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Everything posted by darth_gil

  1. Yes. And it's realistic in my opinion because I think that the mandalorian, whose corpse is lying near the door was sent to blow it up.
  2. File Name: Thorium charge mod File Submitter: darth_gil File Submitted: 07 Apr 2012 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Thorium charge mod. Author: Darth Gil If you don't want to search for a thorium charge to blow up the mandalorian cache door on Dxun then this mod for you! It adds a thorium charge to the mandalorian corpse near the cache door. Installation: extract all files in the archive (except readme, of course) to Override. Click here to download this file
  3. 37,413 downloads

    Thorium charge mod. Author: Darth Gil If you don't want to search for a thorium charge to blow up the mandalorian cache door on Dxun then this mod for you! It adds a thorium charge to the mandalorian corpse near the cache door. Installation: extract all files in the archive (except readme, of course) to Override.
  4. Ok. Then good luck to Exile007 and to LordOfHunger too... if he is still working on GenoHaradan revision patch.
  5. Anyone from TSLRCM crew - please, explain me, why the GenoHaradan is not included in TSLRCM? I think you didn't start work from nothing but have taken from TSLRP what was completed, fixed it and continued the work of Team-Gizka.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. zbyl2


      Of Kreia's Fall. We're not touching GenoHaradan ;)

    3. Exile007


      thank you =)

    4. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Sooo confused.

      But yeah, Pavel's version of the cutscene has some pretty obvious sound issues, so "recommended" it wont be by me...


      As for Exile's GenoHaraden, I reserve my judgement until I played it...

  6. To Exile007 Erm... The GenoHaradan was already restored in TSLRP, isn't it? And why are you doing what is already done?
  7. Is anybody knows compatible Un-Restored content with TSLRCM or not?

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      I have no idea what you just said.

      But Un-Restored Content mod is NOT compatible with TSLRCM if that was your question...

    2. darth_gil


      Yes. Sorry for my poor english.