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Everything posted by spicelord21

  1. Sorry for late comment, Its very complex to be honest i used multiple things to achieve it and just got lucky no tools except for Hex Editor, and i guess flawless widescreen. Flawless was just to get the hud angled in the center monitor.
  2. View File 5760x1080 Triple Monitor HUD Fix Kotor 1 About This File: Also Noticed I Placed this Within the Sith Lords Mod Section, Looking to Hop it over to Kotor 1 or Delete this one and make a new one. This mod i take no credit whatsoever even though i spent a decent amount of hours editing the files, But once again these were not my files to begin with so credit as been given were it is needed. I am new to the KOTOR Seen and i usually only play my games on three monitors specifically 3 monitors for immersion. This hud fix is decent and makes the game playable in my eyes at 5760x1080 as other huds make my eyes burn and bleed. If i figure out more ways for a better experience 5760x1080 wise trust i will release or tell people about a better version. Used DarthParametric mod desc layout, Hopefully he does not mind. If he does i will spoof it up a bit. Compatibility: With every mod except other resolution HUD overrides. Works with UNIWS and FLAWLESS WIDESCREEN. Install: Place all files within into your overrides folders within Kotor 1. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @DarthParametric for widescreen hud mod, it helps with the edits i did to ndix resolution fixes, how? because it fits it into the screen as before it was the res but was cut on the borders. Hes Mod here> Thanks to @ndix UR for files needed to change games resolution. Hes Mod here> Submitter spicelord21 Submitted 12/21/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Tryna run Kotor 1 in compatability under anything that’s win 7, on my win 10 machine but I receive a blue screen until alt+f4 any ideas?
  4. Also Noticed I Placed this Within the Sith Lords Mod Section, Looking to Hop it over to Kotor 1 or Delete this one and make a new one.
  5. Version Recent


    About This File: Also Noticed I Placed this Within the Sith Lords Mod Section, Looking to Hop it over to Kotor 1 or Delete this one and make a new one. This mod i take no credit whatsoever even though i spent a decent amount of hours editing the files, But once again these were not my files to begin with so credit as been given were it is needed. I am new to the KOTOR Seen and i usually only play my games on three monitors specifically 3 monitors for immersion. This hud fix is decent and makes the game playable in my eyes at 5760x1080 as other huds make my eyes burn and bleed. If i figure out more ways for a better experience 5760x1080 wise trust i will release or tell people about a better version. Used DarthParametric mod desc layout, Hopefully he does not mind. If he does i will spoof it up a bit. Compatibility: With every mod except other resolution HUD overrides. Works with UNIWS and FLAWLESS WIDESCREEN. Install: Place all files within into your overrides folders within Kotor 1. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @DarthParametric for widescreen hud mod, it helps with the edits i did to ndix resolution fixes, how? because it fits it into the screen as before it was the res but was cut on the borders. Hes Mod here> Thanks to @ndix UR for files needed to change games resolution. Hes Mod here>
  6. This is very important for us Triple Monitor 1080p Players so enjoy
  7. Ok so download Hud 1 and Hud 2 For anyone tryna do the 5760x1080 hud must be windowed borderless of course, and extract both into override, Should work using UNIWS and Ndix Subtitle Fixer. Remember its not the best but its pretty decent and completely playable. I give credit to ndix etc for the ppl to made the things i just edited them 5760x1080 Fixed HUD 2.rar
  8. Just created a fix for my 5760x1080 uploading it now, Its Okish completely playable used UWI because Flawless was not injecting correctly, And Ndix Subtitle Resolution fixer, Added with my Override Values within this winrar fixes everything where its centered. 5760x1080 Fixed HUD 1.rar
  9. The program might help me, if you have it available. But im currently working on a 5760x1080 Hud and it seems to be going well. 12/20/18 -- Updated with Fix Read at bottom. Hud Fix.
  10. I just found out how to make it 5760x1080 it was actually easier then i thought should take me about 20min can i upload it here for other triple monitor users?
  11. Currently, There is nothing. Thats why i am asking what can be done to fix this, Obviously it can be done considering ndix as done it before, But im guessing you have no idea which is completely fine ill just look for someone who knows how or can place me in the correct direction to solve this situation at hand.
  12. Got the resolution of the game working in 5760x1080, Just need a Hud Fix in override folder for 5760x1080 (Like edited Variables) if you can set me in the right place of getting that solved it would help 😜 Something like that but just in my resolution 🤔
  13. The Title, Any Ideas? I tried HEX Edit but im a bit slow in the brain and need support.