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About Atreides99

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Okay I have played this game for much longer now and I have to say this makes jedi battles much quicker where one side could easily own you if you don't use things like force wave successfully on them. Two complaints, this mod makes the HK factory impossible to beat and does not do anything to make the guardian or sentinel more viable options when building your character. If you want to have a chance in this game you will have to go for the uber builds like consular/watchman or consular/weaponmaster.
  2. Well to be more specific I'm level 14 and I also have master speed. When I take off my clothes and cast master speed I see the +4 defense bonus being added on and then when I try to stack force armor on top no additional defense gets added on. So I try and do force armor first without clothes or any other buffs on and it adds nothing. But like you said it could be my level and I'm not allowed to get a +6 bonus yet. Guess I'll keep playing and hope that the spell will unbreak itself.
  3. How come the force power armor power is broken in this game? I think this is a vanilla bug but wouldn't this be considered part of the restoration mod since it was ment to work haha. I don't mean to bash this mod its a very good mod and I haven't come across anything noticeably wrong with this release after playing through 3 planets but figuring out force armor doesn't raise my defense at all pisses me off because I feel jedi are not being given their canonical abilities to be resilient in battle even with no armor.
  4. Ok I have a problem. Everything works fine at the telos academy accept the handmaidens don't show up in the ingame cutscenes both when bao dur is unconscious and the 3 walk up to him then all is well and the cutscene where Atris tells the handmaiden to go follow the exile and then when I try to leave the extra handmaidens asking where brianna went cutscene fails and then I pop up outside the ebon hawk again and I can't leave. update: My only guess is it has to do with the varsity puppet handsister fix that is suppose to be compatible with tslrcm.
  5. Oh well that answers that. *face palm* Okay I got up to the telos academy and now I have the missing handmaidens can't leave the academy bug. I'm guessing this is a vanilla bug.
  6. I figured it out I had to get rid of the admirality mod. I forgot I still had that and now its working perfectly. I thought the cut ship scenes were a little goofy since it lacks animation but its just the game showing its age. ANYWAY, I was wondering if it is normal to see a different admiral talking to Grenn now because it was a dialogue with a black admiral instead of Carth.
  7. I wish the author of this mod would come back and remedy this BUT I found a way around it for those who have had the same problem. Download the ultimate balancing mod by havoker and replace the Feat.2da file thats in TSL B.ends with the one by havoker. I've beaten 3 planets and have not run into any problems with it.
  8. I have a show stopper. I'm using tsl b.ends,heroes of the old republic, and some minor cosmetic mods along with 1.8. I started a new game dark side consular and I get through czerka quests and then when I try to use the freighter to leave instead of loading cutscenes the screen just fades out then you pop up in the exact same place and it says journal updated. How do I get to the restoration zone now that the freighter to leave is bugged? Update: Ok I got rid of Heroes of the Old Republic 1.3 and started a new game and got back up to the same point and the shuttle still refuses to take me to the Restoration Zone. Help would be much appreciated