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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. hi, Everything is said. Nothing to add. I regret that I do not have an enough fluent English. I could take time to translate some of my pages, like those developing events that are supposed to take place five or six days before the beginning of K2. There are so many false things, when they are not stupidities, written in the web pages that reference! Kreia is one of the greatest Lord in the Star Wars Universe. It is the only lord who succeeded in eradicating the two denominations of the Force and she has designed and implemented a new, unified and non-destructive, education. Years later, what she has established will disappear and the usual dichotomy will reappear. But she has created the biggest upheaval in the Star Wars Force Universe since the Force has been discovered, controlled and manipulated (since 27,700 BBY). Nothing has been as powerful as what she did, not even ANH. Kreia must take / resume its place in the SW pantheon. She has been stronger than Darth Nihilus although he is the most dangerous Lord that the galaxy has ever known (and we do not know nothing about him except what Visas says : a man... only a man). Both of them were improperly used. Kreia by excessive discretion as she works in the shade (but she wants to prove she was right, as she wants to leave a trail for future generations (and this is why she does not seek to destroy the Force, contrary to what everyone interprets, because the Force is, according to G. Lucas, a fluid created by life (I'm not sure that this is what he was trying to tell the time and this interpretation could be the "original sin" - but that's another debate)) - with no life, she could not prove anything to anyone)) and the Nihilus character is totally unused. I think Obsidian has not been proud of his work (by the fault of LucasArts) and that the promotion of this game was not made because of this. The original screenplay work and literary work are masterpieces of the genre, massacred for a contemptible cause of money. The work on arms and armors and at the workbench, the possibility of choosing one among several forms of combat, with melee weapons as with the Force powers, tricks (XBox version) adding hours of gameplay etc.. ... This game is one that has the longest life time. What has created Obsidian is not a sequel to K1 (even if one finds some characters created by BioWare), but an event that allows BioWare to lauch TOR. "Kotor 2 is an unfinished, unpolished gem" but, as is, it is already the greatest game in the SW Universe for the greatest event having a meaning in the SW Universe. TTLan Recent History - zoom on the last week Kotor 2 - Histoire r?cente - zoom sur la derni?re semaine I did not understood anything at Kotor 2 J'ai rien compris ? Kotor 2
  2. Hmm ... On PC, I'll try once again to lead them to mastery, but I think it will not work, even using tricks of unlimited LSP (and tricks start to sorely miss with TSLRCM which set back the fun to play - it's not at all funny). About Kreia on XBox, as far as I can remember, her alignment moves from the start. i'll look at that later (in many weeks). On a PC, if you think at the heal of the four soldiers in the infirmary of Khoonda, it is neither hot or cold to Kreia. I made lots of tests, controlling the Exile or Kreia, with normal charisma or very high charisma pushed with KSE: Kreia is and stay neutral! And the trick with the medical dro?d has gone! Does the one with the protocol droid of Khoonda, which runs on Xbox, will be restored on PC? Why push the players to cheat with the console or KSE instead of letting them play with the tricks? Especially the tricks desired and installed by Obsidian. TTLan
  3. Hi staticjoe66 I do not agree with you. K1 is fun, it is a game with many fights and much more sophisticated enigmas. It goes on a unique event on a unique place : a nexus is broken - the star forge. K2 is cold and dark, even sinister. Ok, there is some fighting in K2, but there is, primarily, something much more important, a disruption of the Universe. The two orders able to manipulate the Force are eradicated. And there are so many things mentioned in the form of non-words, in veiled evocations of tracks barely indicated, in doors open but without a way to go ... Here is the interest of K2: analysing the text. Regarding the fights in K2: For reasons of test and debug, I redo, at each walk through this adventure, every action, every fight, about 20 times. Now I have crossed this entire adventure about 250 times. So I probably made each fight about 500 times. I think I know a little about what I am talking. The fights, in K2, are not only easy but without interest. It is rare to be able to deploy a fight strategy with several (maybe 3 times in all and for all). We are rarely in danger. The fights, in K2, are something marginal compared to the analysis of texts. TTLan
  4. Ok. Hi staticjoe66, I also think it was a feature and not a bug at all. But all the game is too easy and adding some difficulties is a good thing. The way the game has been developed, in terms of difficulties, and in terms of indexes given to solve enigmas, is inherently annoying and too easy. It seems that Obsidian was afraid of their players and has brought everything on a platter. It is true that K2 is not at all a fun game. It is dark and serious and must be seen as a turning point in the Expanded Universe. The challenge, and it is great, is the interpretation we can give at little bits of clues given about past events for wich we do not know anything and for witch we must traverse this adventure several times, in all cases (LS, DS, male, female etc.. ...) and constantly seek to obtain all the dialogues options with everyone. The goal of this game is the dialogues and their interpretations. It is very complicated and Obsidian did a fabulous job that must be restored to his place, at the pinnacle of the videogames and the center of the Expanded Universe, as ANH. What a pity it was released too quickly. TTLan
  5. Hello, I note the disappearance of a trick. In the underground base of Czerka, it was possible to approach, at any time, the shuttle, to see our health back to 100% (except during the battle against the droid tank). This was valid for all members of the active group. This trick seems to stop working and I have not noticed this in the list of things changed by TSLRCM 1.5 or 1.6. Is it voluntary? TTLan
  6. Well, Ok. Thanks. As I mention before, I notice the calculations at the map change but I do not know on what they apply. An additional challenge My job on LS points is to help, in my walkthrough, XBox players for an additional challenge that can't be done on PC : all the characters become Light Side Masters. And my question about the PC version of K2 : Why this challenge can't be win in that version ? Why all the characters, except the Exile, are limited at an aligment from 1 to 99 instead of 0 to 100 ? Does the bug is on the XBox version or on the PC version ? I think that that game is too easy and that additionnal challenges are necesary (I explain many of them in my walkthrough). I think also that, after K2, they will reconstruct the new Jedi order (and, in that way, they can all reach the Master grade), a unique order with a unified knowledge (this is in that way that Arren Kae, aka Darth Traya, aka Kreia, is one of the greatest Lord in the Extended Universe (she completely destroy, alone, the two previous orders !) and that K2 would be see as one of the most important event, as important as ANH. But K2 has been bad released for the reasons we are working on, due to the hurry of LucasArts. And now my question about Kreia : She remains neutral on the PC version of K2. Her aligment change in the XBox version. I think that the PC version is right and that the bug is on the XBox version (Kreia profess a unified teaching. She can not take side for one side rather than another). What do you think of this ? TTLan
  7. Well, I repeat : No cheat at all. Canonical LS walkthrough. Influence gained absolutely naturaly (as my inventory of the influence points told) : Star Wars - Kotor 2 - Points d'influence LS points of the Exile gained absolutely naturaly. See the 50 first LS (One additional challenge is to always achieve the Echani fight courses as a master) Star Wars - Kotor 2 - Liste des PCL At the moment we are talking about : 1/ Before saving the last member of the Czerka Salvage Crew Exile : Jedi Sentinel, Level 14 Atton : 1 point (58) - Level 3 Bao-Dur : 0 point (50) - GoodEvil : 60 - Level 6 Kreia : 3 points (74) - Level 12 T3-M4 : 2 points (66) - Level 10 What did your stats (STR, DEX, CON, but especially CHA) ? Already listed - see first post in this thread. 2/ After saving him : Exile : Jedi Sentinel, Level 14 Str : 12 Dex : 10 Con : 17 Int : 14 Wis : 14 Cha : 14 GoodEvil : 91 Bao-Dur GoodEvil : 63 - Why did I wrote 92? Because it comes after 91? Influence : 50 3/ After changing map Bao-Dur GoodEvil : 60 Influence : 50 4/ Workaround the bug - Put Bao-Dur out of the active group As I pointed out for years, there is a workaround (not always) to this bug. But it is tedious and it is not a solution but just a hack: Put your companions out of the activ group before moving to another map. So, in this case, put Bao-Dur out of the active group while he is at 63 (use KSE to remove him). Now change map. Save Look at the alignment of Bao-Dur: He remained at 63. 5/ And last but not least After point 4, recall now Bao-Dur in your active group (here, use KSE for this). Load. Do not do anything else. Save. Watch the alignment of Bao-Dur. It fell back to 60!!! This damn bug pursue all the companions, more or less randomly, from the beginning to the end of the game, for years! TTLan
  8. Hi Hassat Why do you ask that? What are you thinking about? Is there a known problem? No, I do not cheat at all, especially because I use this walkthrough for a deep testing of K2 and TSLRCM. It is probably the 250th and last test I do for a canonical walkthrough on a pure K2 + TSLRCM. As each action is repeated 20-50 times for each test (multiply by 250 tests), the only thing I allow myself to do is to have ugraded Sith tremor sword from the beginning and super lightsaber later (made by myself at the workbench - without any mod). This problem on the characters alignment has always existed but seem to be different with TSLRCM. The 164 saves of the 164 steps will be uploaded and will match exactly the sample solution that I propose so they are clean. TTLan
  9. Hi all, J'ai d?j? ?voqu? ce probl?me qui existe avant et apr?s TSLRCM (valilla bug) mais qui semble avoir empir? depuis TSLRCM. I already mentioned this problem that exists before and after TSLRCM (vanilla bug) but seems to have worsened since TSLRCM. Ce probl?me se produit ? travers tout le jeu. This problem occurs through the whole game. Voici un exemple. Here is an example. Base souterraine de la Czerka Underground base of Czerka Sauver le dernier membre de l'?quipe de sauvetage de la Czerka Save the last member of the Czerka Salvage Crew Suivi de l'alignement de*Bao-Dur avec*KSE Tracking Bao-Dur alignment using KSE Exil?(e) : Level 14 Str : 12 Dex : 10 Con : 17 Int : 14 Wis : 14 Cha : 14 GoodEvil : 89 Bao-Dur : Level 6 Str : 14 Dex : 10 Con : 14 Int : 15 Wis : 14 Cha : 10 GoodEvil : 60 On contr?le l'Exil?(e) (We control the Exile) Sauvegarde avant d'entrer dans la base souterraine de la*Czerka (Save before entering the underground base of Czerka) : 60 Sauvegarde juste apr?s ?tre entr? (Save just after entering) : 60 Conversation avec*Bao-Dur et sauvegarde (Conversation with Bao-Dur and save) : 60 Ouverture du premier champs de force et sauvegarde (Opening the first force fields and save) : 60 Destruction des 3 premiers dro?des et sauvegarde (Destroying first 3 droids and save) : 60 Sauvegarde apr?s d?couverte de la navette (Save after discovery of the shuttle) : 60 Sauvegarde ? la d?couverte du gugusse, avant de lui parler (Save when discovering the Czerka Salvage Crew, before talking to him) : 60 Sauvegarde apr?s lui avoir dit "Suivez-moi..." (Save after saying "Follow me ...") : 60 Sauvegarde juste avant la pi?ce vers la sortie de la base (Save just before the room to the exit of the base) : 60 Sauvegarde apr?s avoir gagn? deux points du c?t? lumineux (Save after two Light Side Points Gained) : Exile : 91; Bao-Dur : 92 !!! Sortie vers la zone de restauration car certaines valeurs semblent ?tre recalcul?es au changement de carte et non pas en temps r?el. Exit to restauration zone because some values seem to be recalculated on map change, not in real time Exile : 91; Bao-Dur : 60 !!! Retour dans la base souterraine (Return to Underground Base) : Exile : 91; Bao-Dur : 60 !!! Quelque chose ne va pas (Something is going wrong). Bao-Dur devrait terminer ? 61 ou 62 Bao-Dur should finish at 61 or 62 Il est entr? dans le jeu ? 50 et a bondi ? 60 imm?diatement, sans que l'Exil? n'ai eu une action particuli?re donc il ne s'agit pas d'une question d'influence. He entered the game at 50 and jumped immediately to 60, before the Exile have had a particular action so it is not an influence question. TTLan Guide complet de lecture et d'interpr?tation de Kotor 2 dans l'Univers Etendu. Complete Guide to reading and interpretation of Kotor 2 in the Expanded Universe. Je n'ai rien compris ? Kotor 2 - I did not understand anything in Kotor 2
  10. Hi, Look! This is the new image for the launcher. If you have this, TSLRCM V1.6 is well installed (the image of the previous launcher, under TSLRCM V1.5, was different). TTLan
  11. Thanks Hassat Hunter Shame on me, I did not notice that. Patch 1.0a is for International Language version updates only ! UK is not US - This make a subtle difference, sometimes hard to notice from here (France). TTLan
  12. Hi all, Translation in progress: French translation of "TSLRCM - What is restored?" TSLRCM - The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod - Restoration mod - Qu'est-ce qui est restaur? / Corrig? ? Includes a list of bugs fixed. Merges 1.5 and 1.6 Each event is linked to its extended explanation (or screen shots...) in the pages of the solution. TTLan
  13. Hi all, As it is advisable to start a new game from the very beginning (since the creation of the character), including TSLRCM 1.6a although it has already be done for the TSLRCM 1.5, I suggest you completely uninstall Kotor 2 with the tool from Obsidian: Uninstall Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Then, completely delete the old directory, including the save files. Do not save the Saves! Now, use a tool like CCleaner, from Piriform, to completely wipe the registry. Look at CCleaner - Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download Do not download it from any other place! Alternative Use JV16 Registry Cleaner, Optimize Windows with our System Utilities | Macecraft Software or its previous avatar, the well-known and free RegCleaner (but no more available - pick it only here : ) Now install Kotor 2 As with all software installed on a Windows machine, I suggest placing it in a directory completely different from the system directories (and therefore never use the default directory). Now install Patch 1.0a from Obsidian Only needed if you have an International Language version of Kotor 2 (only for non US versions - UK versions are non US) Must be installed before updating to the version 1.0b below Now install Patch 1.0b from Obsidian Now remove all the write protections of all the files in the new Kotor 2 directory and all sub-directories. My French how-to under Windows XP Kotor 2 - TSL - The Sith Lords - Installation d'une version anglaise avec francisation et MOD TSLRCM Copy TSLRCM anywhere on your machine The actual level is 1.6a Download from TSLRCM1.6a.exe - - online file sharing and storage - download or Now install TSLRCM - Launch the installer and select your destination location (browse to your Kotor 2 root directory). Enjoy TTLan
  14. Hi Zbyl2; Hi all, I have write (PM) to MrPhil because I do not know him and I do not know what he did or is doing. Yes, my job on dialog.tlk begins with your ask and only this file is concerned. V1.04 has been uploaded and is avalaible with the file "What is changed/corrected". T?l?chargements @+ TTLan
  15. Hello all Update of the French dialog.tlk file for KotoR 2 - TSL Conversion of dialogs restored in TSLRCM that where left in English in the original dialog.tlk file, corrections of a lot of typo's and VO mismatches. Historic : V1.01 - 2010.07.08 Asked by Zbyl2 : Kaevee dialog conversion 38 corrections V1.02 - 2010.07.26 73 new corrections V1.03 - 2010.08.09 36 new corrections The original French dialog.tlk convert 'Sonic Imprint Sensor'' in not less than 9 different translations! # "Capteur d'empreinte sonique" # "Capteur" # "Capteur sonique" # "R�cepteur d'empreinte sonique" # "Capteur d'empreinte sonore" # "Capteur d'empreintes sonores" # "D�tecteur sonique" # "R�cepteur sonique" # "Radar sonique" V1.04 - 2010.08.17 63 new corrections V 1.05 in progress Download (also, on that page, What is changed/corrected in dialog.tlk, original US dialog.tlk, original FR dialog.tlk, the latest TLSRCM, Obsidian patch 1.0a and 1.01b, Dialog Converter...) T�l�chargements TTLan
  16. Hello all This dialogue seems to follow a masters massacre by the Exile if the Council takes place or intervene directly if the Council can not stand when all masters are already dead. Could it be that it is triggered by a neutral alignment of the Exile? Thanks TTLan
  17. Hi Zbyl2 et DarthStoney In 650DAN_dlg.erfkrealone.dlg there is an option dialog that I do not remember having met. Kreia and the Exile calmly discuss It begins with the StrRef 122005 - Entry 8 Under what circumstances do we have this dialogue rather than the one where Kreia attack the Exile and knocks him to inculcate his last lesson? I do not see a conditional test here. Thanks TTLan