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Posts posted by Saul_R97

  1. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    This response leads me to believe that you haven't even looked at the mod which is linked. Whilst the mod linked isn't compatible with TSLRCM, the mod is "lore friendly" in the fact that you do a sidequest for a Weequay mechanic and as a reward he gives Kreia a cybernetic hand... I don't see how that isn't "lore friendly" and "getting it out of nowhere" when you have specifically asked for the same mod but with Bao-Dur.


    So you want a Kreia to have a cybernetic hand which looks like this:

      Reveal hidden contents

    mechno arm.jpg


    Keep this in mind, you are requesting this mod... that means you want somebody else to make the mod for you. 


    Linking that cybo-arm is pretty much useless due to the fact that any modder who takes up this requests will have to, not only model a cybo-arm (often from scratch) for Kreia, but they also need to attach said cybo-arm to Kreia's model which looks like this:


    Any modder's who make this mod would discard your concept for a cybo-arm as it probably won't physically fit with Kreia's robes.


    And before you say "But Kreia's mechanical hand doesn't add a mechanic hand... it looks just like her old hand" to which I say...



    "Have you not watched Empire Strikes Back?"

    what? the person I responded to about the mechno arm being lore friendly wasn't the person who linked the mod.

  2. 6 hours ago, DarthTyren said:

    If your argument is that it would be lore-friendly... no. It's not. Kreia HATES machines. She would see handicaps as a challenge to overcome, and just like with losing her sight as well as losing her connection to the Force, she accepts the challenge with dignity.

    Note I'm not bashing anyone who wants to see this be made, but please don't use nonsense as your reasoning for a request.

    I meant lore friendly version of her getting a hand as opposed it appearing out of nowhere

  3. 3 hours ago, Effix said:

    If you have your registry entries in order then you shouldn't have to mess with the Path Manager.
    I don't even have a settings.xml, so not sure what that error is about, maybe a temporary file it creates.

    Did you check the Steam guide I linked you?
    Not an expert on .NET framework versions, but usually it will not launch a piece of software at all if it's not adequate and give you a notice about it.

    Yes. I thought that was only for kotor 2 but I'll try again. this is what my text file in note pad looks like, is it right? and what do i save it as?


    2 hours ago, Nirran said:

    add this to whatever.reg


    	Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Path"="E:\\Game Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Knights of the Old Republic II"

    change path= to ur system path to kotor2,save it anywhere then right click it,will prolly prompt a warning,click yes

    exactly the same for kotor 1 besides game path?

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    like this? then what do I save it as in notepad

  4. 13 hours ago, Thor110 said:

    This won't be possible due to the way everything works, at least without fully reverse engineering and recompiling the game it wouldn't be possible as far as I can tell from a quick glance at it all.

    For a moment I thought it would be possible via bindablekeys.2da but I don't think it is actually possible. Sorry

    It's cool. thanks for the for the effort and feedback. I tried doing it myself by double binding keys on the razer program but for some reason it won't let you do that on the key mapping.

  5. Not looking for a overhaul or anything, just something that removes the out of place exclamation points, and leaves the ones that make sense. I'm aware there's a mod available but it's not fully compatible or intended for use with kotor 1 restoration, which I use. Any feedback is appreciated!

  6. Anyone know what causes a runtime error on the steam version of kotor 2, it seems like when download a certain number of mods or a certain patcher mods I run into this error and I tried all the usual fixes found here 

    PC Specs:

    Processor    AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz
    Installed RAM    32.0 GB
    System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    Windows 11 Home


    22 hours ago, Sith Holocron said:

    @Saul_R97, are you using the latest version of TSLRCM (i.e. version 1.8.6)?


    Here's my take on it.

    Yes and logo looks great thanks

    On 12/12/2021 at 11:54 AM, Effix said:

    I tried to make it a bit larger, I hope it's a slight improvement. The original is 512x512 and my remake below is 800x800.
    I can't really tell myself because I use the Steam version and there the logo isn't shown that large, it isn't scaled up making things blurry.

    kotor2logo.tga 2.44 MB · 1 download

    I'm ok with the logo being smaller i should've mentioned that in the og post thanks for taking the request!, I'm also using the steam version the tslrcm changes the logo 1.8.6

  8. Anyone know how to fix or can fix (A better Mira) mod by corpsecotillion I really like the mod. but unfortunately it has some bugs. Following these instructions fixes the head mesh issue

    "The head model expects a file mirahe.tga, make a copy of p_mirah.tga and rename it to mirahe.tga.I believe the name for the body texture is also incorrect, P_MiraA01.tga should be P_MiraA.tga"

    But even with the headmesh fix the teeth of the model clip through when Mira is talking and it's weird and buggy.

    Alternative request: Change Mira's default hair to the one in the mod