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File Comments posted by Timbo

  1. On 6/11/2024 at 12:33 AM, Drew said:

    Liking the changes and running the mod now.  Any chance of just nerfing knight and master speed?  Give knight speed an attack bonus, and give master speed an extra attack?  I know this is hard to do, but it looks like a few modders have done similar -- at least for TSL.

    I just wanted to let you know that v1.3.0 now includes optional patches that restore the cut powers. There's one that includes just Knight Speed as well in case you are still interested in some semblance of balance.

  2. 19 hours ago, Drew said:

    There's at least one modder that apparently figured it out.  I'm using both mods together and just tweaked the 2da to re-enable the (now significantly nerfed) energy resistance and speed powers back.  Not sure how Elm did it, but I can verify it works as described.  Here's the  mod.

    So Energy Resistance still stacks with Energy Shields which stack together to create crazy levels of damage reduction. The 5 point version might be okay though.

    Knight and Master Speed still add the defense bonus which makes Aura/Shield/Armor pretty much useless.

    I wouldn't use the mod as it stands for those reason but I'll reach out to Elm and see if he can show me how to mod these powers. Either way though, I won't use someone else's work without their express permission.

  3. On 6/11/2024 at 12:33 AM, Drew said:

    Liking the changes and running the mod now.  Any chance of just nerfing knight and master speed?  Give knight speed an attack bonus, and give master speed an extra attack?  I know this is hard to do, but it looks like a few modders have done similar -- at least for TSL.

    So, regarding powers, I don't know how to change the effects of them.

    So, what I could do is eliminate Master Speed. And rename Knight Speed to Master Speed, allowing for a single extra attack and a +4 ac bonus. I spent a lot of time pondering whether or not to do just this.

    Ultimately, I decided that not only was the extra attack overpowered but the +4 AC bonus makes Force Aura/Shield/Amor redundant. So by cutting Knight and Master Speed I eliminate the easy Lightsaber go brrrrrrr strategy and make the Aura line actually useful. This is good since I gave all classes, and this goes for enemies too, full base attack bonus and all ranged weapons increased damage.