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Everything posted by redrob41

  1. I was able to Upload New Version, so now there is less text in the description. Thanks. Unfortunately, it also now has a 'Changelog' link for the history of the previous version, even though the file itself did not change. The photos didn't upload in the order that I selected them. For example, my Echani mod, I selected the pics in order, starting with the pic I wanted to be first in line; -the pic I selected first became record=399 -2nd pic became 400 -3rd became 401 -4th became 404 -5th became 403 -6th became 402 -7th became 397 -8th became 398 -9th became 396 (and is the main large pic, when it should have been the first pic I attached).
  2. When I submit a file, and where I can attach images, it doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason as to how those images are ordered. Sometimes a new image gets put before the previous one, and sometimes the new one gets put after the previous one. Plus, it changes halfway through. This is making it hard when I want the images (say nine of 'em) to be viewed in a specific order. The other thing, is I clicked on the thumbnail of the image that I wanted to be used as the main image, but it still used the one that is first in the list (even though that was actually the last one I attached). Is there any way to edit the order of the images (and also the text description) after the thread has been posted?
  3. 2,625 downloads

    This mod will add 3 playable male & 3 playable female Echani. It will also change the Echani Mercenaries on Manaan so that they look like Echani, instead of humans (wearing Echani Light Armor). Echani have silver hair, silver eyes, and children of the same parents all have the same face (like twins and triplets, only they are born at different times). The models that I used were comm_a_m, comm_w_m2, & N_BrejikH as well as n_tatcoma_f, n_tatcomw_f, & pfha01. Unfortunately, the 3 males and second female have a small flaw. If you equip goggle or a mask on them, it will not show up on the in-game model, but the stats will still apply to the character. Some players may prefer this, since most masks and goggles are klunky and unattractive.
  4. 1,824 downloads

    This mod will add 2 male & 2 female playable characters. The characters are lizardlike in appearance, and I was inspired by the green skinned PC included in the Holowan Plug-in2 (I think that skin was done by Colja). The race of these PCs is listed as Lizard in the appearance.2da file. I tried to model them after a Star Wars universe race, but I couldn't find one that suited my personal tastes. According to Wookieepedia, there are 5 different mutated sub-species of Nikto. Unfortunately there are already Green Nikto in Kotor (Swoop Gang members), and I wouldn't be able to duplicate their look. Another reptilian species is the Koorivar. They have a large cranial horn that looks great for a senator with fancy robes, but didn't work for a soldier in Kotor (possible clipping issues with headgear). A close possibility was the Falleen, but they have hair, large spinal ridges, and tiny scales. I wanted bald with large scales, and I didn't think that I could model the ridges. In the end I just went with what I thought looked good. My PCs are patterned after green geckos and desert tan horned lizards, and I have modified PMHC01, PMHA03, PFHB05 & PFHC05. The head models have all been changed to have rounded ears close to the head, with some additional ridges and spikes to the eyebrows and skull. The scales pattern is a re-used Krayt dragon skin, and the hardest part was to make all the scales blend and match at the seams in the model, especially around the ears. They also have underwear skins for all three classes, complete with wet looking scales.
  5. hi there Doctor, I tried uploading a .7z file, and I was again turned away. I checked the allowed file types, and it says 7zip is ok, but I'm wondering if the exact extension (.7z) has to be set for allow. What do you think?


  6. since I don't see an edit button, I'll add this in as a new post: The TSLPatcher will add a line to the appearance.2da, install a new .uti file, modify Bendak's .utc file, and copy the emblem armour to the override directory. To use the Campaign Guide varient, FIRST run the patcher, THEN copy the varient skin and icon .tga files to the Override directory (and over write the existing files).
  7. 10,496 downloads

    This mod will change the appearance of the armour for Bendak Starkiller. It will now be a unique yellow with custom emblems. The theme of the logos is that of an exploding star (hence the ring name "Starkiller"). His armour is in excellent condition (no battle damage), due to his earnings and the life of ease of a retired celebrity. The player will also have the option of obtaining the armour from Ajuur the Hutt, through dialog after the death match. The golden armour is based on a collaboration of work between myself and LordRevan999 (at LucasForums). I drew all the logos, and sent them to LR999 to add to his golden armour, but since then, his mod has gone unfinished. I have tried to re-create the colour scheme he came up with, even though I've never actually had a copy of his texture file. As a result, everything in this package is my own work, but heavily inspired by our collaboration. Since the overall look of the armour is so well done, I think that this should be shared with the Kotor modding community. I have held off releasing this mod for several years, in hopes that LordRevan999 would one day finish his mod. Since that doesn't look like it will happen, please enjoy this version, with thanks to LR999 for the inspiration. As a bonus, I've included a skin and icon that are based on the image of Bendak shown in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide.
  8. thanks guys, I'll start uploading more of my mods soon
  9. so, I decided to try out the file hosting here with you guys, and I successfully uploaded a zip file for one of my mods. Then, I tried to upload a second mod, but it was a .7z file, so it failed. Is there any particular reason why 7zip isn't allowed? I've always thought that the 7zip program is the best since it can open zip and rar as well, and it compresses files into smaller packages. Most of my mods are saved in 7zip, am I going to be allowed to upload them to this site in the future, or am I going to be forced to re-save them in one of the other formats? It's easy enough to do, but I doubt that I'm the only modder that uses 7z, since it allows for smaller downloads (especially of the huge mods). Thanks
  10. redrob41

    New Underwear


    [This is an older mod (one of my first), which I am uploading to try out hosting here on Deadly Streams. It is identical to the one available from FileFront.] This mod will add new underwear skins for Bastila. It includes LS, and DS, as well as slave underwear. It also will change her envmap in the appearance.2da file so that her metal bra will shine like CM_BareMetal. Her LS underwear is now white lace with slippers, and is still just as concealing as her default tan colored utilitarian bikini. Her DS underwear is now a little more sultry, to better reflect her personality after being converted to the DS. The slave outfit is a little raggedy so it looks like it came from the Taris Undercity. I have also included new underwear for DS PC, because the existing underwear just weren't dark enough. The male scoundrel PC DS needed to be replaced altogether because it was actually the skin for a Sith Officer that was included (at least with my cd). I deceided that the female PCs just didn't look evil enough in Sith issued longjohns, so I updated them with fishnets, and laced up boots and gloves. The Sith logos are also a little more subtle. I also added a two piece underwear for the female scoundrels. I had seen that Red Hawk had already created some, but I wanted to make sure that the waistband was included. Overall, I wanted to keep things tasteful, yet more interesting than what came with the game. I realize that players don't usually run around in their underwear, but these outfits add a little flavor in my opinion.