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About SeductivePotato

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    Installer doesn't work, not sure if it's my version of Kotor 2 or something. I've only installed TSLRCM and M478. I had to take away the k1_ prefixes and put a 0 before the numbers for portraits. Kotor 1 portrait files don't have 01 or 02, just 1, 2 etc. After doing that it worked. Besides that minute or two of editing it's amazing, thank you. If you'll like/let me I can reconstruct this mod with those edits and seperate the heads themselves, so if players want to (I did) only install specific heads.
  1. Installer doesn't work, not sure if it's my version of Kotor 2 or something. I've only installed TSLRCM and M478. I had to take away the k1_ prefixes and put a 0 before the numbers for portraits. Kotor 1 portrait files don't have 01 or 02, just 1, 2 etc. After doing that it worked. Besides that minute or two of editing it's amazing, thank you.