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About Pablopz

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate

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    en una caja
  • Interests
    la pizza,

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  1. Hi! After a long time, I was able to make the mod work together with the texture, I had to format my computer and download the game again and with that now it works, and the truth is that I love it, seriously thank you very much for this great work, I really appreciate it very much, and I'm sorry for the problems I caused in the past, it will not happen again
  2. I don't know what is wrong, I don't know if it's my computer, but the texture is still blank...
  3. strange, I did it, but the texture is still blank,
  4. I think the modification goes halfway well, the only problem is that it seems that the texture is not visible in the model,
  5. the truth is I'm a bit disappointed, apparently I never received an answer, I guess I'll have to stay with the desire, I'm sorry for the inconvenience with my request :c
  6. hola que tal! MMMMmh!...if there is a good citizen on the side of light, I need help, This is something that has me stressed for several days, since I try to change the default garment of the male character of kotor 2, the normal clothes that the character wears for the atton jacket, but I can't find any mod that does that, and I'm not good at editing 3d models, nor looking for files, that kind of thing drives me crazy, and it tires me psychologically The only thing I can do is edit the textures with my "artistic" skills, but I don't change the model of the protagonist's normal clothes for Atton's clothes, and I go crazy! please help me before i turn...into...nutless chocolate well i hope for an answer soon Blessings!! Y... personally I would like the head of PMHC05 with atton's clothes here I have some icons of how I thought my character would be in kotor ll (they are obviously edited) new update of my request, here I have a skin that I made for the clothes that my character will wear, it is not much but it is what I managed to do,