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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.2a


    Staring at the cold, metallic UI of vanilla Pazaak i always wonder who wants to be in a casino like that? In this mod i want to make Pazaak more enjoyable and beside that more up to date looking. What i tried to achieve is to combine the exclusive, wooden look of modern casino-tables with the tech-look of the Cards. Visually i didnt take ANY prisoners, the main UI is slightly animated in the background and comes with a whooping 4k file. The Cards highlighter is retextured in a subtle blueish way and the flipcard symbol comes with a 256 pics animation. Thanks to todays fast PCs, it shouldnt affect performance. Compatibility: This should be compatible with everything. The only conflict could be with mods that change the Pazaak Cards and UI, but i yet havent seen any mod, that does that. TSLRCM 100% compatible. Install: Download the mod, extract the contents with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override folder. Enjoy! also watch Xuuls wonderful review (with installation instructions) of my mod: Update 1.1: it contains new files - just install both (CasinoPazaak.rar and Update1.1.rar) into your Override. Bugs: Since its a texture replacer, there shouldnt be any. Brightness (optional): for best results visually you may turn brightness bar to exactly 1/2.
  2. View File HD Holo HD Holo ================================= MOD AUTHOR: Olegkuz1997 FOR WHICH GAMES: For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Description: ---------------- What does this mod do? Nothing much. This mod is a remake of the final scene with Admiral Dodonna's transmission, and more specifically, a remake of the hologram textures of the two characters. This mod is pretty rudimentary, I enlarged the original textures with AI and then manually edited them in photoshop. Tried to give the effect of "interference" and glow. Did it for myself, but if anyone wants it, take it. Yes, I'm aware of the awesome DarthParametric mod, but there were two things I didn't like about it: too strong blue color that kills the rest, and the lack of glow from the hologram. In his mod, the work is much more comprehensive, with redesigned UVs and models, which I have no idea about. Naturally, you have to choose between my mod and DarthParametric's mod, as they are done with different approach. There might be some questions about the hue, as it's not really "blue". It's actually something between the movies and the in-game version (turquoise). In the end, this is a texture mod, so anyone can open the file in paint or photoshop and adjust the color to their liking. Installation: ---------------- Drop tga and txi files in your game’s Override folder. To uninstall: ---------------- Take them out again. Known bugs: ----------------- Holo-Vandar turned out great, but Dodonna was a bit of a letdown. The whole thing is, I think, that she has an incorrect, and frankly crappy "mirror" model, so the textures of "interference" are not quite correctly displayed. Oh yeah, and she's also a bit translucent (eyeballs and mouth). I had to make the head textures brighter to try and hide these details. But overall, it's not too bad. I recorded a little video where you can see for yourself. But in general, this is a normal texture mod, so there should be no problems. Video: Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me. Submitter olegkuz1997 Submitted 11/18/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  3. olegkuz1997

    HD Holo

    Version 1.0.0


    HD Holo ================================= MOD AUTHOR: Olegkuz1997 FOR WHICH GAMES: For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Description: ---------------- What does this mod do? Nothing much. This mod is a remake of the final scene with Admiral Dodonna's transmission, and more specifically, a remake of the hologram textures of the two characters. This mod is pretty rudimentary, I enlarged the original textures with AI and then manually edited them in photoshop. Tried to give the effect of "interference" and glow. Did it for myself, but if anyone wants it, take it. Yes, I'm aware of the awesome DarthParametric mod, but there were two things I didn't like about it: too strong blue color that kills the rest, and the lack of glow from the hologram. In his mod, the work is much more comprehensive, with redesigned UVs and models, which I have no idea about. Naturally, you have to choose between my mod and DarthParametric's mod, as they are done with different approach. There might be some questions about the hue, as it's not really "blue". It's actually something between the movies and the in-game version (turquoise). In the end, this is a texture mod, so anyone can open the file in paint or photoshop and adjust the color to their liking. Installation: ---------------- Drop tga and txi files in your game’s Override folder. To uninstall: ---------------- Take them out again. Known bugs: ----------------- Holo-Vandar turned out great, but Dodonna was a bit of a letdown. The whole thing is, I think, that she has an incorrect, and frankly crappy "mirror" model, so the textures of "interference" are not quite correctly displayed. Oh yeah, and she's also a bit translucent (eyeballs and mouth). I had to make the head textures brighter to try and hide these details. But overall, it's not too bad. I recorded a little video where you can see for yourself. But in general, this is a normal texture mod, so there should be no problems. Video: Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me.
  4. View File Casino PAZAAK animated Staring at the cold, metallic UI of vanilla Pazaak i always wonder who wants to be in a casino like that? In this mod i want to make Pazaak more enjoyable and beside that more up to date looking. What i tried to achieve is to combine the exclusive, wooden look of modern casino-tables with the tech-look of the Cards. Visually i didnt take ANY prisoners, the main UI is slightly animated in the background and comes with a whooping 4k file. The Cards highlighter is retextured in a subtle blueish way and the flipcard symbol comes with a 256 pics animation. Thanks to todays fast PCs, it shouldnt affect performance. Compatibility: This should be compatible with everything. The only conflict could be with mods that change the Pazaak Cards and UI, but i yet havent seen any mod, that does that. TSLRCM 100% compatible. Install: Download the mod, extract the contents with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override folder. Enjoy! also watch Xuuls wonderful review (with installation instructions) of my mod: Update 1.1: it contains new files - just install both (CasinoPazaak.rar and Update1.1.rar) into your Override. Bugs: Since its a texture replacer, there shouldnt be any. Brightness (optional): for best results visually you may turn brightness bar to exactly 1/2. Submitter Jorak Uln Submitted 09/29/2014 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible No