered that Bao-Dur, at entry level (level 6) is not at all with his usual specs.


Question :

Is it a remainder from the MOD "Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes" (by Shem) or is it a TSLRCM modification?


Strength 18 instead of 14

Dexterity 18 instead of 10

Constitution 16 instead of 14

Intelligence 22 instead of 15

Wisdom 14 Ok

Charisma 12 instead of 10

Discretion 2 instead of 1


Complex Unarmed Animations (???)


Quite sure it's a hold-over.





PS : Hi, Sith Holocron

Thank you for the syntax and grammatical corrections of my English.


Edited by Sith Holocron

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Hi guys,


I really hate reviving old threads but I have the same problem as the OP and this is the only reference to it I could find - Bao-Dur's starting stats have received an unwanted boost and I haven't been able to get rid of it. I've tried using the KSE to reset his attributes but it didn't take.


Has anyone else encountered this issue? It's more than a little immersion-breaking that Bao-Dur is stronger than the Exile at a lower level.


The mods I currently have installed are:


1) TSLRCM v1.8.2

2) M4-78 Enhancement (compatible with RCM)

3) Ultimate Sound

4) Beancounter's Hardcore

5) Achilles' Game Balance

6) Improved AI

7) Sith Assassin wield Lightsabers

8) Replace Sith Assassins with Dark Jedi

9) Hassat Hunter's's Mira/Hanharr Choice

10) Atton as PC

11) Bao-Dur wears Jedi Robes (I have not uninstalled this. I also haven't seen any instructions for uninstalling.)



Other than 2, 3, 9 and 11, I have used all the above mods before in previous playthroughs without significant issues (the RCM was v1.6 I think).





Never mind, I think I fixed it.


I deleted all the files that were modified in the Bao-Dur wears Jedi Robes mod except for appearance.2da, then reloaded a save from just before leaving the Telos Citadel Station. OP's second post initially made me think that wouldn't have worked. Hope the game doesn't throw any more surprises my way. I haven't played this game in 3 years and the last time, I got stuck at the Trayus Academy because the door wouldn't open. Hope to finish it this time.

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