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File Reviews posted by mko

  1. There is a fatal bug...where the dark jedi don't appear you can only see his life bar...i wonder what is...must be a compatibility problem with some other mod...i'm using the jedi captives and starforge mods...wonder if is that...i will try to see "fix" that and if i be able to fix and find what is i change my review to 5...but annoy's me that it happen on middle playgame(Manaan the dark jedi master of the selkas)...i need mod everything again to discover...this mod is a bit problematic also with the sith students robes mod

  2. Cool...i only wish that i could produce infinite armband to customize the companions saber styles as i pleased,for exemple i can have only 1 character to fight makashi etc would be cool to have 2 character with sabe armbands etc.