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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.1


    =KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: KotOR 1 Improved Party LATEST VERSION: 1.0.1 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds six new items with unique properties for each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR 1, namely Bastila, Carth, Mission, Canderous, Juhani and Jolee. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon. In addition, when Carth joins your party, he will equip two of his unique blaster pistols instead of just one of them and one regular blaster pistol. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. This mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod. Party Clothing was also what inspired me to make my TSL Improved Party Outfits mod. I eventually decided to make my own version on the mod concept for KotOR 1 as well. I set up my mod to be installed via TSLPatcher to maximize compatibility with other mods. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new KotOR 1 playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: Bastila’s Robe - llk_bastrobe Canderous’s Jacket - llk_candjkt Carth’s Pilot Suit - llk_carthsuit Jolee’s Robe - llk_jolrobe Juhani’s Robe - llk_juhrobe Mission’s Jacket - llk_missjkt 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the KotOR 1 Improved Party you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR directory. Run Install.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the human and humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_201.tga to ia_cloths_206.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc and p_mission.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_bastilla.utc p_cand.utc p_carth.utc p_jolee.utc p_juhani.utc p_mission.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, such as Weapons of the Old Republic (WotOR) or KotOR Saber Replacement (KSR) 2022, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. If you are using KotOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP), you need to my mod AFTER K1CP. If you want to use both KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) and this mod, do not install the “Juhani and Jolee Original Clothes” add-on of K1R. This mod is compatible with my Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction as this mod does not affect Jolee’s introduction on Kashyyyk before he joins your party. I recommend installing both mods to maximize immersion. This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod which inspired this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.0


    =Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Jolee in Unique Outfit LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1) DESCRIPTION: This is a small mod that makes Jolee wear his signature robe when you meet him on Kashyyyk, before he joins your party. Like other party members, Jolee's outfit has a unique design if you equip him with basic clothing. Most other party members wear their signature outfits when you meet them. However, when Jolee is introduced on Kashyyyk, he wears a Jedi robe instead. This mod changes that. NOTE: In order for this mod to take effect, you must use a save prior to entering the Upper Shadowlands on Kashyyyk. 2) INSTALLATION: Extract the Jolee in Unique Outfit you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run Install Jolee in Default Outfit Introduction.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the p_jolee001.utc file in your Override folder, when you install this mod a new folder named backup will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or the file within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 3) UNINSTALLATION: Delete p_jolee001.utc from your Override folder. If a backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the backup folder, cut and paste p_jolee001.utc from the folder and paste the file in your Override folder. 4) KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5) MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod is not compatible with mods that modify Jolee's armor slot on Kashyyyk before he joins you as a party member. However, this mod is compatible with mods that modify Jolee's armor slot when he becomes a party member, such as jonathan7's Party Clothing mod, since the game uses different files for Jolee before and after he becomes a party member (p_jolee001.utc and p_jolee.utc respectively). This mod is compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R). 6) PERMISSION: You may do whatever you want with this file. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. 7) CREDITS: Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. Dark Hope

    Jolee Bindo HD

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod will replace and update Jolee Bindo texture files. The head has not been published. It contains materials from another author. I can send it in a personal message.
  4. View File KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits =KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: KotOR 1 Improved Party LATEST VERSION: 1.0.1 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds six new items with unique properties for each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR 1, namely Bastila, Carth, Mission, Canderous, Juhani and Jolee. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon. In addition, when Carth joins your party, he will equip two of his unique blaster pistols instead of just one of them and one regular blaster pistol. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. This mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod. Party Clothing was also what inspired me to make my TSL Improved Party Outfits mod. I eventually decided to make my own version on the mod concept for KotOR 1 as well. I set up my mod to be installed via TSLPatcher to maximize compatibility with other mods. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new KotOR 1 playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: Bastila’s Robe - llk_bastrobe Canderous’s Jacket - llk_candjkt Carth’s Pilot Suit - llk_carthsuit Jolee’s Robe - llk_jolrobe Juhani’s Robe - llk_juhrobe Mission’s Jacket - llk_missjkt 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the KotOR 1 Improved Party you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR directory. Run Install.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the human and humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_201.tga to ia_cloths_206.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc and p_mission.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_bastilla.utc p_cand.utc p_carth.utc p_jolee.utc p_juhani.utc p_mission.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, such as Weapons of the Old Republic (WotOR) or KotOR Saber Replacement (KSR) 2022, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. If you are using KotOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP), you need to my mod AFTER K1CP. If you want to use both KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) and this mod, do not install the “Juhani and Jolee Original Clothes” add-on of K1R. This mod is compatible with my Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction as this mod does not affect Jolee’s introduction on Kashyyyk before he joins your party. I recommend installing both mods to maximize immersion. This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod which inspired this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 07/26/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. View File Jolee Bindo HD This mod will replace and update Jolee Bindo texture files. The head has not been published. It contains materials from another author. I can send it in a personal message. Submitter Dark Hope Submitted 11/01/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. View File Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction =Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Jolee in Unique Outfit LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1) DESCRIPTION: This is a small mod that makes Jolee wear his signature robe when you meet him on Kashyyyk, before he joins your party. Like other party members, Jolee's outfit has a unique design if you equip him with basic clothing. Most other party members wear their signature outfits when you meet them. However, when Jolee is introduced on Kashyyyk, he wears a Jedi robe instead. This mod changes that. NOTE: In order for this mod to take effect, you must use a save prior to entering the Upper Shadowlands on Kashyyyk. 2) INSTALLATION: Extract the Jolee in Unique Outfit you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run Install Jolee in Default Outfit Introduction.exe, point the installer to your KotOR directory and let the installer do its magic. NOTE: If you already have the p_jolee001.utc file in your Override folder, when you install this mod a new folder named backup will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or the file within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 3) UNINSTALLATION: Delete p_jolee001.utc from your Override folder. If a backup folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the backup folder, cut and paste p_jolee001.utc from the folder and paste the file in your Override folder. 4) KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5) MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod is not compatible with mods that modify Jolee's armor slot on Kashyyyk before he joins you as a party member. However, this mod is compatible with mods that modify Jolee's armor slot when he becomes a party member, such as jonathan7's Party Clothing mod, since the game uses different files for Jolee before and after he becomes a party member (p_jolee001.utc and p_jolee.utc respectively). This mod is compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R). 6) PERMISSION: You may do whatever you want with this file. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. 7) CREDITS: Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 07/05/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes