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  1. Version v1.0b


    This mod adds an item to inventory which you can equip, then use (like an energy shield). Once that's done, you navigate a dialog-driven menu (computer interface) to select a head, body, or combination and it applies disguise effects. This will work for the main PC and all the usual party member suspects (though it doesn't specifically support Trask, so he may do odd things under some circumstances). There are 4 versions. Any of them should be compatible with everything, though if you've got mods installed that drastically change the order of appearance.2da, everything will point to the wrong things, and if you have content ADDED to appearance.2da, it won't know about that content without some alterations. (Contact me) The 4 versions that are here now are: KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_K1R_and_KK_PC.7z - Direct custom content support for K1R and my custom female PC KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_K1R.7z - Direct support for K1R, but not my custom PC KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_KK_PC.7z - Direct support for my custom PC, but not for K1R KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_BASE.7z - No custom content support (though it still works fine for base-game content) Pick your version, run the installer, enjoy. The patcher will make additions to globalcat.2da, spells.2da, igearstore001.utm (Igear's shop, Taris undercity), and tar03_selven031.utc (Selven's character template, Taris lower city apartments). It should only append to these using intelligent functions from TSL patcher, and not overwrite or break anything (plus it makes backups). Everything else is new, unique files from me, so if they conflict with anything at all, it's very very strange. (really shouldn't possibly happen). As the above files probably suggest, you can loot one from Selven, buy another from Igear, and if two isn't enough, just use the console: "giveitem kk_i_arm_dsg.uti" (no quotes) for as many as you want. There's a large readme.txt in the archive, and of course, any other questions, comments, concerns, yadda may be directed to me, and I'll be happy to address them. ^-^
  2. Version 3


    ******************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ******************************************** TITLE: Effixian's Yoda Disguise AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ************* INSTALLATION ************* Put the contents of the zip file into your Override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ This is a silly little mod that adds a disguise that makes you look like Yoda. You can acquire it from the corpse in the morgue on Paragus or use cheatcode giveitem a_robe_47. There will likely be some missing animations for certain actions. Not compatible with other mods that add items through that same corpse. The stats are the same as Master Robes. P.S. That's actually a short lightsaber in the screenshot. Have fun ****************** KNOWN ISSUE ****************** STOTOCALATO on Steam reported that removing the disguise did not give the normal appearance back. DarthParametric informed me that using a disguise while you're wearing another disguise will cause problems with getting your normal appearance back. The spacesuit you find on Peragus is another disguise, so remove the Yoda disguise before using that. Hopefully that approach will prevent issues. ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove from the Override folder: a_robe_47.uti g_tresgencorp004.utp give_robe_47.ncs give_robe_47.nss ia_MstrRobe_047.tga N_Yoda01.tga ********* THANKS TO ********* Kexikus for scripting help DarthParametric for teaching me about disguise issues Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  3. View File Effixian's Yoda Disguise ******************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ******************************************** TITLE: Effixian's Yoda Disguise AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ************* INSTALLATION ************* Put the contents of the zip file into your Override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ This is a silly little mod that adds a disguise that makes you look like Yoda. You can acquire it from the corpse in the morgue on Paragus or use cheatcode giveitem a_robe_47. There will likely be some missing animations for certain actions. Not compatible with other mods that add items through that same corpse. The stats are the same as Master Robes. P.S. That's actually a short lightsaber in the screenshot. Have fun ****************** KNOWN ISSUE ****************** STOTOCALATO on Steam reported that removing the disguise did not give the normal appearance back. DarthParametric informed me that using a disguise while you're wearing another disguise will cause problems with getting your normal appearance back. The spacesuit you find on Peragus is another disguise, so remove the Yoda disguise before using that. Hopefully that approach will prevent issues. ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove from the Override folder: a_robe_47.uti g_tresgencorp004.utp give_robe_47.ncs give_robe_47.nss ia_MstrRobe_047.tga N_Yoda01.tga ********* THANKS TO ********* Kexikus for scripting help DarthParametric for teaching me about disguise issues Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 05/27/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  4. File Name: KK's Disguise Armband File Submitter: Antonia File Submitted: 05 Feb 2016 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes This mod adds an item to inventory which you can equip, then use (like an energy shield). Once that's done, you navigate a dialog-driven menu (computer interface) to select a head, body, or combination and it applies disguise effects. This will work for the main PC and all the usual party member suspects (though it doesn't specifically support Trask, so he may do odd things under some circumstances). There are 4 versions. Any of them should be compatible with everything, though if you've got mods installed that drastically change the order of appearance.2da, everything will point to the wrong things, and if you have content ADDED to appearance.2da, it won't know about that content without some alterations. (Contact me) The 4 versions that are here now are: KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_K1R_and_KK_PC.7z - Direct custom content support for K1R and my custom female PC KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_K1R.7z - Direct support for K1R, but not my custom PC KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_KK_PC.7z - Direct support for my custom PC, but not for K1R KK_Dsg_Band_v1_0b_BASE.7z - No custom content support (though it still works fine for base-game content) Pick your version, run the installer, enjoy. The patcher will make additions to globalcat.2da, spells.2da, igearstore001.utm (Igear's shop, Taris undercity), and tar03_selven031.utc (Selven's character template, Taris lower city apartments). It should only append to these using intelligent functions from TSL patcher, and not overwrite or break anything (plus it makes backups). Everything else is new, unique files from me, so if they conflict with anything at all, it's very very strange. (really shouldn't possibly happen). As the above files probably suggest, you can loot one from Selven, buy another from Igear, and if two isn't enough, just use the console: "giveitem kk_i_arm_dsg.uti" (no quotes) for as many as you want. There's a large readme.txt in the archive, and of course, any other questions, comments, concerns, yadda may be directed to me, and I'll be happy to address them. ^-^ Click here to download this file