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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.0


    I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do.
  2. Version 2.0


    This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
  3. View File Exile's Clothes I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 04/30/2017 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible  
  4. Exile's Jedi Robe View File This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 10/03/2015 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes