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Everything posted by twocows

  1. So far, all of them. I'm most of the way through Peragus (I just regained T3 after Kreia got her hand cut off) and the music hasn't changed in any of the in-engine cutscenes yet.
  2. Music doesn't change to what's supposed to play for in-engine cutscenes (the ones that are actual videos work fine). 1) When did the problem begin to occur? This is the first install of the game on this laptop and it's been happening since I started a few days ago. It hasn't happened on other installs I've had on other computers in the past. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes. I'm subscribed through Steam Workshop. 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam. 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? As far as I know, Steam does this automatically. 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh install. 8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Widescreen UI (stretch fix) - 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? When in-engine cutscenes play, a lot of the time they'll switch the music out. None of that's playing and it's just playing the base environment music for the area. I only know this because I've played the game many times before. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? No 11) Have you tried using a different save game? No 12) Have you tried starting a new game? This is a new game, but no, I haven't tried starting another 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10 64-bit 14) Laptop/Desktop? Laptop
  3. That made my day. Hope to see it soon; big fan of the work you guys are doing.
  4. I don't think Obsidian gets any money for sales of KotOR 2 anymore, seeing as how it's no longer in production. If you bought it, all your money would go to Gamestop or wherever.