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File Comments posted by VanityFiend

  1. PMHA04 HD

       1,718    2

    Hmm, not the one I was looking forward to, but this definitely is a good improvement on the original. Hope to see more from you soon, Hope. Namely, the light hair asian head and mullet man.

  2. HD PFHA05

       2,484    2

    You do good work, Hope. I hope the rest of the heads are soon to follow. 👍

    My only gripe with these heads is that the final dark side transition doesn't look severe enough (or even really noticeable apart from the eyes). Maybe some extra pallor, more prominent veins, etc. for future heads? 

  3. Revan's Head

       14,023    39

    So no one is even gonna bother fixing the ridiculous pallor of this head for the light side? A real shame, considering this is the best looking canon head around...